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It’s Not Climate Change, It’s Climate Chaos: Lessons from COP22

…ministrator). If a climate denier gets this position in the US, it will be China leading, America following. Non-state partners will be more important than ever, especially sub-national groupings. Language has shifted and will likely shift some more once the “big daddy” approach to social change is eliminated—which it has likely been by the American election. “The European Union proudly welcomes the cooperation of non states in efforts to abate cl…

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For International Human Rights Day, a Snapshot of LGBT Rights from the Vatican to Cape Town

…rights around the world. Unfortunately, Trump’s cabinet choices include a number of stridently anti-gay figures, and his rumored pick of Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State is sounding alarm for Tillerson’s close ties to Russia’s Vladimir Putin as well as the company’s historically poor track record on LGBT issues. C-Fam, the US based organization that is helping to lead an anti-LGBT backlash at the United Nations, attacked a spee…

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Biggest, Best & Worst LGBT Religion Stories of 2016 and more in Global LGBT Recap

…slation, with some help from U.S. groups, as noted above. According to the China Post, “Conservative parents’ groups have alleged that the inclusion of gender equality issues in textbooks acts as an ‘incubator that transforms straight children into homosexual children.’” The Taipei Times has some details, noting that the next step in legislative review “is not expected until April.” During the review, the committee revised an amendment proposed by…

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Nike’s Token Equality: New Campaign Masks the Truth About Workers’ Rights

…ial for condemning prejudice against African Americans, immigrants, women and LGBT people. However, they should also use their formidable voices to advocate for the workers who make Nike shoes in Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Honduras and elsewhere. A public championing of the rights of those workers—alongside thousands of college students, professors and activists–might more effectively prod Nike to finally “just do it.”…

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How “Race Tests” Maintain Evangelical Segregation

…congregant’s house, when one member of the group made a reference to his “China Gun”—because of the “chink chink” sound it makes when being cocked. He then proceeded to point his imaginary gun at a Latino participant and the researcher. There are some deeper theological and ecclesiastical questions that are triggered by this study, including: how does evangelical Christianity propagate white institutional spaces so well? Most protestants have lef…

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Don’t Ignore the Role of “Christian Values” in Conservative Conspiracy

…etaries of State George Marshall and Dean Acheson had conspired to deliver China to the Soviets. He also proclaimed that other American leaders were key characters in a conspiracy against the United States. For those on the radical right, the enemies of America were to be found not only in politics but among the elites of academia. American society was again facing a series of potential “disasters,” including the fear of a nuclear war, an exceptio…

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Prexit and the Planet: Our Resistance Must Know No Borders

…d to make common cause with every sensible Republican I can find. And with China. And with California. And speaking of the unlikeliest allies, perhaps even someone like ex-Exxon Rex Tillerson can help the President move into a more global story. During his confirmation hearing for Secretary of State, Tillerson made comments about international climate treaties that reflect a larger story. “I think it’s important that the United States maintain its…

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Ainslie Embree’s Gift to Religious Studies

…had created a Western Civilization requirement and Embree, along with the China expert Theodore deBary, were determined to make it a global civilization requirement. Embree created the textbook, Sources of Indian Tradition, that became standard for courses in Hinduism and South Asian Islam. He also helped to establish the South Asian Institute, an early model for the new research field of South Asian Studies throughout the Western world. It is ha…

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A Boundary-Busting Memoir of Love, Mental Illness, and Being Muslim in America

…conversation about anything from gender to science—climate change, Russia, China, and a thousand other things beside, just because of some admittedly very dangerous but equally not very sophisticated terrorists. Or, like someone said to me after one of my book readings, “I thought you were going to be Hamas.” Seriously? Did you have a specific audience in mind when writing? My life kind of crashed and burned when I hit 32. Outwardly, everything wa…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…ssia’s appeal was roundly rejected by 80 votes to 43, with 37 abstentions. China, Belarus and Muslim countries like Malaysia supported Moscow. Indonesia abstained but voiced “strong objections” to Ban’s decision. European nations, the United States, Australia and Mexico were among those who rejected Russia’s motion. For Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, Ban was within his rights to make the administrative decision, which has…

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