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Three church doors in a row, all shut.

As a Queer Catholic Woman I Had High Hopes Before the 2023 Catholic Synod on Synodality

…elt that little sacristy door slightly creak open as I fumbled to dial the phone to call my mom. Was this it? Sadly, no. My excitement faded as I followed the livestream of the Synod of Bishops, punctuated by anger as I read the summit’s 41-page report. This past Friday I saw New Ways Ministry’s statement, “Synod Report Greatly Disappoints, But We Must Have Hope,” while walking down a busy DC thoroughfare. In it Francis DeBernardo, executive direc…

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Accused of Anti-Semitism, Trump Aide Makes Ancestry Appeal

…Jewish heritage of my wife of 38 years,” he wrote in an email. Later in a phone interview, he said his wife was not a practicing Jew but “ethnically Jewish” because her maternal grandmother was a Jew. Of course, it is possible to express [insert flavor of bigotry here] even if you have friends, relatives, partners, or a spouse who identify as part of [group that is the target of that bigotry]. It’s a close cousin to the “some of my best friends a…

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Scolding Those Who Choose Pets But No Children Pope Misses the Rainforest for the Trees

…with cats and dogs—selfish? This is precisely what Pope Francis suggested last week when he told a general audience: “Many couples do not have children because they do not want to, or they have just one – but they have two dogs, two cats… And this denial of fatherhood or motherhood diminishes us, it takes away our humanity… a man or woman who do not develop the sense of fatherhood or motherhood, they are lacking something, something fundamental,…

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But ‘Natural’ is Better, No? ‘How Faith in Nature’s Goodness Leads to Harmful Fads, Unjust Laws, and Flawed Science’

…dged that we all have to choose our compromises. In the book you explore a number of social domains—diet, birth control, parenting, economics, alternative medicine—where what’s “natural” is considered to be what’s best, and then you unspool them to show that the natural/unnatural divide was never really that coherent in the first place. Did any of your case studies surprise you? One of my favorite examples when I was doing research was the history…

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Culture Wars Masquerading as Social Science: New Survey Illustrates Evangelicals’ Election Year Anxieties

…may not yield as reliable of estimates as probability samples taken over a phone or another method. That is, we tend to be somewhat skeptical of population estimates produced by such data.” Asked what they thought the purpose of the 2020 State of Theology Survey might be, and whether it might be geared toward driving evangelicals to the polls, Whitehead replied, “I do think there is a particular narrative that they are trying to push with this res…

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Thomas Jefferson’s Bible Rejected the Supernatural Jesus in Response to the ‘Stupidity’ of Those Who Deified Him

…Museum of American History as well as a prolific writer who has written a number of pieces for RD. Gordon Haber spoke to Manseau by phone. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Tell us about the Jefferson Bible. What is it? Why did he do it? Jefferson wanted to distill the Gospels down to core teachings of Jesus as a moral teacher. So he went through copies of the Bible and cut out with a penknife everything that had to do with J…

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For Clergy Who Ministered Through the AIDS Crisis Covid is Both Eerily Familiar and Puzzlingly Different

…lculation of whose lives are valued. The contrast between the anti-gay backlash in the first years of AIDS and the backlash against people of color evident in both epidemics is “helping me to understand that the original lie of America is this white superiority and all the kinds of supremacy that allows some people to think that other people don’t matter. All of that has become so visible.” There are big differences in the physical and social traj…

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Sean Feucht’s New Year’s Rockin’ Superspreader Revival is a ‘Tepid and Meager’ Effort at Racial Reconciliation

…ymbolically, today, Christianity has lost its hegemony [in America]. It’s classic for American Christians to say ‘Now we need a revival,’ in an effort to purify the nation so it can have that special covenantal relationship with God.” This sort of Christian Nationalism also seems to be a driving force for Feucht and his “Revival or bust” attitude, one that could carry his movement past the end of the pandemic and into a post-Trump world. That atti…

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With Release of Pentagon Report, UFO Narrative Belief System is Suddenly Supported by Military Witness Testimonies

…s exactly how military witness testimonies function—they suggest that the classified and unreleased version of the Pentagon report reveals that UAPs are indeed extraterrestrial. The unclassified public report is completely neutral on this point, but the public testimonies are not. What remains concealed within classified documents then, is revealed through witness testimonies. The testimonies are unequivocal: we are not alone in the universe. Two…

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How Do We Break the Cycle of Religious Violence in South Asia?

…lence in South Asia to be spurred by incidents of “religious offense” or “blasphemy.” Strengthened by colonial-era laws which make religious offense a crime, sometimes punishable by death, citizens often take matters into their own hands, leading to a bloody cycle of violence and global headlines of mob violence and lynchings. For those of us in the South Asian diaspora, these headlines are painful to read. For some of us, our friends and family b…

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