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The Invention of a Corporate Christian America

…litics? In 2014, the Supreme Court issued its controversial Hobby Lobby decision, ruling that a corporation could be exempt from the contraception mandates of the Affordable Care Act. And more recently, in Indiana, we’ve seen arguments advanced that businesses should be allowed to refuse to provide service to same-sex weddings due to the religious beliefs of the owners. So we’re currently witnessing a resurgence of that ideology in American law wi…

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Adventists Cancel ‘Holy Sexuality’ Confab; Egyptian Court OKs Deportation of Gays; Mongolian Trans Activist Gives TV Interview; Global LGBT Recap

…now serving, BuzzFeed’s Lester Feder reports that “multiple” LGBT foreign service officers said they need more support: “But, for many career staff, the department has not leaned hard enough on other countries to allow gay and lesbian diplomats to bring their families with them to overseas posts. Instead, they find they are sometimes shifted to less desirable posts in order to avoid conflict over their partner’s status or told the U.S. government…

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The Man in the Red Dress: My Unlikely Friendship with Cardinal Francis George

…ved a letter from him on the day he died thanking her for her journalistic service and her “many kindnesses” to him, as well as offering what would be a final blessing to her and those she loves.) Cardinal George leans on his bishop’s crozier during a mass in Chicago. Photo via the Archdiocese of Chicago. Above all, he was a deep thinker. About the philosophies he studied, earned one of his two doctoral degrees in, and taught as a college professo…

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The Jewish Daily Forward is Neither Jewish, Nor Daily (But Still Forward). Discuss!

…n the Jewish media universe, as the Forward itself reported, even the wire services newspapers rely on are subject to politicization—the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), founded in 1917, has new, more vocally right-leaning competition as of 2011 in the Jewish News Service. One might expect a certain flavor of conservatism from The Forward, a 118-year-old legacy newspaper, that was originally (and still is) published in Yiddish, a language that few…

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2 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back, 1 Step Sideways: The Chaotic Progression of LGBTQ Inclusion at Christian Colleges

…ellow Christians’ discriminatory treatment of LGBTQ people during a chapel service, inflaming anti-gay rhetoric on the campus in various student forums, even garnered coverage in TIME Magazine. Meanwhile Wheaton’s appointment of lesbian-but-celibate chaplain Julie Rodgers also has been controversial, eliciting strong reactions both from critics who believe homosexuality is “sinful” and “unnatural” and needs divine healing, as well as from critics…

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Protesting the Pope’s (Not Yet Released) Environmental Encyclical? Check Your Doctrine

…system, the protection of the environment, and the provision of essential services to all, some of which are at the same time human rights: food, housing, work, education and access to culture, transportation, basic health care, the freedom of communication and expression, and the protection of religious freedom. Nor must one forget the contribution that every nation is required in duty to make towards a true worldwide cooperation for the common…

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On the “Shunning” of Marriage Equality Opponent Ryan T. Anderson: A Reply to Damon Linker

…I wrote a piece for RD on the deployment of certain liberal values in the service of illiberal policies. At the top of this list was civility. I argued that some speakers have used the charge of incivility to silence or otherwise inhibit their critics. For my case study I used Ryan T. Anderson, who had written: The principal strategy of the forces that have worked for 20 years to redefine marriage to include same-sex unions has been cultural inti…

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Women’s Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable

…hority of the hierarchy (he said). The role of LCWR is to “undertake…those services which develop the life and mission of women religious in responding to the Gospel in the contemporary world” (she said). One begins to see the pattern. We see the same seesaw dynamic in the conference programs and speakers. We hear the women say that their choices “will be carried out in a prayerful, thoughtful and discerning manner.” The men’s rejoinder, that such…

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Hicksters, Stickers, and Affection: Why I Left D.C. for the Family Farm

…negative with nearly half of all farmers reporting to the Internal Revenue Service that they earn their primary living from means other than farming. In addition to such sobering realities, we have a saturated marketplace in the sense that we are producing more food, more efficiently (at least by current market measures) than ever before in human history. Why step out of a job I liked and was pretty good at to jump into an uncertain field where, i…

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Ben Carson’s Flat Tax Gets the Bible Wrong

…of taxation—that people pay based on how much they would benefit from the service. That theory, though, has been dismissed in modern times because of the impossibility of determining such an allocation. Chodorow said that he was “deeply troubled” by the idea that a system developed thousands of years ago could be perceived as one that is “divinely ordained for all time and for all societies.” Rather than be true—if that’s possible—to biblical tit…

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