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Nxivm Scam Is Dead, but ‘Brainwashing’ Pseudoscience Lives On

…tofore unknown and horrific techniques were being used against citizens in China with the takeover by the Chinese Communist Party. That was not true, and what happened there, and with a few GIs in Korea who refused to be repatriated for a time after the Korean War ended, is easily explicable using well-known concepts and processes from sociology and social psychology. No magical black box of “brainwashing” is needed. It took a while for courts and…

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The Landmark 85-Year-Old Report Absent From Debates Over Missionary’s Death

…to address pressing issues facing their foreign missions in India, Burma, China, and Japan. Based off a two-year study in consultation with foreign mission boards and missionary leaders abroad, the commission concluded by recommending a reorientation of missionary approach emphasizing education, social services, partnership with local communities, and respect for local religious traditions. The Laymen’s Report marked a watershed moment when Ameri…

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Where Is American Christian Outrage on Russia’s Treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

…teen recommendations for CPCs in 2018, which included countries like Iran, China, North Korea, and Pakistan. But Secretary of State Mike Pompeo placed Russia and Uzbekistan on a “Special Watch List,” rather than identifying them as CPCs. Even without the CPC designation, Russian officials could face financial consequences under the Magnitsky Act. Passed by the U.S. Congress in 2012, the act calls for sanctioning Russian officials responsible for “…

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Donald Trump Scares LGBT People Worldwide and More, in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…liners rallied thousands of people to protest outside the legislature. The China Post reports that protesters are demanding a referendum even though recent polls have shown majority support for marriage equality: The rally was organized by Alliance of Taiwan Religious Groups for the Protection of Family (護家盟), a hard-line conservative group known for fighting to stop the legalization of gay marriage. The demonstrators, numbering in their thousands…

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There is No Religious Freedom: A Lesson from a ‘Pastafarian’ Stunt

…ts of Egypt, the Ahmadiyya of Pakistan, or the unregistered Protestants of China, self-identifying religious minorities can, to varying degrees, suffer the consequences of being deemed inauthentic by decree. During the French debate on the veil, President Sarkozy declared, “The burqa is not a religious sign,” suggesting that women had no religious right to don it. If the ideal of religious freedom means anything, surely it should prevent the magis…

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Marriage Equality Coming To Taiwan In Spite of Religious Objectors?; Anti-Gay Ruling Sought By Indonesian Islamists Threatens Women & Poor Couples; LDS Church Launches New ‘Mormon and Gay’ Site; Global LGBT Recap

…submitted with the support of 40 lawmakers, reports the Taipei Times. The China Post reported that the Protect Family Alliance, a coalition of religious groups, had organized more than 2,000 calls to the city government to condemn the march. According to the Taipei Times, a couple of days before the parade, dozens of Christian protesters organized by the International Christian Torch Vanguard Service and Ministry Association protested outside leg…

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Conservative Bishops Headed For Synod Victory?; Indonesian Sharia Official Says Gay Caning Law Meant To ‘Safeguard Human Dignity’; Slovenian Court OK’s Referendum on Marriage Equality Law; Global LGBT Recap

…ng, describes the challenges facing her advocacy in Hong Kong and mainland China.   Russia: Six Vigilantes Get Jail Terms for Torturing Gay Youth Public conversation around Russia’s anti-gay “propaganda” law came with a wave of vigilante violence against gays, often bragged about on social media. Now the Sinarsky Disctrict Court Kamensk-Ural has reportedly sentenced six members of one neo-Nazi group, which called itself Occupy Pedophilia, to priso…

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Ask a Muslim: No, Dear Reader, Sex-Obsession Isn’t Confined to Muslim Nations

…nt for monarchy just as one could democracy. Which prevails depends on any number of factors—but Islam does not contain a political system. Yes, some Muslims believe it does, but so what? Some Christians believe Vladimir Putin is a good leader. Others believe the war on Iraq was righteous. Some want to recognize gay marriage. Some practice plural marriage. Nobody agrees on anything, even though, half the time, they’re using the same texts and invo…

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A King for Jesus: What the Religious Right Sees in Trump

…ent with strong religious beliefs. Trump cannot even pretend to qualify. A number of analysts, particularly liberal ones, see it as the big reveal, that the Christian right is right, not Christian. The political right has captured the Christians, not the reverse. It’s about politics, class and honor, not God. Arlie Hochschild, in her new book, Strangers in Their Own Land, based on her ethnography of Calcasieu Parish in Southern Louisiana, explores…

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This Halloween, Think of Islam as a Religion of Pieces. Reese’s Pieces.

…ft: Terrifying small children; overconsumption; sex; buying things made in China we’ll only use one evening of an entire year and then discarding; designing ever more provocative and offensive products; pumpkins in (and on) everything. Otherwise this great American project falls apart, and we might as well live in the world of The Man in the High Castle. Not only that, but Halloween should be a goldmine for people of color. It’s the only time of y…

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