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Here Comes President Boo Boo: Trump’s Tour as Reality TV

…nactment, concentrating instead on the contemporary footage of significant sites and on footage of people who had played roles in the events. Lanzmann trained his camera on survivors, perpetrators, and bystanders to Nazi genocide, filming them in situations simulating something like a natural milieu. Lanzmann says that “precisely through such a maneuver”—putting a former barber back behind a barber’s chair, giving someone else, as he had planned t…

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New Study: Islamophobia Common in Catholic Media

…echoes the claims about Islam and violence that appear on his anti-Muslim site, Jihad Watch, and he also argues that there is a “great chasm” between Christianity and Islam; that interreligious cooperation is futile; that the average devout Muslim may be hostile to Christians; and that, despite these “dangers,” Catholics should still proclaim their Christian faith to Muslims in the hopes that they convert. Spencer isn’t the only Catholic voice wh…

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Unmasking the “Veiled Prophet” Behind a 135-Year-Old St. Louis Tradition

…orced the notion of a benevolent cultural elite,” as the St. Louis city website puts it. The organization still runs a debutante ball where men of high society display their daughters to one another once they come of age. “The preeminent formal gala for introducing young ladies,” as the Veiled Prophet Organization puts it. The gala gives the young women a chance to feel like princesses, guarded by men made up in Orientalist drag as “Bengal Lancers…

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Satan, Contributor to Teen Vogue‘s New “Sodomy” Section?

…ep breath! Yes, you have just read the phrase “anal sex” and not on a porn site. Religious debates lead us to many unusual topics.) Written in a cheery tone, the short article moves from basic anatomy to some elementary cautions about possible risks and problems. It also argues that adolescents deserve information about the range of human sexual practices, including ones they don’t intend to adopt. This optimistic article has provoked extravagant…

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Eclipseville, USA: The Birthplace of ‘Little Green Men’ Proudly Hosts The Point of Greatest Eclipse

…on to being the center of the nation’s eclipse craze, the town is also the site of one of America’s most documented encounters with creatures from a UFO. That story reveals that Hopkinsville has a long history of using heavenly oddities to sate very earthly desires. Lucas Reilly writes that over the ninety minutes or so that the eclipse proceeds relentlessly from first intersection between the sun and moon toward what’s called totality, birds will…

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Status Updates at the End of the World: The Religious Imagination and Our Latest Apocalypse

…atean capital of Petra, the Rose City, Jordan’s most famous archaeological site. “Petra is the one-and-only place of safety” for the next three and a half years of Tribulation, declares the Petra—Place of Safety website, which identifies Petra as “the singular ‘place prepared for her in the wilderness’ for the Woman of the End Time (Revelation 12:14).” This figure, identified as “all the Holy Spirit Sealed believers in the Messiah over the course…

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The Rise of the Catholic Cyber-Bullies

…ed” when he complained to Twitter about hate speech used by the right-wing site Catholic Vote. They got the right-wing echo chamber so ginned up that three talks by Martin were cancelled, most recently and most prominently by the Theological College at Catholic University, where Martin wasn’t even talking about the “gay book” but receptionists were treated to people calling in screaming. Such witch hunts against even a crack of progressive sunligh…

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“Giving Godhead”: A Bloody Vision of Religion’s Deepest Influence

…d Cemetery, Brooklyn, involves a grave for the secrets of visitors to that site. That piece, evoking notions of confession and absolution, mortality and temporality, sinks a spade into a whole cluster of theologically fraught ways of thinking and being, raising—as Jack Neudorf pointed out in Art Forum—some important questions for an age in which digital oversharing of confidences generally occurs sans any sense of catharsis. In an earlier series o…

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The New Normaal: “Black Pete,” Muslims and Whiteness in the Netherlands

…turn to Mahmood’s work on the relationship one has with a civic ideal as a site of potential moral injury. To understand how ‘normaal’ interacts with whiteness, it’s important to remember that many of the socially progressive values the Netherlands is known for in North America are also very much ‘normaal’: to have solid social security in place is normaal, providing women with full access to contraceptive care is normaal, and it is most normaal o…

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What Muslim Ban? A Religious Liberty Hearing in the Trump Era

…that issues around sex, marriage, and reproduction constitute the primary site for religious liberty disputes in the current political climate. Sticking to their anti-Obama talking points, the speakers seem not to have grasped that it may become increasingly difficult to claim the mantle of “religious liberty” without speaking out against the Islamophobic rhetoric adopted at the highest levels of government, and the dramatic rise in anti-Muslim h…

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