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“Project Blitz” Seeks to Do for Christian Nationalism What ALEC Does for Big Business

…increase communication and coordination between members of the “religious freedom movement.” This includes such groups as the Heritage Foundation, Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition, and Family Policy Councils, which are state-level lobbies affiliated with both Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council. RD asked Samantha Sokol of the legislative affairs unit at Americans United for Separation of Church and State to compare the 20…

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Is Religious Freedom a Casualty at Ground Zero?

…der of the fact that while religious pluralism was a founding ideal of the United States implicit in the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom, Americans historically have edged toward it kicking and screaming. In the 19th century, it was Roman Catholicism that represented the most prominent threat to what were believed to be sacred American values. Detractors called it “Romanism” or the “popeish” religion, and the claims made against i…

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The Right is Deeply Divided Over Support for Israel — Though It’s Not About Justice for Palestinians

…re host Matt Walsh tweeted to his 2.5 million followers that “the absolute number one priority of the United States right now should be to protect American lives and avoid getting our nation involved in a disastrous conflict overseas.” North Dakota State Representative Brandon Prichard, a Christian nationalist, echoed Walsh, tweeting that “US tax dollars are better spent at our own border or on combatting addiction than being sent to Israel.” On h…

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UCC First Church to Sue State Over Gay Marriage Ban

…izes me to perform these ceremonies, but Amendment One denies my religious freedom by prohibiting me from exercising this right.” The United Church of Christ, which has nearly a million members, in 2005 approved a resolution endorsing marriage rights for same-sex couples. The story quotes Jonathan Martel, a lawyer with Arnold & Porter, saying “The core protection of the First Amendment is that government may not regulate religious beliefs or take…

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Americans Must Stop Thinking of the United States Supreme Court as a Court of Law

…in these cases. And that’s because this Court doesn’t understand religious freedom as a universal freedom, but as a Christian privilege. Notably absent from the majority’s opinion in the coach case was the religious freedom of students and families who felt pressured to join his prayers at the 50-yard line. Just as the religious freedom of every Maine taxpayer was absent from the case the Court decided last week. Think about this: One of the Chris…

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‘We Remember a United States That Fought the Nazis’: A German Scholar of Fascism Weighs in on Christian Nationalism in the U.S.

…homegrown fascist movement, and, in a sense, how could they? We remember a United States that fought the Nazis,” she explains. Brockschmidt is careful about drawing comparisons between the US now and the rise of Nazism in Germany in the 1930s. It’s such a severe and somber charge, “Germans are hypervigilant when it comes to fascist movements, but also protective of when the term is used,” she explains. In the end, Brockschmidt is willing to go the…

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When Violence is Inevitable: Club Q and the Success of the System

…istian Right, by the right-wing media, by the conservative lawmakers and the militias. As the tentacles reach out for each of us in turn, we must be united in our resistance. It’s only through a united front, a united community of care, that we can fully resist. We are worthy of more. We are worthy of more than survival. And we are also worthy of survival….

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Making ‘The Link’: AIPAC’s New Crises

…t demand more cooperation in return for the billions of dollars in aid the United States delivers to Israel every year. In 2006, the Iraq Study Group was excoriated by many on the pro-Israel right for making the linkage argument,stating in its final report (pdf): “The United States cannot achieve its goals in the Middle East unless it deals directly with the Arab-Israeli conflict and regional instability.” The Bush administration largely ignored t…

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On Zion’s Mount

…izens from any or all ethnic, religious, and genetic backgrounds, a people united by their shared allegiance to the Constitution. In theory the United States could adopt any language as its official language, could take any size or shape, and contain any kind of terrain. By contrast, Native Americans generally have specific homelands tied to specific landforms with unique names from their languages. By creating a sacred homeland, pioneer Mormons m…

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Come Hell or High Water: How the Melodrama of Disaster Leaves Us Vulnerable

…international donors pledged $854 million in aid to the United States. The United Arab Emirates promised cash and oil. Cuba offered to send 1,100 doctors. Italy sent medical supplies. So far so good. The United States did not accept the vast majority of the aid offered, however. Although New Orleans faced huge infrastructure rebuilding costs, officials did not use many of the offered funds because of bureaucratic hurdles and general inefficiency a…

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