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What the National Council of Churches Should Say About Financial Reform

…h you can do in a single opinion piece, and what’s going on in the Gulf of Mexico looks like a nice fat target. But “the real deathliness” experienced by most Americans isn’t the non-disclosure of financial interests by extractive industries. I’m not even sure most Americans would know what that meant off the top of their heads. But average Americans damn sure know that their wages have been stagnant, the price of health care continues to go throu…

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A Brief History of Olympic Flames

…of nonviolent protestors killed by government forces just weeks before the Mexico City Games began). We think of boycotts in Moscow in 1980, and Los Angeles in 1984, and the debates roiling as we speak. The simple fact is that religious rituals, events, and religious symbols are powerful magnets for intense political protest, and even for physical violence. They always have been, and probably always will be. The famous 2nd-century Roman travel wri…

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Atheists are Americans Too, Vuvuzelas, Etc.

…ork on scripture memory?  There’s an app for that.  You can even use your iPhone to tweet the latest execution news, like the Utah Attorney General.  But for others the internet is a place for anti-religious rage. Over at the Huffington Post, they have debuted a new discussion between religion and science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science continues to seek dialogue between science and religion. University of Colorado psyc…

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Reclaiming My Time: Maxine Waters, the Sabbath and the High Holy Days

…catastrophic hurricane season, to say nothing of the deadly earthquakes in Mexico or numerous tragic conflicts across the globe. “Our time is limited and we should be sparing with how we use it, so as to not waste it, but to prioritize what is important,” Kissileff says. “It sets the tone for the whole year.” It’s unlikely that Heschel would have been surprised by impact of Waters’ mantra, though he might chime in: Tishrei 2017 is a reclaiming of…

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Gov. Bobby Jindal and the Laying on of Hands

…ater Horizon continues to spew millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal participated in a prayer vigil at the conclusion of a House session at the state Capitol.  While politicians and pastors were praying for environmental solutions to the crisis, they read from 2 Chronicles 20:12, which says, “Neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon Thee.” Which is interesting, because even as Jindal is praying th…

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Who is God? Can You Trust Him?

…ion. Not to mention Jesus? Hey, I’m just one of those heathens who thinks God is still speaking. But from where I sit, trust in God makes a lot more sense based on how he (or she) continues to free people in the here and now. Take, for example, the current mess in the Gulf of Mexico. Praying for God’s miraculous intervention is one thing. Understanding God as freeing people from pollution by the non-supernatural means of engineering is another. Ev…

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National Day of Prayer for Gulf Communities

…ganization’s suggested prayer is “Give us the wisdom to end this tragedy.” I support that sentiment, especially when it’s accompanied by action. While BP may have stopped the implosion of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, the overwhelming amount of destruction has not gone away. An extraordinary amount of cleanup work remains. For more information on the event or to find a participating church, go here….

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“Professor” David Barton On Immigration: God Drew Our Borders

…alysis of the “volume of prayers being offered” is overlaid with data on a number of social problems, to compare the “prayer years with the post prayer years.” The removal of prayer from public schools lowered the amount of prayer being offered to such a degree that its impact was felt, not just in the schools, but in every aspect of our national life! Never mind that just because two things seem to happen at the same time doesn’t make them causal…

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Harry Jackson Shakes Religious Right Money Tree for “Below the Radar” Anti-Obama Campaign

…h for help raising $1.5 million to fund Jackson’s campaign in Florida, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Nevada, Colorado, Maryland, and Virginia, saying he was seeking 100 people to commit to giving or raising $1,500 each. Jackson said he had just gotten a contribution from Pat Robertson, and that James Robison had also kicked in. Also on the call, at least at the beginning, was dominionist Lou Engle, who Jackson called a long time friend and her…

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Vatican: Gay Rights Opponents are Real Victims

…fied in the Catholic countries of Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Argentina, and Mexico. Acceptance of LGBT persons is not just an American phenomenon, it’s a broadly international one with a strong Catholic character. Of course, is precisely these trends that are most disturbing to the Vatican, especially as younger Catholics around the world are even more accepting of homosexuality and the legitimacy of sexual orientation and gender identity than thei…

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