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The Third Party Publicity Stunt

…as many people with me as possible.” * * * *  Dr. Dobson excoriated a long list of Republican leaders who, he asserted, ”when they moved into power, moved to immediately insult” conservative Christian supporters. His list included Speaker Newt Gingrich, for inviting Mrs. Whitman to give the Republican response to the State of the Union address, and even conservative stalwarts like Republican Senators John Ashcroft of Missouri, and Rick Santorum of…

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For Love or Threat: Pro-Life Prayer Includes Names, Photos of Abortion-Rights Advocates

…she’s remarkably generous in her assessment of PLAL’s naming her for their list. Scheidler and Marty both confirmed that their interactions have been part of a respectful ongoing dialogue when she’s researching pieces about PLAL activities, despite her disagreement with their mission and tactics. “By calling me a ‘pro-choice journalist’ I think that they were actually trying to make it understood that this wasn’t meant to be, at least towards me,…

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Elephant Orphans and Ecological Spiritualities: An Earth Day Reflection

…wd and the questions pour out—not about poaching or the ivory trade, but a list of questions that I might very likely hear in any one of the courses I teach on religion: “I hear elephants have incredible memory—how does that work?” “I hear they have rituals for how they bury the dead?” “How do they mourn?” “How do they play?” “How are their communities, herds organized? I hear they rely on matriarchs?” “I’ve heard stories that the orphans now in t…

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The Creepy Surveillance of Elf on a Shelf

…t interact with children during the day because its role is to observe and listen. The creators, however, encourage children to talk to their elves—especially to share secrets. The elf can learn more about the children, the more they share. Telling the elf secrets seems to secure a space on the nice list. These elves are ubiquitous. They can be purchased from bookstores, Target, and online retailers. Tutus can create girl elves, and sports jerseys…

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Santorum and the New Catholic-Evangelical Alliance

…s.” ODAN’s website describes Opus Dei’s aggressive recruitment tactics and lists Opus Dei’s “index of forbidden books,” based on a list maintained by the Vatican until 1948, and which has been updated to tellingly include those by writers such as Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale. (Opus Dei denies that there is an official list of forbidden books, but rather that it maintains a database for members to consult, as it identifies “books…

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Bangladesh’s Atheist Blogger Still Wants to Talk

…o outside of home nowadays as my name is on the hit list of some fundamentalist groups,” Asif told me. “Our prime minister said that they will arrange some police protection for the bloggers and activists of the Shahbag movement; my name was on that list also. But no one contacted me about it.” The Shahbag movement (named for a political center in the Bangladeshi capital) brought to new intensity longstanding calls for the prosecution of the perpe…

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Creationism 3.0: Meet Intelligent Design’s Huckster

…f the book he almost acts like one.  All of which is to say that a laundry list of errors doesn’t get to the meat of Darwin’s Doubt. Meyer is the finest kind of huckster: he doesn’t tell lies, he merely rearranges truths. Darwin’s Doubt is a toxic blend of hasty conclusions, cracked arguments, and terminological confusions. It’s also, for those who are keeping count, a New York Times bestseller. More plausible than the arguments of 6,000-year-old-…

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Conservative Mag: Glenn Greenwald Hates America

…means. In the case of the 1993 WTC bombing, more than 150 people made the list. It essentially means that Wahhaj was a suspect, almost certainly because he had allowed the Blind Sheikh, a conspirator in the attack, to speak at his mosque in the past. (Of course, at the time, the US government loved the Blind Sheikh because of his role helping the US in Afghanistan when the CIA intervened to secure his entry into the country despite his place on t…

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American Buddhism: Beyond the Search for Inner Peace

…ks that Occupy Faith has set itself are: to ally with unions and others to promote fair wages for all, especially low-wage workers  to work for fair tax policy  to join coalitions supporting constitutional change to get money out of politics and limit the power of corporations  to participate in events and initiatives organized to promote justice and fairness  to take nonviolent, direct action to the streets and halls of corporate and government p…

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Gay, Black, and Quaker: History Catches Up with Bayard Rustin

…ted States. But, in part at his own request, his name was omitted from the list of authors, a “regret[table] failure” that was rectified only in 2010 by a minute of the AFSC Board restoring his name to that list. Martin Luther King relied on Rustin’s advice and expertise, but that did not always insulate the committed activist (or his role in the movement) from the climate of the time. Adam Clayton Powell, the powerful African American congressman…

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