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Why Atheists Should Fight For Establishment of State Religion

…ular liberals. Instead, they should have done everything in their power to promote North Carolina’s Freedom of Religion Act and, more, fought to establish the Christian state of North Carolina as quickly as possible. And conservative evangelical legislators need not waste their time writing toothless resolutions establishing state religions. Rather, if the Christian Right would like religion to prosper in America, they should erect a wall between…

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Pope Francis and the American Sisters

…liturgical act of washing two women out of twelve in 2000 years really the sign of the ‘feministization’ of the Roman Catholic Church? Not by my lights. Rather than washing feet, I suggest looking Catholic women in the eye and saying, “You are my sister, equal in every way to me,” and then changing structures accordingly. To atone for centuries of discrimination against women will take more than four clean female feet. I despair of those who say,…

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The “Prophetic” Voice of Jim Wallis Jumps on Marriage Equality Bandwagon

…other’s Day to launch its new campaign to invite one million believers to ‘sign up’ for full LGBT equality in our churches and society-at-large.” The reaction from progressive Christians was swift and deafening. “The big tent collapsed this weekend,” wrote Episcopalian and LGBT equality activist Jim Naughton, “and it was Sojourners who yanked out the tent poles. Someone needs to alert official Washington that Jim Wallis and his minions no longer s…

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4 Life Lessons from Episode Two of Preachers’ Daughters

…t not to the point of embarrassing her and her boyfriend by demanding they sign an explicit written contract detailing which behaviors are off-limits. [cough] VICTORIA! [/cough]) Going by the second definition, Teryn, the 30-year-old Koloff daughter, has the healthiest boundaries of the bunch. When her mom, Victoria, is barraging 20-year-old Kendra Koloff for information on what “boundaries” (in the first sense) she’s put in place with her boyfrie…

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Does Pope Francis Support LGBT Civil Unions?

…in toeing the official line against any formalization of LGBT relationships, the doctrinal flexibility expressed in his initial approach to the issue seems yet another sign that Pope Francis is not wedded (if we may) to the doctrinal and pastoral rigidness of his predecessors. …

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New Pope Accused of Conspiring in Kidnapping

…atura!” (Church. Garbage. You are the dictatorship!)—today became—“Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”  Habemus Papam Franciscum! Check back (or sign up for the newsletter) for a more detailed profile of the new pope.   …

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Note to the New Pope: Half of the World’s Poor are Women

…. In some respects, the election of Cardinal Bergoglio is a very promising sign. As an archbishop from the most populous Catholic continent on Earth, Latin America, the new Pope Francis I symbolizes a shift that has been a very long time coming, from Eurocentrism to the Church of the Global South. Not to mention his reputation as an advocate for the poor, emphasizing the Christian Gospel of love, washing the feet of AIDS victims, and more. The new…

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The Pope’s Dubious Holocaust Remembrance

…uschwitz. First, in the name of optimism, let’s point out that it’s a good sign that we live in an age when the pope is expected to make a statement like the one B16 made today: The memory of this immense tragedy, which above all struck so harshly the Jewish people, must represent for everyone a constant warning so that the horrors of the past are not repeated, so that every form of hatred and racism is overcome, and that respect for, and dignity…

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Forget History Channel’s The Bible, Meet Omar

…serialization of history?  Ultimately, Omar is religious entertainment, a sign that at the end of the day we all like stories—especially after we’ve eaten too much and it’s too much of a jihad to lift ourselves away from the television or computer or whatever. The rise of Muslim middle classes means very different people have trouble finding the same, frequently Samsung remotes despite allegedly impassable civilizational boundaries. With the rise…

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If Muslims Stop Drinking Will They Become Violent?

…we should fear extremism, except common biases. Namely, headscarves are a sign of “oppression,” and the only reason Muslim women veil is because they are forced to. The evidence in many European societies, such as France, suggests otherwise. And while certainly there are extremists who believe their vile actions are justified by Islam, this is not what the majority of Muslims believe. Further, these assumptions handicap us because they mislead us…

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