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Masculine Christianity, Praying Ballplayers, & Satanist Discrimination

…cilities, this will be more attractive to young people.” The building of a new mosque near New York’s Ground Zero is becoming a political football in that state’s governor’s race. Discrimination is also a problem for Satanists—or, for one particular Satanist, at least. Irving Davis, a convicted murderer, argues that his conviction be thrown out because his foray into Satanism should not have been revealed to the jury. Hearing the appeal, Judge Mic…

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Predicting the Future of Religion: A Thought Experiment

…SIS in Iraq and Syria could possibly signal the beginnings of a terrifying new chapter in religious oppression. Will our future historian write about bloody religious crusades between Muslims and Christians in the new Global South? Or will small but growing secular movements in Africa and Asia prevent this? What will our historian say about the growth of “indigenous” religion? From Max Muller to Mircea Eliade western scholars have often patronizin…

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New Study: Motivation Doesn’t Improve Group Success

…erage or maximum individual intelligence’ in that group. There’s something new, some emergent property, about being in a group—if the group works. That’s a big if. We’ve all been in groups—whether religion-based or otherwise—that drive us nuts. What makes for a group that works, a group with high collective intelligence? Woolley and friends find that some of the kinds of things you’d expect to improve collective intelligence don’t (including the m…

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A Queer New Year

…ligious colleges. Look for all these stories—and some of the not-such-good-news we covered in 2012—to continue making waves in 2013. Civil Marriage and Uncivil Religion On New Year’s Day, same-sex couples in Maryland started getting legally married—joining those in Washington state and Maine, where voters had also given a thumbs-up in a remarkable set of November election victories. Pro-equality activists are working to build on those victories wi…

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How Thanksgiving Became All Dinner, No Worship

…e remarkable and persistent magazine editor, Sarah Josepha Hale, also from New England. When New Englanders participated in the western expansion of settlements, they frequently campaigned to continue the thanksgiving tradition in their new locations. Hale became their most prominent national advocate, serving as the editor (she preferred “editress”) of Godey’s Ladies Book, the most widely read magazine of its time in the United States. Described…

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Spinning But Not Religious: Inside the New Economy of Spiritual Fitness

…lness programs—the figure jumps to $3.4 trillion. Sweat Equity: Inside the New Economy of Mind and Body Jason Kelly Wiley Press (April, 2016) Wellness, of course, is where the mind meets the body—as well as the spirit, it would seem. Indoor cycling titan SoulCycle, for example, is “church” for many of its devotees (as covered here in RD) and yoga continues to trouble boundaries between “authentic” religion and popular, secular practice. In Sweat E…

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Roll Over Lenin: Russian Church Elects New Patriarch

…! Despite these achievements, however, plenty of challenges remain for the newly elected Patriarch to address. First of all, Russia’s religious revival, impressive as it may be, has been largely superficial, having little effect on church attendance and belief in particular religious doctrines such as the divinity of Jesus and the afterlife. By these measures, Russians remain quite secular, even if they see Orthodoxy as a key aspect of their natio…

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The Breaking of Biblical Womanhood: The Problem With the Hot New Book Taking Aim at the Subjugation of Women in Evangelicalism

…ss April, 2021 Medieval historian and Baylor professor Beth Allison Barr’s new book The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth seeks to historicize modern evangelical gender roles that confine women to home and family in order to offer a more inclusive vision of evangelicalism, one with more possibilities for women’s leadership. Initial reception of Barr’s book has been overwhelmingly positive. The Making of…

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What Good Is It for Union to Gain the World, But Forfeit Its Soul?

…President Jones was quoted using language reminiscent of Franklin: We’re a New York City institution. And we have a New York City-sized problem. But fortunately we also have a New York City-sized answer. God is calling us to have another 100 years, and the air rights are the answer to that call. Yes, indeed, a call is being answered. But which God has given the call? What’s happening at Union is a microcosm of a broader reality: poor people of col…

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The Sacramental American Day of Thanks

…ng question for the Bellah thesis about the US Civil Religion is whether a new century and this new war, provide the US civil religion with a new opportunity for growth, adaptation and change. And while the prophetic mode has been rather muted under the leadership of the Bush team, it will be fascinating to see how a new administration under the aegis of a very different kind of leader, will deploy the quasi-religious rhetoric of the American civi…

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