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Almost-Blockbuster Netflix Series ‘The Family’ Exposes a Christian Network Whose God Is Power

…anyone shows up. For space reasons I won’t go into The Family’s multiple abuses of the religious tax exemption. Many RD readers will be familiar with the story of their notorious townhouse on C Street in Washington, which for many years got away with being a tax-exempt “church” even though it actually functioned as a private club for powerful members of Congress who paid a nominal rent to live there. But this abuse pales compared to the major crim…

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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t: The Problem of the Rape Exception

…ncluding emergency contraception, and including contraception that their abusers can’t sabotage in order to perpetuate the abuse? And that you naturally want to make it safer, easier, and less expensive for all families to keep children healthy and in good schools? And you’d probably also, for good measure, want to look like you care a lot about what John McCain found it so easy to put in snide air quotes: “the health of the mother”? And that mayb…

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Report From Paris: Who Is Naomi Klein, Religiously?

…e” and “story” marks one theologically. The Vatican has figured out how to use her. I wonder if she has figured out how to use them/us. Her visit to the Vatican, at the invitation of Cardinal Turkson of Ghana, perhaps the next Pope, was a welcome surprise to her. Klein approaches the climate crisis morally; the Pope approaches them sacramentally. The two foundations need each other, or so I learned in seminary. Klein listens well to what happened…

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The Immorality of Immortality

…boredom? I wonder. Needless to say, to the extent that longevity research promotes ways to alleviate the suffering caused by debilitating diseases such as Altzheimer and Parkinson, they are all very beneficial. However, I also believe that all programs about extension of human life cannot be divorced from the deeper reflection about the purpose of human life. Such reflection seems to be missing from the transhumanist literature. One could object…

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A King for Jesus: What the Religious Right Sees in Trump

…of trade are political. American manufacturing workers lost their jobs because of our political submissiveness, not because of the product cycle. China and Mexico have taken us to the cleaners. Trump is no market liberal: The free market is anything but. So he would naturally use the state’s power to countermand the property rights of corporations who export their jobs and plants abroad. He attributes his own market failures to his lack of power….

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In Which I Explain why Marathon Runners are Depraved and Should Just Have their Knees Fall Off Before I Give them One
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…aging its effectiveness, is a technique that abusive partners are known to use in order to perpetuate the abuse, that makes good sense.) Of course, this mixed bag of news only hints at the central question, which is: What about those of us who have all the right ideas about how other people should use their bodies? Should we allow huge numbers of other people to do improper things with their bodies, especially when we might end up indirectly payin…

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How the Catholic Church Broke the Health Insurance it Advocated For

…nsurance is per se redistributive. You’re taking money from people whose houses don’t burn down to give it to the people whose houses do burn down. There’s more than a little irony in this given how proud the Catholic Church is of its role advocating for universal health insurance coverage since the early twentieth century. The Catholic Church helped educate the country about the need for shared social benefit programs, then helped tear down the v…

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As Transition Looms, Jewish Studies is Mired in Controversy

…rnative methods are deployed? Not clear. And that’s a problem. This is because the words we use, the way we view our subject, here “the Jew,” the focus on bodies, and on survival in the sense of making more bodies, has a price, and that price is that one must inadvertently racialize the Jew. But those scholars are not yet willing, it seems, to recognize the methods used to explore that racialization, in part because today the regnant view is that…

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On Religion, Abortion, and Politics: Dr. George Tiller’s Christian Ethics

…ord salvation. Luther became a fierce critic of the Catholic hierarchy because it placed itself between the believer and God, and used its power over people for its own ends. To increase its own institutional power, the Catholic Church terrified the internal consciences of the people—it can be argued that the Church is doing the same thing today in its false teachings about abortion. Vocation in the Secular World It is difficult to overestimate th…

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Christian Nationalists and the Holy Gun Crusade

…sed: The line used is Proverbs 22:6, and this phenomenon, the use of Biblical passages to sell firearms with an explicitly Christian context, is widespread in the United States. And this shouldn’t be surprising—as Brad Stoddard writes here on RD, “AR-15s are also increasingly the firearm of choice for Christian gun owners who arm themselves—in their minds, at least—in defense against bot…

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