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How Will We Teach About Sikhism After the Tragedy?

…Hinduism, Buddhism, and many others. But as more immigrants arrived to the United States after the 1965 immigration act, that situation began to shift. By the 1990s, two key trends emerged: there were many communities who preferred that they teach about their own traditions, and not leave it only to university professors who did not experience the tradition themselves. Second, several communities, including Sikhs, had been in the U.S. long enough…

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“Cult” Cinema Comes of Age

…or who strikes it rich through oil and blood, but about the rebirth of the United States as a world force at the start of the twentieth century. And his first great film, Boogie Nights, is about a porn star, but also a cultural history moving from the 1970s to the Reaganite ’80s, and shifting attitudes toward sex, drugs, and rock and roll. He’s a great filmmaker, with a brilliant grasp of imagery (even the choice to shoot much of the film in 65mm…

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Who Would the Buddha Bomb?

…magination,” he writes. Elsewhere, two titans of Theravada Buddhism in the United States have found themselves at loggerheads over their differing views about defensive war. In one of the final issues of the progressive Buddhist journal Inquiring Mind, released in the middle of last year, monk and translator Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi (who also attended the White House meeting) courted controversy with an article entitled “War and Peace: A Buddhist Perspe…

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Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

…since 1782, E Pluribus Unum, which still appears on the Great Seal of the United States, much better reflects the founding aspirations of unity amidst diversity. But that’s no longer the goal of the national motto, which of course is why the prominent display and invocation of In God We Trust is central to the Christian Right’s program. The second Prime Focus, “Resolution Establishing Public Policy Favoring Intimate Sexual Relations Only Between…

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Billy Graham and the Gospel of American Nationalistic Christianity

…the United States Capitol yesterday: “If I would run for President of the United States today, on a platform of calling the people back to God, back to Christ, back to the Bible, I’d be elected. ‘”There is a hunger for God today.” The 33-year-old, blonde, wavy haired preacher gave two sermons during the course of an hour-long meeting carried coast-to-coast by a radio network. In one sermon he asked the U. S. Senate and House to call upon Presiden…

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Found in Translation: How a Thirteenth-Century Islamic Poet Conquered America

…arks may have had to escort Rumi through Ellis Island to import him to the United States, he has shown that one can Americanize an “other” without bastardizing him. The task of a translator working across vast expanses of time and space is not easy, and what Barks has done is beautifully—indeed, wondrously—rendered Rumi into an English that pierces through the souls of millions of Westerners, yet still remains reverently (if only relatively) faith…

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North America Has a Hindu Nationalist Problem, and Scholars are On the Frontlines of These Right-Wing Attacks

…ian society as Hindu alone, akin to Christian nationalist ambitions in the United States. In India, Hindu nationalism—including its anti-intellectual bent—has grown tremendously in influence over the last several decades. Hindu nationalist organizations and their supporters regularly use legal and extralegal means to infringe on the academic freedoms of our India-based academic colleagues. They’ve successfully banned texts and authors who refuse t…

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White Christian Complaints About Religious Persecution Are Especially Ugly on MLK Day

…with their beliefs” routinely demonized by the soon-to-be President of the United States. Although he doesn’t mention specific legislation, it’s not hard to read between the lines and infer that Perkins is referring to the so-called First Amendment Defense Act, a sweeping federal bill that could allow any individual, health care provider, business or corporation to refuse to serve or treat LGBT people or unmarried mothers, so long as they cite a “…

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Weeks After Turkey’s Failed Coup, Thousands Have Been Arrested Over a Book

…s way into leadership networks in other countries around the world. In the United States, for example, the movement has a network of schools and interfaith centers, and has been known to provide free trips to American academics to show them the Hizmet activities in Turkey. In the spirit of full disclosure, I am one of those academics who have benefited from a casual association with members of the Hizmet movement in the United States. But I didn’t…

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My Womb for His Purposes: The Perils of Unassisted Childbirth in the Quiverfull Movement

…ll three countries Campbell has lived: New Zealand, Australia, and now the United States. While Campbell has not been a particularly zealous proponent of unassisted childbirth, she has in the past helped promote an extreme version of the practice taught by Carol Balizet, head of the obscure, Tampa, Florida-based Home in Zion Ministries, that is condemned even by fellow unassisted childbirthers. Balizet, a former nurse and the author of a number of…

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