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Why South Korea (and the US) Use Amusement Parks to Push Creationism

…, Hayes demonstrates, are “myths,” or paradigmatic models of reality that help us code our visions of the world and inform our social vocabularies, conceptions of self, and varying personal relationships. One’s views about the origins of humanity signal special allegiance, at the moment, to a broad social collective and a general worldview. In short, whether you are a die-hard secularist or an adamant creationist, you subscribe to a large and comp…

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The End of Michele Bachmann?

…rrant your urgent attention.” Setting aside the fact that Bachmann et al. rely entirely on Gaffney—who has been dismissed by fellow conservatives as a “crazy bigot”—for their unsubstantiated claim that Abedin has Brotherhood ties, their supposed proof of the Brotherhood’s theocratic ambitions in the United States is a fabrication. For her proof, Bachmann cites an exhibit from the US government’s prosecution in the Holy Land Foundation terror finan…

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Liberal Intolerance, Or, an Occasion for Public Theology

…” theologies, and boldly touts its commitment to tolerance.  Moreover, its code of ethics includes: “We commit ourselves to respecting the diversity of ecumenical, theological, ideological and personal expressions of the various faiths and traditions found in our community.” Since the aforementioned is an ongoing case that most likely contains more details than those I’ve offered, I use it only as a backdrop to illustrate the ease in which orthodo…

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Finding Nonreligious Happiness at the RNC

…omiscuity. Two chapters are devoted to the Golden Rule, stated both positively and negatively (“Try not to do to things to others that you would not like them to do to you”). Some chapters are straightforward: Do Not Murder. Others get a bit more complicated. Chapter 9, “Don’t Do Anything Illegal,” warns that doing something illegal can open one to an attack by the state, which “can be an implacable enemy.” Besides, the chapter says, “[a]lmost  an…

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Pastors Urged to Defy IRS to Defeat Evil, Hitlerian Obama

…nday project, which has been growing over the past decade, is the fervent belief among religious right leaders that America would not be such a cesspool of abortion, homosexuality, and secularism if only more pastors had the courage to speak freely from the pulpit. Too many pastors are being intimidated, they believe, by restrictions against political endorsements by tax-exempt nonprofits (501c3 groups in IRS lingo) which includes churches. Garlow…

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Well, It Would Have Been a Good Religion Question…

…lem police? Hoffman is the executive director of the Reform movement’s Israel Religious Action Center, and chair of the group Women of the Wall, which fights for the right of women to pray aloud at Judaism’s holiest site. “At the coercion of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox religious establishment,” Menachem Z. Rosensaft writes in the Forward: women are forbidden to read from the Torah or to wear prayer shawls or tefilin in the plaza in front of the Wall….

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The Demographic that Should Keep Rove Awake at Night

…of the nation’s first openly lesbian senator. Some on the right could scarcely believe that this is what America really wants. “Millions of Americans looked evil in the eye and adopted it,” wrote Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver in his post-election commentary. He has a point—except that, for the majority of Americans, the “evil” they looked in the eye was the one they rejected on November 6. Others on the right, like the Rev. Dr. Albert Mohler Jr., p…

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Do Not Have Sex with This Man

…climate change. Make more people! And if you don’t, shame on you. You’re selfish. You’re “decadent.” Who can help us out of this decline? The government, obviously, which Douthat calls on to “exercise its power over fertility.” “America has no real family policy to speak of at the moment,” Douthat writes, and he’s not talking about Head Start or a living wage or any other social program that might help support families in concrete ways. He’s talk…

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Why I’m Grateful for 2012, The Rapture, and other Millennial Delusions

…I’ve written about previously in these pages, is the general term for the belief—religious or secular, but usually religious—that a massive global transformation is imminent, from Christ’s Second Coming (the “millennium” refers not to the turn of 1999–2000 but to the thousand years during which Christ will reign on Earth) to the messianism of a Sabbetai Sevi or David Koresh to, well, 2012.  We err if we suppose that all millennialists march around…

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New Reports Reveal Global Persecution of Nonbelievers

…ed on December 10, Human Rights Day.  The IHEU report observes that while relatively few countries around the world criminalize irreligion as such, many impose arbitrary burdens on secular manifestations of conscience that are not experienced by others. These include laws and policies regulating: • apostasy and religious conversion; • blasphemy and religious criticism; • compulsory religious registration, usually with a government proscribed list…

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