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Contrary to Popular Narrative the Supreme Court’s ‘303’ Decision Gutting Civil Rights Laws is not About an Individual Standing Up For Her Beliefs

…er the gay wedding cake case, which didn’t give bigots the weapon they got today, they were still willing to test the limits of discrimination. We saw this quite clearly in the wake of that decision when one wedding venue initially turned away an interracial couple, saying “we don’t do gay weddings or mixed race, because of our Christian race—I mean, our Christian belief.” That’s precisely what our civil rights laws were designed to protect agains…

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South Park Meets the Sacraments at Class for New Catholics

…he sad state of the world. “To be Catholic—or to be a part of any religion today—is counter-cultural,” he says. “Today, people’s religion is shopping and games. What goes on at the Superbowl is like a liturgy.” The “secular churches of the mall and the stadium” he refers to are a real grievance. Shea tells me about a Jesuit priest at Boston College who would say to his students “Who is your God? I’ll tell you who your God is. Tell me what you spen…

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God and the Gay Christian: An Interview with Matthew Vines

…esn’t translate to why gay Christians want to be in same-sex relationships today. It’s not that Paul was backwards, ignorant or wrong, Paul just wasn’t even talking about gay people. What we are discussing today, then, is the marriage issue, so how do you begin to move conservatives toward accepting that? After my video was released there were those who said, “Even if you’re right and the Bible doesn’t talk about gay and lesbian people of today, w…

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Aliens To Arrive in Alabama Today!

…lded 50,200 hits at last check, and YouTube contains dozens of videos that promote the October 14 prophecy and speculates on its import—one asks believers to carry their cameras today to record proof of the visitation. Equally significant, mediums channeling different extraterrestrial beings have chimed in, claiming that they have received their own confirmations of this evening’s cosmic denouement. Not all the attention appears to have been good….

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The New Age Fantasy of a Celtic Church that Revered Nature and the Divine Feminine Never Existed — So What?

…dley in Celtic Christianity: Making Myths and Chasing Dreams explains that today the myth of a Celtic Church attracts “New Agers, post-modernists, liberals, feminists, [and] environmentalists.” While it’s true that many of these groups’ tales of their own origins are mythic—as with any religion, denomination, or sect—the mythic has always served a purpose: to generate usable history, helpful fiction. While Arnold J. Toynbee in the second volume of…

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Pop-Eye: Meat The Wrestler

…bsolute devotion to the sex, violence, and drugs of the film. Christianity Today’s review makes one wonder why they even reviewed it in the first place, as it seems to indicate the film has nothing to do either with “Christianity,” or “today” for that matter. More specifically, it’s curious how few religiously-oriented reviewing outlets were able to see possible symbolic references to, say, Abraham and Isaac, Jesus, or others. So, I’m left wonderi…

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No, Trump’s Evangelical Support Isn’t Cracking: The ‘Independent’ Jumps the Shark

…le, when, in discussing evangelical pushback against outgoing Christianity Today editor Mark Galli’s December 2019 op-ed, “Trump Should Be Removed from Office,” Geddis remarks, “That letter rebuking the Christianity Today editorial was signed not only by leaders of typical evangelical organisations, but also by political figures such as former Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and a number of prosperity-gospel televangelists.” Meanwhile, G…

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Billy Graham and the Gospel of American Nationalistic Christianity

…ationist, hegemonic WASP politics that son Franklin Graham and many others promote today. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Franklin Graham simply represents a more strident version of 1950s Billy Graham. It’s not surprising then, that Billy Graham will finish his race in the United States Capitol next week. House Speaker Paul Ryan has indicated that Billy Graham will lie in state in the Capitol from February 28 to March 1st. For the most…

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Keep Jews Interesting: It’s Time to Stop Being Defined by Anti-Semitism

…xceptionalism that we have promoted for millennia from the Hebrew Bible to today? It is, in a way, the dark side of chosenness. If we say, “God, who is the creator of the universe, chooses the Jews above all others,” and promote that view by pointing to holy scripture, is it surprising that some of those others will hold negative opinions of us? This is what Spinoza argued. If you think this sounds provocative, it’s actually sewn into our very tra…

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Creationism 3.0: Meet Intelligent Design’s Huckster

…ow, for example, that exposure to ultraviolet radiation triggers mutations today, then we can also assume it would have had a similar influence on creatures living hundreds of millions of years ago. Meyer observes that, today, when we see something intricate and functional—such as a computer or a can opener—we assume that it’s been designed by some intelligence. Consequently, extrapolating from present observations into the past, the design of an…

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