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Roy “10 Commandments” Moore Doesn’t Want to Reform the Senate, He Has a Higher Calling

…cal world-view. And that’s what we should expect to see when Moore goes to Washington, Clarkson argues. It’s also worth noting that, as a Senator, Moore will not be bound by the same level of ethical scrutiny that ultimately prompted his removal from Alabama’s Supreme Court—twice. While there is a clear hierarchy and code of judicial ethics for state and federal judges, no such restrictions are placed on Senators. It’s exceedingly rare (though not…

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Country Trumpkins

…ghest area in the Wisconsin primary. But West Bend, which sits in northern Washington County, is just on the cusp of the rural, northern areas of the state where he did best, neither really in or outside the metro area (many residents commute to the Milwaukee suburbs, if not downtown). It’s extremely conservative terrain: a few years ago, a coalition of local citizens sued the county library for the right to burn its books on witchcraft. The loath…

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Rubio’s Failure Reveals Dearth of Moderates in GOP

…y of a man who came to Washington as a member of the Tea Party: Send me to Washington so I can dismantle Washington, then punish me when I actually try to do something. Of course, as his final humiliation at the hands of Florida voters shows, it’s hard to build a relationship with your constituents when you run on the pretense of going to Washington and not doing anything for them. Of course, Ted Cruz is an even a bigger advocate of tearing the go…

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When Religious Freedom Means Freedom for Religious Violence

…l be torn down.” Incidentally, according to Green, God also “mentioned the Washington monument, and then all the arches of Baal.” Noting that the Washington monument is modeled on ancient Egyptian obelisks, Green adds, “It’s not like they make anything new, they just take it from something before.” That’s why God said, “these are like the Pharaohs of old, it’s the same demonic thing that’s behind the leaders now as they were back there with Pharao…

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Bill to Stone Gays to Death Introduced in Kenya

…their persecution. LGBT rights took a back seat at the summit, writes the Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers, but were not completely absent. President Obama referenced “respect for the universal human rights of all people” in his opening for the summit and used similar language in its closing press conference. Jessica Stern, executive director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, had called for a more robust promotion of…

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Putting the “Protest” Back in Protestant: Reclaiming the Spirit of Resistance

…n usury and other bank chicanery. Sojourners is but one of a proliferating number of “common ground” operations in which the independent and prophetic Protestant voice is completely muted. Others include outfits started by Democratic political consultants and operatives like Mara Vanderslice (and dice?) and the even more aptly named Burns Strider. Still others represent the religion-and-culture divisions of well-established Washington groups. Exam…

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Clashing human rights visions for LGBTs at United Nations; More Mixed Messages from the Vatican as Family Synod Begins; Timeline of Worsening Homophobia by Turkey’s AKP Party; Global LGBT Recap

…ountries. Honduras: LGBT advocates meet in country plagued by violence The Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers reported this week on the more than 100 people who attended an LGBT equality strategy session in Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Advocates from throughout Latin America attended the conference at the Hotel Plaza del Libertador in Tegucigalpa that Honduran LGBT rights advocates organized. They discussed ways to curb anti-LGBT violence and discriminat…

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Challenge to ‘un-Africanness’ of homosexuality; LGBT Catholics in Africa face church cooperation with persecution; lesbian cartoon project debuts in bangladesh under shadow of violence; Global LGBT Recap

…LGBT Catholics in the US and in Cuba, which he will visit before flying to Washington, D.C. An AFP report on the trip’s reparations says Francis “has taken advantage of a summer lull at the Vatican to fine-tune his hotly awaited speeches, sources at the Holy See say.” For his three-day visit to Cuba, beginning on September 19, Francis can expect a warm reception from the Castro regime following recognition of the key role he played in Havana’s rec…

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African Religious leaders complain about Obama advocacy for LGBT rights; Ultra-Orthodox Man Stabs Jerusalem Pride Parade Marchers, Again; Struggles over sexuality in Islam, Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican Churches; Global LGBT recap

…g of Families. A copy of the letter is posted at GLAAD’s website. From the Washington Blade: GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis and Dignity USA Executive Director Marianne Duddy-Burke signed the letter to the pontiff the Human Rights Campaign, the Latino GLBT History Project and other organizations endorsed. Francis DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry in Mt. Rainier, Md., is among those who also back the request. “Many LGBT people an…

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RDNews: Oct 20, 2008

…back former Promise Keepers executive and current PK board member Raleigh Washington to serve as president.” A few years after its founding, the Denver, Colorado-based Promise Keepers experienced an extraordinary growth spurt, drawing tens of thousands of men to rallies in football stadiums and sports arenas across the country. As attendance at its rallies grew—278,000 in 1994, 738,000 in 1995 and more than a million in 1996—so did its revenues….

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