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Global Religious Right Asks ‘How Far Can We Get?’; And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…egnancy did not put the woman’s life at risk. A woman could receive five to 10 years in prison, while a doctor could be sentenced to six to 12 years—up to 25 years if a woman dies as a result of an abortion. The bill also includes a restriction on public and private educational institutions from promoting “gender ideology” and a provision that “no person may be prosecuted” for not accepting “sexual diversity.” Deputy Anibal Rojas Espino, who intro…

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3 Reasons Catholic Bishops Are Holding Their Tongues on GOP Health Care Debacle

…tion for faith-based adoption agencies to refuse to provide services to LGBT couples or individuals. The bishops also would love any GOP health reform plan to include a wide-ranging “conscience” clause that would allow health care providers to refuse to provide any service for moral or religious reasons, which could be used to deny services to LGBT patients or single mothers. When it comes to the Trump administration, the bishops have apparently d…

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Trump is a Nightmare, Sure, But Can He Actually Do Anything?

…rian currently teaching at the University of Pennsylvania, who served as chairperson of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission across four administrations. Berry pointed to the Reagan administration as the closest historical approximation of the Trump administration, particularly given the installation of civil rights opponents to lead the Department of Justice, and the elevation of corporate executives to oversee agencies that regulate their own indust…

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Episcopal Conference Lives Up to Episcopal Jokes

…the height of the battling, that it was all not such a big deal, that the number of dissidents was actually quite small and that he thought his church would be better off once they were gone.   Indeed, according to Wikipedia there are over 7,000 Episcopal congregations in the US with over 2 million members, though the significance of that number is unclear since, as the priest in the church where I was baptized once teased me: “when you’re baptiz…

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Growing Up Gay in 666: Fred Phelps in Retrospect

…ay says it more starkly: “Not to oppose hate is to endorse it.” When he was 13, in the early 1960s, Irigonegaray’s parents took him to the State Capitol in Topeka to show him where laws were made, impressing upon him the importance of preserving freedom and liberty for all. This was no ordinary sightseeing trip or civics lesson, his family had just fled Castro’s regime in Cuba. “Any time anyone is made less equal, we all are,” Irigonegaray says, n…

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‘Welcome to the War’: What a Creationist Conference Can Teach us About Evangelical Vaccine Resistance

…licals’ deep-seated us-versus-them narrative is one that can set its crosshairs on any subject, particularly when facilitated by a sophisticated right-wing media machine that’s already gained evangelicals’ trust. Take Answers in Genesis as an example. Ken Ham’s young-Earth creationist empire—replete with a Creation Museum, a Noah’s Ark theme park, a planned Tower of Babel attraction, homeschooling and Sunday School curricula, and even its own TV s…

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Religious Opposition To LGBT Equality Softening

…nd other Christians marching together at Pride. In recent years, the small number of Christians who turn up to protest against Pride have been vastly outnumbered by the Christians participating in it. Hill also noted religious support in the UK last April for a new law “to allow religious elements in civil partnerships, while last year the Quakers became the first major Christian denomination to resolve to carry out same-sex marriages.” Even here…

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What Irish Marriage Vote Means for Catholic Church; The Lonely Fight for Equality in Belize; Progress and Backlash in Tunisia; Global LGBT Recap

…ng forward a Marriage Equality Bill, which will be debated in the Senate on 18 June, and will go to a vote on 12 November.” BuzzFeed’s Lester Feder examined the potential impact of the vote in other countries, including Italy — the only Western European nation that provides no legal recognition to same-sex couples – where Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has promised a vote on civil union legislation by the end of the summer, and Germany, where Prime M…

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Why Even Progressive Christianity Must Own Its Complicity in Anti-LGBT Violence

…ith emphatic input from others, the idea evolved into an ecumenical prayer service with Jewish and Muslim partners, music, and a reading of the victims’ names. We tied hundreds of rainbow-colored ribbons along the railing outside our building in memory of victims of anti-LGBT violence, and we hung a giant rainbow flag over the front doors of our sanctuary, which look out onto Chicago’s famous Magnificent Mile. My church has a long history of engag…

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Debate Heats Up Over “Francis Effect”

…one to measure the pontiff’s influence” than, say, actual metrics like the number of people going to mass or returning to the church. According to Burke, you just have to “ask around” Boston to find folks who know someone who’s thinking about returning to the church or who feels less horrible about the church than in the darkest days of the U.S. clerical sex abuse scandal, which had Boston at its epicenter. That’s a pretty low bar, but of course n…

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