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Why We Can’t Afford to “Wait And See” How Trump Dismantles LGBT Rights

…tic to oppose LGBT equality, as Salon explains. Just three years ago, on a phone call with faith leaders supporting the Tea Party movement, Price agreed that there are “consequences of activity that has been seen as outside the norm,” suggesting that increased health care costs for LGBT people are a result of some abnormal activity. (Yes, that’s code for anal sex. Or gender-affirming surgeries. Or marrying the person you love most in the world, if…

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Good Mourning Modeled by Chaplains and Clergy at the Oakland Ghost Ship Fire

…r, and as a chaplain he’d been trained to always keep bottled water in his car. Much of the work chaplains do is simply about talking to people and taking care of basic needs: hydration, warmth, companionship. Chaplains are not there to proselytize or convert, and many times, religious conviction comes second to a ministry of presence to the grieving and worried. The Federation of Fire Chaplains explains on their web site that they are “non-denomi…

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These Are the New Battlegrounds for LGBT Rights Under Trump

…ils offer. But also participate in Lobby Days organized by your favorite local advocacy group, and make it a priority to meet your elected officials. If you feel comfortable doing so, introduce them to your family, and force them to look into the faces of the real people their decisions will impact. And when lawmakers try to pull a fast one, take a page from the good people of North Carolina and shout and yell and disrupt and sit-in until uniforme…

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William Barber on the phone

William Barber And The Religious Left Join Forces. Will It Work?

…ver the next few years. It’s going to be much harder work than letters and phone calls to Congress, protests, or meetings with like-minded friends. You can point to the successes of Rev. Barber’s “fusion politics” in North Carolina, but the fact remains that the state GOP passed almost all of their legislative agenda, and has nearly hobbled the incoming Democratic Governor. Ditto, unfortunately, the protest movement that sprang up everywhere after…

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Duterte Cites Catholic Heritage in Opposing Marriage Equality, and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…he said in an interview. Earlier this month Malta Prime Minister Joseph Muscat called for Commonwealth countries to repeal colonial-era sodomy laws. Ivory Coast: Sentencing over ‘public indecency’ raises fears Ivory Coast is among the minority of African countries that “do not explicitly criminalize homosexuality or same-sex acts,” reports Reuters, and its commercial capital of Abidjan is “a relatively tolerant city” for LGBTI people “in a region…

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Evangelicalism “Wasn’t Created for Someone Like Me”: Following a Queer Evangelical of Color in the Age of Trump

…nn Shiah, an artist and filmmaker who identifies as a queer Taiwanese American evangelical, attempts to square white evangelical support of Donald Trump with her spiritual community, a white church in a conservative Presbyterian denomination in Nashville, Tennessee. I spoke to her at the start of 2017 and at its close. The following is an edited and condensed version of our conversations, which took place over phone and email. FEBRUARY 2017 Since…

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Maybe The Question Is: *Should* Shabbat Be The New Yoga?

…etox that takes place each March, complete with cute little bags where you can put your cellphone and stop looking at it for awhile. There’s a clear Jewish inspiration (unplugging day goes from Friday evening to Saturday evening, just like Shabbat), but there’s no overtly religious content, and the organization is explicit about wanting to reach people of all backgrounds. When I spoke with Reboot communications manager Tanya Schevitz earlier this…

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Eclipseville, USA: The Birthplace of ‘Little Green Men’ Proudly Hosts The Point of Greatest Eclipse

…f the Vatican Observatory is giving a speech on “Faith and Science” at a local Catholic church; a local distillery is putting on a “Kentucky Bourbon Mashoree.” And, of course, at 1:24 PM on Monday, August 21, this sleepy Southern town of thirty-three thousand will become the “point of greatest eclipse,” the place where the sun will vanish completely behind the moon for two minutes and forty-one seconds, longer than anywhere else on earth. The peop…

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U.S. Religious Right Groups Support Move Toward ‘Illiberalism’ of Hungary and Poland; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…on of LGBTQ people is a calculated strategy. (It imitates an equally political campaign against gays launched in 2001 by the Mubarak dictatorship, this time on a vaster scale.) The only incomprehensible thing is how Western governments, and Western LGBTQ activists, give Egypt’s homophobic brutality a free pass. Under a 1961 law banning “debauchery,” men who have sex with men in Egypt face three years in prison. And ever since Abdel Fattah El-Sisi…

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