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What Muslim Ban? A Religious Liberty Hearing in the Trump Era

…ainst each other, claiming that the legacy of the Holocaust was preventing Germany from adequately screening out Muslims that “hate Jews,” Representative Steve Cohen—Tennessee’s first Jewish congressperson—called Islamophobia the “latest form of dog-whistle politics” and noted that he himself had received an increased number of “jabs” for his faith in recent months. Thus Trump’s EO on immigration has shed a clear spotlight on what many advocates a…

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Trump Pulls a Huckabee on Religion

…His suggestions that Americans should arm themselves (or that Jews in Nazi Germany could have saved themselves from the Holocaust by being armed with guns) conflict with Adventism’s non-violence. And his opposition to a Muslim becoming president, while in agreement with almost two-thirds of Iowa Republicans, is at odds with the Adventist dedication to religious freedom (not to mention the Constitution). It would seem that evangelicals might be sur…

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Why Salma Hayek Adapting The Prophet for Screen Makes Sense

…with him, in his glove compartment, on his nightstand, and when he went to Germany as a soldier. Reportedly it gave him comfort after his mother’s death. He would underline and annotate copies and give them away to friends. Sample annotation: “A singer can sing his songs, but they must have a ear to receive the songs.” We don’t know when John Lennon got his copy, but by the time of the Beatles’ infamous visit to the ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi…

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Global LGBT Recap: Religious Leaders Support Persecution as Countries Vie in Homophobia Olympics

…January 23, as part of a congressional delegation whose itinerary includes Germany, Turkey, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Niger. As Jeff Sharlet has reported, Inhofe has long been the liaison between the secretive evangelical group the Family (aka the Fellowship), and Museveni. Sharlet has also reported that Inhofe ushered David Bahati, author of the anti-gay bill, into the group. Is this a U.S. taxpayer-funded mission trip for Inhofe? Lave…

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Global LGBT Recap: Ugandan Law Unleashes Vigilantes, Anti-Gay Americans Want to Boost Homophobia Exports

…e and discrimination, ever. And nor is there any moral justification. Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa, among others, attest to these facts.” Museveni signed the legislation on Monday, and on Tuesday the tabloid Red Pepper launched a vigilante campaign naming “Uganda’s 200 Top Homos” and giving names and home addresses of both well-known activists and private citizens, some of whom may not even be LGBT. Attacks may have already left one dea…

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In Tea Party Senate Candidate’s Dissertation, A Nostalgia for a Populist Christian Nation

…l faithful countrymen ‘to remember that when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, his first move toward world conquest was the expulsion of religion from the schools.” Becker’s machinations have been largely lost to history, since historians of the period, to Sasse’s dismay, have focused more on the Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement than on religion. But as Sasse’s narrative proceeds, it becomes clear that despite failing to amend the Consti…

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Indonesian Clerics Issue Anti-Gay Fatwa; Anti-Civil Union Peruvian Lawmaker Cites Hitler; Is Christianity more ‘un-African’ than Homosexuality?; Global LGBT Recap

…ort published by Heinrich Böll Stiftung, The Green Political Foundation in Germany, Eric Gitari of the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission reviews LGBT-related legal, political, and cultural developments in Africa in 2014, both pro- and anti-equality, including many stories we have covered here. He ends with a cautionary discussion of what he calls “The elephant in the room.” The international community must be led by the advice and p…

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The Shared Assumption Behind Creationism and Anti-GMO in Europe

…’s very small and marginal. But you don’t have to have a lot of people. In Germany, there are not so many creationists, but they’re widely influential, they’re quite active. They are quite capable of making themselves heard. In the book, one contributor talks about the German state of Hesse, where a minister seemed to defend the teaching of creationism in a pair of state-funded schools. There was also an incident in the Netherlands in 2005. The mi…

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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…women bishops in the U.S., New Zeland, South Africa, Ireland, Sweden, and Germany. The consecration of Lane could exacerbate divisions in the Anglican Communion, as did the ordination by the Episcopal Church in the U.S. of an openly gay Bishop, Gene Robinson. (Anglican Mainstream, “an information resource for orthodox Anglicans,” featured on its website this week an article by Joseph Nicolosi, champion of “reparative therapy.”) In a related note,…

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At the UN, Conservative Christian Agenda Cloaked in Human Rights Language

…articles—one for each youth—on protecting, respecting, and establishing a number of things. But if you had listened carefully, everything would have started to sound a bit off. The text being read was in fact not the 1989 human rights treaty but instead “A Declaration on the Rights of Children and Their Families: A Call From the Children of the World.” The subject of the event was not as the protection of children as such but the “protection of t…

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