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For Trump Admin, Immigration is About Race and Identity

…shown in his book Poverty and Charity in the Jewish Community of Medieval Egypt, there were a large number of hostels for the poor (sponsored by Christians, Jews, and Muslims) stretching across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. The common denominator of these institutions is that they did not rely upon political boundaries to relieve suffering. The religious traditions of hospitality, refuge, and sanctuary created the vibrant multiform c…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…mpuses. Generations of students returned from years abroad — especially in Egypt — inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood and other international Islamist movements. Recently, conservative voices have grown louder with the explosion of social media, which has also opened channels for appeals from hardline Islamic groups overseas. The internet is also where conservatives see the greatest threat. Lawmakers first responded to the LGBT crisis by calling f…

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Introducing The Cubit, RD’s New Religion & Science Portal

…between the elbow and the tip of the middle finger. Ancient China, ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, and other cultures independently made the forearm a standard of measure. And why not? It’s convenient and ubiquitous. When you lift a hammer, it’s already sitting at the end of a cubit. We chose this humble unit for two reasons. First, the cubit is an intersection; it’s where the human body meets the material world. In the Bible, it’s where divine l…

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South Asian Religious Leaders Challenged to Take on Stigma and Discrimination: Global LGBT Recap

…hem, as a way to coerce admissions of homosexuality. But it says there are signs of cultural progress. In addition to advances made on the legal front, the Lebanese public has become more aware of gay rights thanks to changes in mentalities and the promotion of creative works focusing on gay issues. The media and the art scene have been challenging social norms. Wajdi and Majdi, two gay figures from a comedy TV show called La Youmal, have populari…

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Morality Police, Jihadists, Religious Competition, Grindr, & Americans Abroad: Global LGBT Recap

…lam is the official religion under the country’s constitution, and Shariah codes have been enacted by state governments throughout the country. These laws are commonly used to arrest transwomen, and the Malaysian trans rights group Justice for Sisters has brought litigation seeking to stop these arrests. Malaysia’s ruling Islamist government has also used homophobia as a political tool, including repeatedly jailing opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim…

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Is ISIS Islamic? Is it a State?

…inking as the basis of the Christian message. As part of his efforts, he designed a version of the Bible that excised all of the bad parts—the wars, the fighting, the sex and the violence. Some might think there would not be much left, and it’s true that it was a thinner book than before. But it was also a thinner message. To accept the significance of the religious imagination is to accept all aspects of it, the positive and negative, the peacefu…

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Why Christians Should Have a Passover Seder: A Rabbi Responds

…ritual meal recounting God’s freeing of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. For Christians it recalls Jesus’ Last Supper. It also reminds Christians of Jesus’ Jewish practices. Some Christians and Jews believe Church seders are inappropriate. They say it distorts the Jewishness of the Passover holiday. In RD earlier this week, Rebecca Cynamon-Murphy argued that it “does unwitting harm” by treating contemporary Jews as “relics rather than peo…

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International “Religious Freedom” Agenda Will Only Embolden ISIS

…vocacy is considerably more complex than is suggested by such accounts. To promote religious rights is to promote a particular mode of governing social diversity that implicates religion in complex and variable ways, depending on the context. Legal and political advocacy for religious freedom tends to mask other contributors to social tension and conflict, amplify and entrench the religious divisions it seeks to manage, and force political authori…

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God is a Terrifying Monster, and Other Takeaways from the Study of Vampires in Pop Culture

…errifying monster of all, as the narrative of the flood and the plagues of Egypt (where Yahweh is referred to as the Destroyer) paint a frightening picture of an ancient deity. Judeo-Christian narratives and the horror genre are entangled chronicles of the unknown, of what lies beyond human understanding. As such, we can learn much about the former as we analyze the latter. And so the vampire becomes a lens through which to view death, questions o…

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Religion Comes to its Senses

…ial to death, and a celebration of possibility in traditions from China to Egypt to Ethiopia. Bread is ritually important in a Judeo-Christian context, but not in Asian religious traditions; and its non-universality, writes Plate, makes bread like religion: “It has some basic ingredients…and serves certain purposes…but when we get down to the nitty-gritty of it, the similarities between traditions can be difficult to sniff out.” Telling the histor…

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