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Reporting from Paris During COP21: A Haunted Sabbath

…your head the diadem of glory….” The communion table was open and all were welcome to come. Plus, “Gluten free communion wafers are available.” and there was a request from the altar guild, “ If you wear lipstick and can wipe it off or blot it before communion, it would be much appreciated. The communion cup is wiped clean after each person’s sips, but it’s really hard to remove lipstick from the linen purificators (towels). Merci.” I was thrilled…

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Report From Paris: Who Is Naomi Klein, Religiously?

…the invitation of Cardinal Turkson of Ghana, perhaps the next Pope, was a welcome surprise to her. Klein approaches the climate crisis morally; the Pope approaches them sacramentally. The two foundations need each other, or so I learned in seminary. Klein listens well to what happened in Copenhagen. The African nations walked out en mass. They were chanting, “2% is mass suicide. We will not die quietly.” She seems to actually care about the neigh…

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Pope Mum on LGBTs in Uganda; Church Defends Anti-Marriage-Equality Efforts in Australia; Cyprus Passes Civil Partnerships; Global LGBT Recap

…teaching of the church on homosexuality. “Because the aim of it is not to promote life but to act against it, those with that tendency are called to abstinence.” While in Uganda, Francis visited a shrine to a group of 19th-Century martyrs, Catholic and Anglican men who were brutally executed by a traditional king because, according to lore, they refused his sexual advances, though some scholars say it was because of their dedication to defending…

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When Welcoming the Stranger Was Not Just a Religious Value

…when he’s starving.” Americans responded in full force to these calls to “welcome the stranger.” Between 1975 and 2000, the United States resettled over one million refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, in a public-private endeavor funded in part by government but powered largely by private resources and the contributions of everyday Americans. Religious voluntary agencies—the organizations that have official contracts with the State Departm…

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To Pray or to Prey: Racism, Religion and Violence in Charleston

…sive study and buoyant fellowship. After an hour of prayer and extravagant welcome, Roof pursued his lethal goal, murdering a recent college graduate, grandparents, mothers, friends and clergy. The site of this white terrorist attack intimates a broader attack on the idea of black freedom. Emanuel Church embodies a storied and triumphant history in the American south. Historically, this place of transformative faith invested capital and bodies in…

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With the Pope at Ground Zero

…the words of Mr. Roger, whose daughter Jill was only 24 years old when she died in the 9/11 attack, “I hope that the Memorial will have deep meaning, and will promote peace and welcome.” These days, whether religious or not, we must all share that hope….

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LDS Church Labels Same-Sex Spouses “Apostates,” Bars Children From Baptism

…y that all children are beloved of God, entitled to saving ordinances, and welcome to participate in the life of the church. Barring children of LGBT families from membership or baptism in the Church strikes at the very heart of Christian teachings about God’s special care for children and the essential role of baptism. It marks them as expendable. It also ensures that children of LGBT families will have virtually no opportunity for religious educ…

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“Ready to Be Arrested?”: GOP Prez Candidates Show Up For “Freedom2015”

…heir lectures, unless you know what to listen for. The conference has been promoted as an opportunity for Christians to become educated to protect themselves and their families in the coming persecution in the wake of the Obergefell decision. On the website, visitors are told to get ready for “the gathering storm,” and are asked: Are you ready to be arrested? Are you ready to lose your children to the state? Will your church be shut down? Will Chr…

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“We Blew it” on Climate Change, But May Survive Anyway: An RD Discussion with the First Transhumanist Candidate

…elf. How can the Transhumanist Party remain secular while, simultaneously, promoting this ultimate good? In my opinion, the difference really is the word secular versus reason. I like to think that while we are now a secular movement, and I emphasize secularism all the time, I think beyond that is reason. That’s what I try to base all my choices on. We need to be motivated by logic, and if we’re motivated by logic then we’re going to make choices…

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