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What’s the Role of LDS Church Leaders when it comes to Politics?

…aking exception for issues it considers “moral” rather than political—like California’s Proposition 8. (That’s a distinction many would interrogate, especially supporters of LGBT equality.) But this week’s statement offers something new in drawing a line on who among Church leaders may and who must not participate in any aspect of political campaigning, including endorsing, promoting, donating, or fundraising. Must Nots include full-time Church le…

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Isaac Asimov’s Niece Covers the Rapture

…the event in the empty parking lot of the Family Radio station in Oakland, California, where this whole ridiculousness began. There is no gloating, or smugness in Asimov’s words, only a simple recounting of the disappointment of a road-weary man. “I was hoping. I think heaven will be a lot better than this earth,” the 36-year-old trucker told a knot of reporters who outnumbered visitors at the grimy hub of worldwide speculation about the world’s e…

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Obama’s Religion Problem, Marriage Equality, and a Bush Executive Order

…cite the president’s opposition to marriage equality in state fights from California to New York to Maryland.” As was made plain at Netroots Nation last weekend, some of Obama’s defenders think he’s done a lot, including Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal and the legal decision to not defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court. But the refusal to endorse marriage equality still enfuriates equality advocates, including Lt. Dan Choi, who tore in half a p…

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Book of Mormon Musical Creators Do Owe Mormonism a Big Thank You

…, and that in the last days, I might have to walk from my home in Southern California to Missouri to help build Zion. In fact, my sister and I still talk about making that long trip all the time. Yes, I belong to what may be the most original and compelling modern religion in the world. And I don’t want to live in a world without the distinctive beauties and magic of Mormonism, just like I don’t want to live in a world without religion. So, though…

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Why The Book of Mormon (the Musical) is Awesomely Lame

…er’s phenomenally popular Twilight series, the controversy over Prop. 8 in California, the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping and its judicial aftermath, the Warren Jeffs trial, American Idol runner-up David Archuleta, all-time Jeopardy winner Ken Jennings, ex-Mormon bad boy playwright-screenwriter-director Neil LaBute, Jared and Jerusha Hess’ sleeper indie hit Napoleon Dynamite, the PBS documentary The Mormons,…

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Week in Religion: More Praying in Texas, First Hindu Chaplain, Modest Muslim Weightlifter

…Christianity.” A mosaic of a surfing Madonna appeared under an overpass in California. In Maryland, an entire Episcopal parish is converting to the Roman Catholic Church. From the “No that’s not a movie” file: Twin brother Franciscan friars died within hours of each other on the same day at the age of 92. The American Catholic Council is hosting a conference of liberal Catholics in Detroit this weekend. Army Captain Pratima Dharm is the first Hind…

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Robert George’s Bogus Comparison of Herman Cain to Martha Coakley

…e to fill prescriptions for the emergency contraceptive Plan B, doctors in California to reject a lesbian’s request for infertility treatment, and an ambulance driver in Chicago to turn away a woman who needed transportation for an abortion. Opposing conscience protections is just like requiring Muslims to sign loyalty oaths, isn’t it? George couldn’t just say Cain is wrong and leave it at that. He had to compare Cain’s McCarthy-esque Islamophobia…

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Rapture Fraud?

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has requested that the California Attorney General investigate Harold Camping’s tax exempt ministry for fraud and deceit over his fundraising on his rapture prophecy. In a carefully crafted letter, the Foundation co-presidents argue: Camping convinced droves of his loyal listeners and adherents that the end of the world was rapidly approaching… He capitalized on their fears and enlisted their pocketbooks in or…

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Pastors for Perry?

…ciety.” The Restoration/Renewal Projects are based on a model developed in California in the 1990s to oppose gay marriage. According to a report [pdf] prepared by the church-state separation advocacy group the Texas Freedom Network in 2006, Perry “clearly wants the thousands of pastors associated with the Texas Restoration Project to help him communicate with evangelical Christians and other conservatives . . . . Even his speeches at pastors’ brie…

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Imagine a More Equal You!

…kitchen tables with their children. And all of this about 30 years after the LDS Church helped torpedo the Equal Rights Amendment through a concerted political organizing campaign similar to the Church’s involvement in California’s Proposition 8. Ouch. I have no quarrel with promoting financial literacy. But you know what might have gone a long way towards putting women on more secure financial footing? Equality under the law….

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