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Will a Video Game Make Sense of Qaddafi’s Death?

…me by Kuma Games, the company that also brought us a gamified version of Osama bin Laden’s capture and death. Kotaku reports that the game will be ready to play as early as this Tuesday. Media theorist Alexander Galloway has suggested that forms of configuration such as those found in video games “express processes in [broader] culture that are large, unknown, dangerous, and painful.” If Galloway is right, then Kuma Games’ immediate impulse to cre…

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Playing God in the Wild Kingdom

…and Jeff and I are having, which is always a good thing.) Jeff and I were kayaking over the weekend on the Conewago Creek near our home. As I was gliding by a patch of marsh grass, I heard the steady gallumphing of a bull frog. Even though I was quite a distance away, I could make out the big boy in the reeds and coasted towards him to see how close I could get before he hopped into the water. But even as I came closer, the frog didn’t move. Final…

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“Guerilla Warrior of Judeo-Christian Political Commentary” Stars in Anti-Newt Video in Iowa

Charisma magazine reports: A Sioux City, Iowa pastor, prominent in the defeat of three Iowa Supreme Court justices last year for their same-sex marriage ruling, announced today that a hip-hop video calling Newt Gingrich “the GOP’s Kim Kardashian for his many infidelities on marriage—gay, straight and his own” would be delivered, via text messaging starting Thursday, to every registered Republican or non-aligned Iowa voter with a cell phone on rec…

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Is Herman Cain’s Long-Running Minstrel Show Finally at an End?

…pimping and 2012 campaign for the Koch brothers’ “Lawn Jockey of the Year Award” may be in its final throes. His minstrel show took a turn for the worse this week, with new revelations of an extra-marital affair with Ginger White, an Atlanta woman who claims to have had a 13 year-long “friends with benefits” relationship with The Herman Cain. As Cain tried to head off speculation about the affair Monday on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, strangely absent…

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Suicide Leads to Calls for Improved Treatment of LGBT Mormons

…T and otherwise—are reflecting on the kind of support our communities are capable of offering gay Mormons who feel they can no longer hide their sexuality. I’ve heard LDS Church members ask whether excommunication is the best institutional response to gay Mormons in acute spiritual struggle or crisis. I’ve also heard Mormons reflect on how despite some signs of increased awareness and outreach by top LDS leaders, messages of understanding and comp…

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Even Tougher Questions to Ask Mormon Presidential Candidates

Advance chatter about Bill Keller’s Sunday New York Times Magazine article “Asking Candidates Tougher Questions About Faith” made it sound like Keller, the Times‘ executive editor, was proposing something like a religious test that might embarrass candidates who maintain more orthodox or literalistic forms of belief. The article turned out to do nothing of the sort, despite opening with an implied comparison between religion and belief in space a…

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Facebook: Internet Highway to Hell

…vies, television, radio, dancing was seen to be sinful, drawing Christians away from their first love: Jesus. So I am not surprised that the pastor is demanding all of his leadership cease and desist from Facebook. After all, looking up an old flame or your teenage dream à la Katy Perry is just the first step down the road to perdition — especially if your home life isn’t exactly what it used to be. What is interesting to me is that the conservati…

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Another Book Burner Lusts for Attention

…e burned Bibles. Well, here’s their chance to get their rage pants on. The Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Canton, N.C. will celebrate Halloween by burning Bibles that aren’t the King James Version, as well as music and books and anything else Pastor Marc Grizzard says is a satanic influence. The church is burning other Bible translations that are not based on the “Textus Receptus,” and are, therefore, according to Grizzard, not the true word of G…

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“God Created You”: Bishop Supports Gay Ugandans, Defies Death Threats

…sexuals to repent or be punished by God before the microphone was snatched away one of Kato’s supporters. It might have seemed that the last person the activist’s friends would turn to for support at the moment would be another religious leader. Especially given that the church in Uganda was at the head of the drive for the draconian anti-homosexuality bill still pending in Parliament. But 79-year-old Bishop Christopher Senyonjo, in his purple cas…

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Dear Scientists: Please Stop Bashing Free Will!

…he neural circuits underlying our conscious sensations of intention are separate from the circuits that actually make our muscles move. This disconnect may explain why we so often fail to carry out our most adamant decisions. This morning, I vowed to write all afternoon rather than watch football, but somehow I ended up watching the end of the Jets game. These experiences recall Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Imp of the Perverse,” about a man…

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