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Why are Nuns and Monks in the Streets? (Parts I & II)

…suggests how far the Tibetan clergy and the Chinese government are from a compromise. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) policy in regard to Tibetan monasticism must undoubtedly be seen as the historical legacy on the part of Chinese (and perhaps, more generally, East Asian) polities to (micro)manage institutions at all levels of the culture: to bring them under the bureaucratic control of the state. Among the various types of institutions, religious…

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Just Like January 6, One of the Most Disturbing Aspects of the Right-Wing Coup Attempt in Germany is Who Was Behind It

…ed violent acts in the past or are known for violence-inciting speech. The number of crimes committed by Reichsbürger has risen over the last couple of years, reaching 1,011 in 2021, including 184 violent crimes, and 500 currently own weapons legally. In 2016, a “Reichsbürger” shot and killed a police officer. During a protest against Covid-19 restrictions in 2020, several people managed to enter the Reichstag building of the German parliament and…

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A Startling Number Believe You Can Be Jewish Jesus Follower; Why It’s Not As Crazy As It Sounds

…Jesus isn’t messiah material for religious Jews. So, at first glance, that number seems staggeringly high. A full third? Once you delve into the numbers, though, 34% doesn’t seem quite so high. Really, Pew has asked an excellent question—a question that reveals the full tangle of ambiguities and inconsistencies that surround the topic of Jewish identity. First, some background: when the researchers at Pew set out to conduct this survey, they quick…

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Pussy Riot Members Sentenced to 2 Years for Offending Russian Orthodox Church

…e Old and New Testaments, supports the search for truth and a constant overcoming of the self, overcoming what you used to be. Christ didn’t associate with prostitutes for nothing. He said, ‘I help those who have gone astray and forgive them’ but for some reason I can’t see any of that at our trial, which is taking place under the banner of Christianity. I think the prosecutor is defying Christianity. The lawyer wants nothing to do with the injure…

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Atheists Ignore Islamophobia at their Peril

…ic minorities is accessible—these issues impact many people in the atheist community. But what about people in other communities? If this is the case, then interfaith outreach and cooperation is imperative as it strives to decrease the distance between “others” and create opportunities for people to identify shared values and a sense of shared humanity—an understanding of identity that allows people to see another’s freedom and value as connected…

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Pope’s US Visit Provokes Intense Attention; New Vatican Book on Man-Woman Complementarity & New Int’l Report on Christian Role Models for LGBT Equality; Global LGBT Recap

…llying. The Duke of Cambridge indicated he would confront those behind any comments and comfort the victims. David Coburn, a member of the European Parliament from the right-wing UKIP party said this week that he believed Muslim refugees fleeing into Europe from Syria and Iraq may, in the words of BuzzFeed’s Jamie Ross, “be part of ISIS and will attempt to change the British way of life.” “Many of these people, as we’ve heard, are ISIS,” he said….

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The Pundits and the Dominionists

…any other name) a Reconstructionist? And as Gerson noted in his essay, the number of people who can be labeled in this way would “fit in a phone booth.” (Actually there are significantly more than he recognizes, but I take his point.) My point, though, is that this is the wrong question. Far more interesting, I think, is to look at the influence of Christian Reconstruction; how has it impacted the style of the conservative Christianity that makes…

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Students at Conservative Catholic College Speak After Sudden Cancellation of Pro-Gay Speaker

…I am the Other. And if I feel that way, I can only imagine how young gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender Providence College students must feel. It is for them that I remain most concerned. Corvino mentioned that he had received a great number of emails from LGBT students at Providence College. One alumnus told him that he had not been comfortable being out at Providence, and that the administration’s actions had convinced him that staying in th…

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Crisis in Sudan: ‘If the World Stands Idly By This Time, They Will Bring Genocide’

…for all Muslims or Arabs. I know people of good will from different faith communities who want peace and reconciliation, who want our communities to be able to return to their homes and live in security and shared prosperity. But right now, hate is speaking louder than hope. And right now, hate is stamping out the Nuba people. Let us abide in the Lord and transform this current situation from hate to hope, together. I think most of us in the U.S….

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A Matter of the Heart: Talking to Gay Christian Rocker Jennifer Knapp

…ople who are living out their faith with joy. These days, more of us are becoming visible in our faith communities. The more this happens, the more we can enrich the lives of people who’ve never met people like us. When this happens, it shows people that we’re all around, that we’re contributors to our communities. And we’re learning lessons of love that we all hope to learn as people of faith.   Do you see a shift within the church on this? You s…

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