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파워볼㈁(lv-2021,cⓞm 텔레RⓞRⓞRⓞ①①⑼ 코드AAAA〉❊동행복권추천◎동행복권추천 파워볼사이트추천✪바카라놀이터 파워볼사이트추천

What Irish Marriage Vote Means for Catholic Church; The Lonely Fight for Equality in Belize; Progress and Backlash in Tunisia; Global LGBT Recap

  The big news of the week was Irish voters’ overwhelming “yes” vote on a proposal to add marriage equality to the country’s constitution. The lopsided nature of the vote in heavily Catholic Ireland – and the fact that Church officials were opposed by every political party — has encouraged plenty of speculation about what the vote means for the Church in Ireland and its opposition to LGBT equality globally. Alex White, the Irish government’s mini…

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God, Guns, and the Confederate Flag

…e government. Moreover, citizens are religiously obligated to defend themselves with guns, be it from, say, an intruder, or, more broadly, the “tyrannical” federal government. Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, which considers the National Rifle Association too tame, advocated such a position to me in a 2010 interview. After Charleston, Pratt blamed Emanuel AME Church’s pastor, the murdered Clementa Pinckney, for the massacr…

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Mexican Bishops Exorcism Against Equality; African Bishops Oppose ‘Enemy of Human Race’; Israeli Islamic Leader Anti-Gay Op-Ed

…c, notes Bob Shine of New Ways Ministry, “but have insisted their case involves a civil matter, telling Marianas Variety, “We’re standing up for our right. . .It has nothing to do with the church or anything. It’s our right to marry the person we love, which is each other.” Africa: Catholic bishops meet to solidify ‘traditional’ views on family According to a report by Sandro Magister at Chiesa last Monday, five cardinals and 45 bishops from acros…

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The Sacred and the Dead: The Trouble with Sugar Magnolia

She’s got everything delightful, she’s got everything I need, A breeze in the pines and the sun and bright moonlight, lazing in the sunshine yes indeed. ~ “Sugar Magnolia” My childhood home was equidistant between two of the Grateful Dead’s regular Bay Area venues: Berkeley’s Greek Theater and Oakland’s Kaiser Convention Center. When the Deadheads came to Berkeley, they camped in the parking lot behind my high school, and when they came to Oaklan…

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Why Tony Campolo’s LGBTQ Reversal is Evangelicalism’s Tipping Point

…lo, who for years was a sociology professor at Eastern University in Pennsylvania while traveling the world teaching and preaching, is the evangelical world’s Jon Stewart to Graham’s more reserved, buttoned-down David Letterman. He has no poker face, wears his heart on his lapel like a prom boutonniere, and is known to weep, spit, and/or sweat profusely while he preaches. (Maybe that makes him the DeVito to Graham’s DeNiro?) When Campolo came to p…

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Seattle ‘CultureMaker’ Nathan Marion: We Need New Abbeys in America to Foster Community, Arts

…ide. It’s a young, creative church, with lots of artists and musicians involved. The founding pastors there wanted the building to be used by the community. They knew that they wouldn’t really have a lot of use for it, besides Sundays anyways. So they helped create that nonprofit and establish the basic mission, and then I got involved with it, to take it on and really build it from the ground up. It’s a great mixed model. The Abbey Arts (our nonp…

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Swimming Against the Tide: Religious (Non) Affiliation Might Not Mean What You Think It Means

…y make it easier for marginally religious people who once thought of themselves as Catholics, Protestants or members of another religious group to identify as religious ‘nones.’” As currently worded, the questions in other surveys assume that a respondent will identify as religious unless they explicitly opt out. The Pew study claims, and I believe correctly so, that by offering additional answer options up front, respondents feel a greater sense…

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Godly Game or Godless Satire? Countering Biblical Ignorance with Heretical Humor

…riends and family last July, it flopped. “We initially did not censor ourselves,” confessed Thomas after describing how players balked at their liberal use of four-letter words. This prompted the pair to create what they call a “theology of swearing.” “If something was a direct translation of something in the Hebrew or the Greek where the modern corollary would be a swear, we kept it,” explains Caleb. He cites the example of 1 Kings 18:27. “That p…

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Secular As Kids, Religious As Adults?

…one later in life are small.” Very small, in fact, as Zuckerman notes: just five percent. (This post originally stated, erroneously, that Merino is at Pennsylvania State University, and that his paper was published in 2012. It has been corrected.)…

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All Your Dead Mormons Are Belong To Us

My favorite new website is All Dead Mormons Are Now Gay. It’s a simple game: enter the name of a dead Mormon, or the site will choose one for you, and with the click of a mouse, the deceased LDS member is instantly converted to homosexuality. Of course, this makes no sense, and is somewhat offensive. But then, so are the views of some (though not all) Mormons that the dead can be posthumously baptized – or at least given the offer of baptism (whi…

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