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Repurposing the Gospel Aura: Eminem’s Chrysler Ad Borrows Some Spirit

…um, Amazing Grace. Recorded with the Rev. James Cleveland and the Southern California Community Choir at the New Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles, the album remains Franklin’s most popular. And as Franklin and other artists from this era went out of their way to foreground their musical roots after achieving enormous secular fame and success, the black gospel choir became synonymous in the mainstream American imagination with the so…

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Omar Ahmad: Muslim, American, Cowboy Boot Aficionado (1965–2011)

…or, and most importantly, friendship. Omar Ahmad, the Mayor of San Carlos, California, was a real American leader who was also Muslim. He represented more than himself; he was the voice of his community—a community comprised of all the people who came into contact with him. As mayor he had constituents; he was also a man who had many friends. We can only begin by listing the traits that made him a 21st-century Hemingway. Omar Ahmed: Mayor of San C…

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Did Jackie Speier Shatter “Common Ground”?

…ving off their efforts to ban legal abortion outright and bring some mythical end to the culture wars by coming together on “abortion reduction” instead. The common grounders got credit for belatedly waking up to what Planned Parenthood had been doing all along, but Planned Parenthood didn’t get credit for actually doing it. What’s more, in the common ground rhetoric was what you might call feminist cognitive dissonance: the language both assumed…

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Will San Francisco Ban Circumcision?

…y in the American Jewish Community. The organized Jewish community in both California and throughout the U.S. rallied to condemn the proposed ban. Within a few days of Schofield’s statement, the ADL, the American Jewish Committee, and the San Francisco Jewish Community Relations Council issued a condemnation: “For thousands of years, Jews around the world have engaged in this important religious ritual, which is of fundamental importance in the Je…

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Is “Gay Conservative” an Oxymoron?

…). Parker, a former welfare mother and failed congressional candidate from California who said she “became conservative in church,” writes that “gay is everything conservative is not.” It’s a worldview that is man-centered rather than God-centered. It is a worldview that rejects eternal truths passed on from the beginning of time. Although the worldview that “gay conservatives” choose to invent may diverge from the worldview of liberals, their com…

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Mormon Leader: Religious Freedom Under Attack by Gay Rights

…of religion, this time at Chapman University Law School in Orange County, California. After comparing Proposition 8 supporters to black civil rights activists last year in a speech at BYU-Idaho and decrying deteriorating regard for religion in the public sphere in a speech at the Salt Lake Tabernacle last July, Oaks, a former clerk for US Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren, argued that moral relativism and the declining influence of religion in Am…

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The Sharks Circling Glenn Beck

…shilled for thousands of dollars from his church in downtown Los Angeles, California, once showing the rear end of one of his racehorses for three hours until he raised the money he wanted from supporters. And Scott’s show similarly included anti-government rants: Watching Scott was entertaining. Watching Beck is maddening and painful. I’ll give it to Scott, though; he at least paid for his airtime. Beck is being paid by Fox to perpetrate an even

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Lila Rose Targets Planned Parenthood with Lies

…rom time to time, with Rose’s fanboys and fangirls. It happened in 2008 at California Catholic where commenters got into a dust-up after a commenter named Sue wrote: “According to the article, she ‘posed.’ How is that different from lying? If one day she tells people she’s 15 and pregnant by a 23-year-old, and another day she tells people she’s 13 and pregnant by a 31-year-old, how is that not lying?” (Arguably, Rose’s most creative defender in th…

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Ugandan Gay Rights Activist Murdered, US Evangelicals Must Take Responsibility

…ans.” Those U.S. evangelicals include Scott Lively, the former head of the California affiliate of the American Family Association. He and two others, including Don Schmierer, a board member of Exodus International, have led conferences and workshops about the evils of homosexuality in Uganda. A direct result of all this anti-gay evangelical rhetoric was the Anti-Homosexuality Bill introduced into the Ugandan legislature in 2009 which would prescr…

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Who is Mat Staver, Counsel for Anti-Gay Activist Against Suit from Uganda?

…America but instead will be the United States according to Massachusetts, California, or Vermont.” The posting included a letter written by Lindevaldsen, asking for prayers and help for “Lisa Miller—my client, my friend, my sister in Christ.” The letter, dated September 22, 2008, claimed that Miller “is one of thousands across this nation who have left the homosexual lifestyle through the redeeming power of Jesus Christ.” The three-page plea was…

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