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Discovering “Little Syria”—New York’s Long-Lost Arab Neighborhood

…bic-speaking community in the U.S. was home to at least 50 Arabic language newspapers and magazines, dozens of Eastern Christian churches, and bustling restaurants, bakeries, silk-traders, tailors, all living vertically next to the elevated train tracks, in time-honored New York City tenement tradition. Only, in contrast to Chinatown or the Lower East Side, there is nearly nothing left of Little Syria. I walked what remains of Little Syria with Jo…

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Escape From Manhattan: Tech, Tragedy and Storytelling in Sandy’s Wake

…ucted story spaces are stretched across numerous kinds of media, with each new element contributing something new to the story world. To nurture devotion in such a world is to encourage consumers to buy every element of delivery of that world’s story. So, for example, fully invested fans of Star Wars would want to own every toy, see every film, read every related book, and become familiar with all the emerging media affiliated with it, such as vid…

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Russian Orthodox Patriarch Blames Gays For ISIS; ‘Christian Nationalist’ Sworn In As Guatemala’s President; Vatican Resists Civil Unions in Italy; Global LGBT Recap

…ant reviews a rhetorical battle being waged by a couple of bishops against new education guidelines on gender identity in the province of Alberta. The new guidelines say school boards have until March 31 to come up with policies that support, among other things, students’ right to self-identify their gender and be addressed using their preferred pronouns. The Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association released a statement this week reaffirming…

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‘Hey Jesus, Do You Love Me the Same?’: Out Christian Rock Star Trey Pearson on Closeted Industry Figures, His Evolving Faith, and Brand New Video

…re you optimistic or pessimistic? Why? I am in the studio working on a few new songs right now, and I’ll be releasing a single with two new songs this fall. I am also working on a memoir, which will be my first book, and a couple of other projects. I continually try to advocate for LGBTQ people in religion and politics. I am optimistic, and I do believe the world is evolving faster than ever on LGBTQ acceptance and equality. Of course there are st…

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Israel’s New President and Intolerant Judaism

…what kind of worshiping group was in front of me, such that any connection between it and Judaism didn’t even approach reality. I felt as if I were in a church. I was completely stunned. This is idol worship and not Judaism. Until now I thought Reform was a stream of Judaism, but after visiting two of their synagogues I am convinced that this is a completely new religion without any connection to Judaism. Total assimilation. Their prayer is like a…

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Will the new Jurassic Park movie be an anti-GMO adventure?

…in a brown vest, with fashionable scruff–Chris Pratt, looking like a cross between Indiana Jones and your middle school biology teacher. “They just went and made a new dinosaur?” Brown Vest asks sagely. “Probably not a good idea.” Brown Vest frets further about the “dinosaur they cooked up in that lab.” Then the trailer starts to get bloody. GMO on the loose! You can watch it yourself. The Cubit editors are looking forward to the film (well, one o…

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Pope: Heterosexual Marriage “Makes Europe Europe”

…diplomatic description than the simple recitation of facts. The arrival of new diplomats in Vatican City has also birthed a sort of new genre, the formal papal welcome; one that the current Pope has utilized to remind his new partners of just how un-modern, and even anti-modern, their new diplomatic home is. Modernity, after all, is characterized by this Pope as a moment of restless and breathless innovation, in contrast to his conception of the t…

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Tribal Trouble: The Changing Nature of American Jews’ Relationship to Israel and the Question of Jewish Unity

…ued, regardless of why they support BDS, the fanatics and fools are simply promoting a new anti-Semitism. Once Jews were singled out and held to a different standard than other peoples. Today, the Jewish State is singled out and held to a difference standard than other countries. [Emphasis added.] This is an interesting claim. The unjustified singling out of Jews which has been emblematic of anti-Semitism historically is now transferred to an enti…

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New Spencer Book Denies Existence of Muhammad

…ced from the academic field that he uses for his legitimacy. These are not new or provocative questions. They are the bread and butter of the field. There are truly challenging books that come out of the academia, including Steven Wasserstrom’s Between Muslim and Jew and Fred Donner’s Muhammad and the Believers, a recent book that deals with many of the questions Spencer raises, but that actually engages with primary material and that has been cha…

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New Report Shows Dems are Far More Religiously Diverse Than GOP — Though One (A)religious Group Remains Woefully Underrepresented

…turn. As the Pew Research Center’s write-up on the religious makeup of the new Congress puts it, “the U.S. Congress remains largely untouched by two trends that have long marked religious life in the United States: a decades-long decline in the share of Americans who identify as Christian, and a corresponding increase in the percentage who say they have no religious affiliation.” Specifically, the new Congress’s membership is over 87% Christian, w…

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