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*UPDATE*: Sam Brownback as Religious Freedom Ambassador? His Distinguished Predecessor Hopes for the Best

…little different than that of a bully wielding a club. His goal is not to use religion as a way to expand freedom, but to use a narrow, bigoted interpretation of religion to deny freedom to his fellow citizens.” Oh, and let’s see. What else has ​Gov. ​Brownback​ ​accomplished for the ​good people of the Sunflower State? This Rollling Stone overview from a few years back chronicles the multiple catastrophes suffered by Kansans during the freaky-de…

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Queer Nuns: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are “Serious Parody,” Forcing Us to Redefine Nuns

…houses (non-residential chapters) in many large cities in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia. They are often happy to visit classrooms, and they will come in habit to discuss their own perspectives on the order. Because they’re a non-profit organization that gives all of its monies back to the community, some will ask only for the cost of travel; honoraria generally go to the Sister’s house rather than to the individual member….

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Will the Catholic Church Throw Cold Water on the LARC Revolution?

…dicating that Catholic providers may be gearing up to make an issue of IUD promotion. Even a referral work-around could dampen the effectiveness of a LARC initiative because it interrupts the continuity of care for female patients, requiring them to get an appointment with another provider in another office at another date. This can deter younger and poorer women, who often have difficulty with transportation or getting off from work or school, fr…

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How Did the Buddha Become a Medieval Saint?

…ards, in thinking that religions make use of stories to convey moral lessons? What if, instead, stories make use of religions, for reasons all their own? While particular mythologies rise and fall, the use of narrative as a meaning-making machine endures—perhaps because we’ve always believed more in language than in God by any name. This review originally appeared in BookForum….

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Christian Pol, Attacked for Opposing ‘In God We Trust’ in School, Talks Church and State

…eat others the way we want to be treated. How my church, like many others, promotes making a sacred, lifelong bond between couples who love each other. That we promote marriage and work to strengthen families of same-sex couples just as heterosexual ones. For me, the many scripture passages on love and commitment, on honesty and fidelity, on compassion and understanding, and on the importance of parents caring for each other and their children are…

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Celebrating Religious Freedom Day By Taking Back the Revolutionary Meaning of ‘Religious Freedom’

…as an annual commemoration. Following hearings, it may pass this year, because Democrats have trifecta control of both houses of the legislature and the governorship. Marty’s bill is based on a model written by the BlitzWatch Coalition (full disclosure: RD is a publication of Political Research Associates, which is a member of the coalition). In addition to the In God We Trust debacle, the Prayer Caucus also attempted to defund the Minnesota Histo…

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Water Water Everywhere

…me to wash with water in addition to drying with toilet paper every time I use the toilet. This is known as istinjaa’. In my fundamentalist days, I used to carry my own little cosmetic bottle to fill at the sink before entering a public toilet outside of the Muslim world. But in my minimalist old days, I may suffer the loss, but I manage without it. That’s why I love bathrooms in the Muslim world, which tend to have this nifty little hose attached…

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Good (Enough) Christians — Russell Moore in The Atlantic Illustrates the Limitations of ‘Christian Nationalism’ as Category

…If anything, it’s only provided American liberals and pundits with another useful tool to distance “real” Christianity from ugly realities like bigotry and political violence—to refuse to see that bigotry, strict social hierarchy, and an ends justify the means drive for domination are all quite compatible with Christianity. Of course, liberationist Christianity also exists, but there’s no singular, “pure” form of Christianity in empirical existenc…

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Why We Should Ban Oppressive Speech Acts

…w hate symbol’s addition to the lexicon through the far right’s collective use. In response to alleged political correctness gone too far, the vile alt-right radio host Paul Joseph Watson once tweeted, “Wearing a sombrero is not racist, you utter dolt. It’s a fucking hat.” Against this sort of disingenuous appeal to “factual” meaning as a cover for racism, we can say to those playing Watson’s game: Look, you utter fascists, meaning is use—it’s not…

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The Dark Side of Our Obsession With Trapped Thai Children

…hem voice; we heard them screaming for their parents. We know some of them use porta-potties. They are kept behind the same kind of chain-link fence that many of us use to confine our dogs. The president has described their kind as “animals.” Surely most of us, no matter what our political bent, feel sad for the entrapped children in both circumstances. But our collective conscience leads us to two different interventions on their behalf. Though s…

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