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If Modesto’s Public Schools Can Teach World Religions, It Can Happen Anywhere

…took Sherry’s world religions and world geography course as a freshman in high school a decade ago. What Laycock’s piece didn’t capture is just how conservative a city Modesto is, and how much hope there is in the fact that they implemented this course so successfully. Modesto is no Berkeley, no San Francisco, no New York. Modesto is known for its low literacy, high crime, and conservative religious and political temperament. The Modesto I grew u…

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Capricology: Week 2: The Soul of a Robot

…grows up to find community, purpose and identity in the military’s ranks. High Priestess Clarice Willow’s polygamous household looks like it might offer something better: big love and shared purpose. But the profusion of furtive glances and angry accusations give lie to what is heralded as an extended family. Even “found” families are treacherous. Zoe kept secrets from Lacy, Lacy deserts Zoe and Ben when they run away, Ben kills Zoe in his holy h…

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The High Church of Art

…de to these ideas, one that had not been seen or explored. Certainly Kandinsky’s 1911 manifesto, Concerning the Spiritual in Art, announced the deeply religious interests and the spiritual ambition behind one kind of Abstraction, but Sweeney tried to make museums themselves into more self-consciously spiritual spaces. Art as religion and museums as temples… these ideas make better sense if we are willing to loosen up our understanding of the word…

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High Jewish Voter Turnout—and They Don’t Like Trump

Jewish votes matter. No, not due to anything nebulous like “the Israel lobby” or “money.” It’s voter turnout. In general around 52 to 54 percent of the American electorate bothers to vote. For American Jews, it’s 85 percent. In this fraught moment of broad political tensions and razor-thin margins, those votes become even more important. This morning, J-Street, the progressive organization advocating for a two-state solution to Israel-Palestine,…

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Opposition To DADT Repeal And The High Rate Of Evangelical Chaplains

…ls make up a disproportionate number of military chaplains relative to the numbers among the troops or the general population. And if evangelicals disproportionately oppose repeal, then it stands to reason that a more evangelical chaplaincy would, too. The military already has a serious problem with aggressive evangelizing which shouldn’t be compounded by yielding to an evangelical panic over repealing DADT.   The increased numbers of evangelical…

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Risky Business: The Pitfalls at the Corner of Church & Wall Street

…pian “class warfare” fears of Tea Partiers and other Republicans? When the number of Americans living in poverty—46.2 million, according to a recent report from the Census Bureau—is at an all-time high? When more than 300,000 Christian churches dot the American landscape, the majority with declining membership and largely unused real estate or financial capital that might well be put to work in the service of that stalwart of Christian faith: neig…

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Catholic ‘Soul-Searching’ as Ireland Votes on Marriage; Churches, American Activists Join Kenyan Anti-Gay Group’s ‘Family’ Confab; Indian Mom Seeks Spouse For Gay Son; Global LGBT Recap

…ere taking a back seat in the referendum, noting a stark contrast with the high-profile role the Church played in France in 2013 where it helped organize huge anti-marriage-equality protests. Despite changing attitudes, the Church still retains more power in Ireland than most places in Europe. Having run many of Ireland’s social services in the 20th century, most schools are still under its control and almost two-thirds of marriage ceremonies are…

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Is Abortion No Longer Significant for Evangelicals — or Has it Just Become Like Water?

…on laws. However, two-thirds of white evangelicals still rank abortion as “high” or “highest” on their political agenda. Burge points to additional data from 2018 that reveals that over half of white evangelicals see abortion as one issue among several that are important to them when choosing a political candidate. Additionally, he charts data that reveals how white evangelicals view the ability of a woman to receive an abortion: These numbers lea…

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Teach Your Children Well: Challenging Religion-Based Sexism

…students have been chastised by girls who argued that sexual violence and high rates of HIV/AIDS contraction in communities of color was simply the fault of “slutty” girls. The good girl/bad girl mentality is everywhere. For some high school girls, compiling and circulating virtual “slut lists” as leverage against “bad girls” is a popular pastime. But endorsing misogyny is, of course, how we roll.   Misogynist authoritarianism demands that women…

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Mormon Leaders Slam ‘Counterfeit’ Gay Families; Vatican Resists Gay Ambassador; ISIS Executes Man for Homosexuality; Global LGBT Recap

…life, and the first time they met with LGBT parents, too,” Dinh said in a Skype call from Ho Chi Minh City. “We told our stories because we wanted the government to understand the difficulties our children face in their daily lives… I think that the officials understood and felt empathy for the PFLAG members and for the LGBT community.” India: Recriminalization of homosexuality leaves gays vulnerable to violence, blackmail Reuters reports that th…

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