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It’s The Apocalypse, Stupid: Understanding Christian Opposition to Obamacare, Civil Rights, New Deal and More

…930s, for example, most of these fundamentalists were very critical of the New Deal. For Americans who were actively looking for signs of the coming Antichrist in the context of the 1930s, in the context of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, Roosevelt had all the markings of someone setting the stage for the end times. He was concolidating power. Government was growing. I found a letter from one of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s operatives. He had gone out to…

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The Invention of a Corporate Christian America

…were on the defensive. The public blamed them for the Great Crash and the New Deal had constructed a new regulatory state and empowered labor unions, two developments that corporate America readily resented. Business leaders quickly resolved to win back the public and devoted millions of dollars to a massive campaign of public relations, redirecting traditional business lobbies like the National Association of Manufacturers to the cause and creat…

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Synod ‘Fight for Soul’ of Catholic Church, Flap On English Translation of Key Report; Anti-Gay Law Advances in Kyrgyzstan; Global LGBT Recap

…y more conciliatory tone towards those in “irregular” familial setups. The New York Times’ Elisabetta Povoledo and Laurie Goodstein similarly called it “the first signal that the institutional church may follow the direction Francis has set in the first 18 months of his papacy, away from condemnation of unconventional family situations and toward understanding, openness and mercy.” The conservative backlash was immediate and intense, if sometimes…

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Welcome to the Gayborhood: Jason Brown on This New Era

…from the show’s guests that reveal how their worldview has changed in this new era. In 2013, Jason Brown was a queer student at Biola University, a conservative evangelical college that prohibits “homosexual behavior.” For a time, he co-led an anonymous LGBTQ club called the Biola Queer Underground (now Biolans’ Equal Ground). Back then, Deborah interviewed him for her book Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women and Queer Christians Reclaimed…

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There are Nonproductive Ways of Listening to Each Other: Deborah Jian Lee on the New Era

…at is one of the biggest transformations that has occurred for you in this new era? A common refrain I keep hearing in this new era is that we need to listen to each other, that we need to hear out “the other side.” As someone who straddles multiple cultures and worlds, it’s something I’ve done for a long while, and I’ve learned, especially in times like these, that there are both productive and non-productive ways of doing this. A few months afte…

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End-of-Life Lessons from The Walking Dead

…t list states where aid in dying legislation has recently been introduced (New Mexico, Connecticut, Vermont, New Jersey, and Hawaii) and states where it is already legal (Oregon since 1994 and Washington since 2008) and you’re likely to conclude that dead isn’t what it used to be. And you’d be right. Dead used to mean three things: you weren’t breathing, your heart wasn’t beating, and your brain wasn’t working. But in the 1970s, respirators and de…

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Ron Paul’s New Place in the GOP

…overbial “voice in the wilderness,” Ron Paul’s world is about to change. A new Rasmussen poll finds that 74% of Americans strongly favor a plan to audit the Federal Reserve, something Paul has advocated for years. He plans to push such a plan as the new chair of the House Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee that oversees the Fed and its monetary policy. Reportedly Republican leaders had planned to put someone else in that position but appointed…

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“1913: Seeds of Conflict”: New Doc Explores Little-Known History of Palestine

…to take root in Palestine. But that same social context also gave rise to new Arab newspapers such as El Carmel and El Palestine, around which coalesced a collective Palestinian identity. These papers openly challenged the Zionist project (not the “Jews”) and warned the Arabic-reading public of an ensuing confrontation. As Rashid Khalidi argues in his book Palestinian Identity (2009) Loeterman suggest that Zionist and Palestinian identity emerge…

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I Don’t Think ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Means What You Think it Means: A Counterargument

…h any kind of life in your soul requires hearing the cries for relief in a new and different way. Then too, these movements—for gun control, or for racial or sexual justice—speak in a fundamentally new way. Ordinary people are standing up and speaking for themselves, not relying on surrogates or political parties to work on their behalf. The Parkland kids have been called pawns in an attack on Second Amendment rights, but they’re not liberals. The…

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New for Democrats: Non-Personhood for the Non-Rich

…actors in check, protecting the sick and the elderly, giving kids a shot a better life via good public schools. Now I think we have a new situation in which Obama and most senior Democrats can’t seriously pretend to align themselves with the tradition of Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson. They will deserve to be laughed off the stage if they try. But that doesn’t mean they won’t attempt it one more time. A couple of weeks ago, George Packer…

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