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Perry Thinks Palestinians Should Be Shafted, No Surprise

…ikened President Obama to Pharaoh, appeared via videotape at the inaugural Freedom Federation conference last year at Liberty University, saying, “we know you love us and want to commend you for unconditional support for state of Israel,” adding that “Christians and Jews share the same future.” That’s code not only for no state for the Palestinians, but a perpetuation of illegal settlements and purging of Palestinians from occupied land. For Danon…

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Spiritual But Not Religious? Come Talk to Me

…butter; it is the very thing that drives many people into my classes. For better or worse, it is often the conventionally religious students who seem satisfied (sometimes smugly so) with shallow understandings of their own traditions—to say nothing of anyone else’s religion. Meanwhile, some of the spiritual students (though certainly not all) are those who work the hardest to figure out what they can believe in or sign on for, while still maintai…

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Gay Chutzpah: An LGBT Synagogue Thrives

…self, I am somewhat “schizophrenic” as my professional identity is divided between the Israeli field of research (that also made me adopt my name, Shokeid, years ago) and the more recent involvement with the LGBT field that started with my work on CBST. However, I am ready to pay the price—becoming somewhat marginal in both professional circles.  In the more recent edition of the book, you note that there is a “growing interest in issues of homose…

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Breivik’s Emasculation Paranoia Fueled Vision for Patriarchal “Reforms”

…e multipliers. Conservatives are strenuously trying to challenge parallels between the Norway shooter and the positions they themselves have been advocating. But Breivik’s call for a return to patriarchy, driven by a fear of emasculation by powerful women, is also a feature of American religious right rhetoric. Florida Congressman and Tea Party favorite Allen West, speaking last spring at a “Women Impacting the Nation” meeting, declared: “We need…

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Canadian Courts Consider Decriminalization of Polygamy

…the practice of polygamy, in light of sections of the Canadian Charter of Freedom pertaining to religious and civil liberties. Polygamy-practicing Mormons began fleeing to Mexico and Canada in the 1880s, after US Supreme Court Justices upheld the conviction of George Reynolds on polygamy charges in 1879, declaring polygamy an “odious” “Asiatic” practice not protected by First Amendment freedom of religion guarantees. Mormons founded and continue…

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Why Aqua Buddha Ad Failed to Harm Rand Paul

…. (Never mind America’s long national history with sexualized bondage in the form of slavery.) And what about secret paganistic societies with odd behind-closed-doors rituals? That too is classic Americana—just as American as the Freemasons. What really breaks the good Christian folks code of conduct is not engaging in questionable behavior but rather exposing the indiscretions of other good Christian folks, especially after they get established a…

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Lessons from the Defeat of the Oklahoma Personhood Bill

…It seems that’s when the personhood battle really became a power struggle between the personhood lobby and the Republican leadership. With so many amendments and so much public controversy surrounding the bill, the Republican leadership opted not to bring the bill forward. This raised the ire of Personhood USA and Oklahomans for Life, who continued to lobby for its passage. Personhood USA responded immediately with a press release calling Speaker…

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Layoffs on the Religious Right

…and Donald Argue, members of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, said that the language was “a cleverly coded way of granting religious leaders the right to criminalize speech and activities that they deem to insult religion.” Moon’s UN project? Still in the hopper! To gain a better appreciation for Moon’s powerful political, religious, and economic empire, check out John Gorenfeld’s Bad Moon Rising: How Reverend Moon Created th…

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GMO or No: Problematic Intersections of Religion, Biotechnology, and Food

…and distortion, it generally refers to innate intuitive ability to discern between right and wrong. Moosa argues that Muslim inability to probe scientific data relating to GMOs and to more actively engage in debates is a product of location. With many Muslim communities located in the developing world, it can be politically disadvantageous to argue with potentially life-saving technology. While science and technology are often presented as a panac…

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A Jew in Church? No Big Deal

…ere he codifies into the more marketable slogan “I want Jesus to make me a better Jew.” But what does this mean? “[You] needn’t worry that I might leave Judaism,” he assures his wife (and thereby his reader) toward the beginning of his escapade. “I [have] no intention of doing any such thing.” Thus ensconced within safe parameters, he sets out on a circumscribed journey of self-discovery, like Odysseus tied to the mast so that he can hear, but not…

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