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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…ubject to violence and discrimination in many parts of the world. In 2013, India re-criminalised homosexuality while Nigeria, Uganda, and Gambia have all passed laws that make homosexuality a crime punishable with life imprisonment. In seven countries, homosexuality is punishable by death, the statement said. Philippines: LGBT rights advocates reflect on papal visit We reported last week on the visit by Pope Francis to the Philippines. This week G…

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SoulCycle Looks to Sell its Soul

…drives the money changers from the Temple. For centuries, many temples in India functioned like banks, making interest-bearing loans. Commercialized forms of penance helped inspire the Reformation in Europe. The landscape of American religion is often conceived of as a market in which churches and denominations compete for worshippers. Sales tactics influence evangelists, and companies use religion to push political agendas. Nevertheless, there’s…

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Challenge to ‘un-Africanness’ of homosexuality; LGBT Catholics in Africa face church cooperation with persecution; lesbian cartoon project debuts in bangladesh under shadow of violence; Global LGBT Recap

…violence, lesbian cartoon character debuts Shelly Walia reports at Quartz India on the launch of Project Dhee: Since February this year, four Bangladeshi liberal bloggers have been brutally murdered, stoking fears that space for free speech in the Muslim-majority country is drastically shrinking. Amid this onslaught, the country’s first lesbian cartoon character has made her debut. Dhee—as the adolescent, bespectacled and curly-haired girl is cal…

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Billy Graham Is Probably Not the Author of His Own “Final Chapter”

…tless seeking for inner peace that, in Graham’s view, drove the Beatles to India. Secondly, according to Graham, there’s “hell around us.” It appears as lust, greed, and hatred. It spawns wars and riots. Graham repeatedly linked his thoughts on hell with his concerns about the state of the world, at times paying more attention to the latter than the former. He preached, “A lady said sometime ago, ‘I hate the very thought of hell.’ So do I! And I a…

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In Praise of Failure: Is Defining Religion Such a Good Idea?

…ion, we need to step back a bit and think about language, since we are at least talking about how we use, or should use, words. Fully to appreciate what I am saying, know that here in Riverside County, California, I am writing close in time and space to the shootings in San Bernardino. I have been driven to distraction and anger by the way the word “terrorism” is kicked about. For example: mass shootings by a white Christian, “crazy, unexplainable…

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Greatest Hits of 2015: Religion Stories Our Readers Couldn’t Resist

…: I knew Monsanto sues farmers into oblivion, caused a rash of suicides in India, suppresses negative media coverage, and pays politicians, and scientists to lie on its behalf. But there was one story I didn’t believe, because I knew it wasn’t true: Monsanto hadn’t paid me. So I did what any academic or journalist would do, and started learning more about the company that supposedly had me on its payroll. #2 Confront Death by Avoiding Fritos: The…

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Is Religion Wrecking Our Air?

…per that showed the effects of fireworks on air pollution during Diwali in India, “fireworks contain harmful chemicals such as potassium nitrate, carbon and sulphur apart from an array of chemicals such as strontium, barium, sodium, titanium, zirconium, magnesium alloys, copper and aluminum powder to create the colourful effects. On burning they release gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.” The study concluded that fireworks contrib…

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Times‘ Cutesy Guide Veils Humanity of Muslim Women

…lled: “What in the World.” Sandwiched between articles on cows belching in India and a cutesy rumination on nicknames for Nobel Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, you’ll find an article about what to call that thing on a woman’s head in various Muslim countries. “What’s That You’re Wearing? A Guide to Muslim Veils,” includes a .gif with seven repeating images of faceless bodies wearing “veils for Muslim women… [of] all sizes, shapes, and colors”; desc…

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Hopping on the Meditation Brandwagon: “Heartfulness” Makes Landfall in Los Angeles

…anization embraces that idea that enlightenment shouldn’t cost a penny—at least not at first. The conference and the materials were free, and there’s nary a dollar sign to be seen for any of their heartfulness services on the website. But for the organization to have the reach and global real estate it apparently possesses, there is certainly a point at which revenue (donation!) is extracted. That combined with the nebulous promise of transformati…

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Come Hell or High Water: How the Melodrama of Disaster Leaves Us Vulnerable

…catastrophe. The problem is that people don’t want dull disasters—or, at least, many parties benefit from the excitement caused by catastrophe. “[M]edia has a strong incentive to sell copy or images,” Dercon told me by email. “This means that the early stages of a drought are far less of interest than the later stages; or indeed, that a discussion of investments in preparedness is far duller than the excitement of relief operation (when it is too…

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