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Is Ken Starr ‘Pulling a Clinton’ on Jewish Studies Professor Marc Ellis?

…te treatment, Fogleman laughed a moment, followed by “Oh gosh. Um.” After a 10-second pause, she said she’s unsure whether she’s “in a position to be able to characterize anything like that.” She then asked for the question to be repeated and paused another 10 seconds before returning to the script, calling Baylor an “open institution.” (As a private university, Baylor maintains policies against hiring Muslims, gays and lesbians, Mormons and anyon…

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Was Alexander Hamilton Jewish? Does it Matter?

…baptized. We have precious little grounds for assuming that Hamilton’s out-of-wedlock birth posed an obstacle to his acceptance into church life. Moreover, scholars make a critical error in supposing that a Jewish school would have educated a child who was considered Christian. Jewish schools were religious instruments. Their core mission was to turn Jewish children into observant Jewish adults. And the Talmud prohibits the teaching of the Torah…

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LGBT and Muslim? A New Report Busts Stereotypes

…rd same-sex desires that is revealed in much poetry and literature from pre-19th-century Islam. She says, for example, that “poetry with homoerotic themes was composed in all of the major literary languages used by medieval Muslims.” The Qur’an, Rashid adds, acknowledges that some men are not attracted to women; and Geissinger writes that there is evidence that even among those surrounding the Prophet Mohammed, men with female characteristics were…

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Muslim Stowaways
on the European
Titanic: “Eurabian” Alarmism 2.0

…hat he overlooks the outright slaughter of tens of thousands of Muslims as Western Europe sat by, or even actively hampered the victims’ right to self-defense. It’s unfortunate that such selectivity might be Caldwell’s greatest consistency. Take, for example, how “Europe’s Other Crisis” opens: In two separate incidents in March, Mohammed Merah, a French-born French citizen who thought he was waging jihad, ambushed four soldiers around Toulouse, ki…

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Simon Critchley, Atheist Religious Thinker on Utopia & the Fiction of Faith

…into topics like Rousseau’s theory of civil religion, mystical anarchism in 13th and 14th century movements of the Free Spirit, debates about religious violence. The Faith of the Faithless points to the ways in which religious ideas—theology—are still deeply (if crookedly) embedded in our politics, a convoluted situation for which Critchley has no simple solution. But he does suggest that old theological standbys (faith, hope, love) might still of…

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Meet the ‘Bronze Age Zionists’ — Far-Right Jews Embracing Fascism in the Wake of October 7

…its ubermensch overtones. “Wanderer” shows a solitary White man, dressed in 19th-century aristocratic garb, poised atop a jagged rock face, surveying the crashing, foggy seas below. In meme form, it’s especially common in White nationalist circles, having graced the cover of movement academic Jared Taylor’s book White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century and, for a time, serving as the banner image of Richard Spencer’s Radix website….

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Trump’s Pathological Devotion to Border Walls Isn’t Political, It’s Theological

…n the wake of this announcement, I read the most decidedly and blessedly un-American (in the best way possible) reaction I recall from the whole night, from my editor at the Guardian, Jessica Reed, a French woman living in the United States. She wrote a series of tweets calling the measure outrageous and mocking her own head of state as only the French know how, before tweeting, “also which borders? We are Europe. there are no borders.” https://tw…

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Magic in the Air: How Intellectuals Invented the Myth of a Mythless Society

…t a lot. So I ended up eliminating rough chapters on French social theory, American philosophy, Japanese accounts of Western Esotericism, and German Monist Leagues. One of the hardest bits to cut was a short section on the American philosopher William James. Probably everybody has heard of his importance in the history of pragmatism and psychology, but it is a little less well-known that he was extensively involved in paranormal research—investiga…

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80 Million Anglicans Can’t Be Wrong—Or Can They?

…ans under age 40, and Hispanics turned their back on the white-(elite)-male-as-normative aspirational vision of America peddled by Romney, veep candidate Paul Ryan, and their Fox News mouthpieces.  Likewise, the social issues that had been so reliably divisive for Republicans in previous elections (abortion and gay rights)—aided by the scandal of failed Senate candidate Richard Mourdock’s comments on rape as “intended by God” as well as a growing…

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Sanctioning Patriarch Kirill Would Send a Strong Message — Is the Problem That He Doesn’t Wear Mullahs’ Robes?

…ies. This discrepancy seems to suggest a part of the problem in the largely-Christian West’s response to the Russian Orthodox Church: Christian churches and clerics are given a much wider berth than Muslim clerics when it comes to supporting dangerous regimes and causes. There’s little doubt that if Patriarch Kirill were an ayatollah or a mullah there would be much less question about whether he should be held personally responsible for his compli…

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