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First Gay Bishop? Give Me a Break

…church to make. One especially striking interview, given current events in Uganda, is with a Ugandan woman with HIV who Robinson met in England, talking about how much she and her family have been helped by gay people. Other notable voices include Bishop Jon Bruno of Los Angeles, who notes that the church has a tendency to “claw on the carpet” while being dragged from the past; retired bishop Otis Charles and his husband Felipe; and Bishop Tom Sha…

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Methodists Vote to Keep Homosexuality “Incompatible”

…ues of human sexuality — especially homosexuality, where governements like Uganda’s are trying to make it a capital offense just to be gay. Baden said the Reconciling Ministries Network is working hard to open dialogues with church leaders in countries like Africa to educate them on the realities of being gay or lesbian. “We’re having deep conversations on human sexuality especially in places where we haven’t always been able to have these convers…

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Notify This! Vatican Bungles Response to Sexual Ethics Book

…garet’s community, the Sisters of Mercy. She still makes regular visits to Uganda and Cameroon to teach and learn as a collaborator. The organization “brings together women religious so that they may address the crisis of HIV and AIDS by listening to, learning from, and empowering one another to collaborate in strategies for prevention and care in response to the pandemic. The essence of the AACSS is the bonding that exists between Sister to Siste…

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Global Precap: 5 Religion and LGBT Stories to Look For in 2015

…t attacks LGBT groups, civil society, and basic freedoms within Russia. In Uganda, anti-gay lawmakers are certain to try to overcome President Yoweri Museveni’s resistance to passage of a new Anti-Homosexuality Act. In Gambia, viciously anti-gay President Yahya Jammeh has portrayed his vehement anti-gay stance as a heroic effort to defend Islam and African independence from European influence. In 2015, Gambia will celebrate 50 years of independenc…

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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…of the world. In 2013, India re-criminalised homosexuality while Nigeria, Uganda, and Gambia have all passed laws that make homosexuality a crime punishable with life imprisonment. In seven countries, homosexuality is punishable by death, the statement said. Philippines: LGBT rights advocates reflect on papal visit We reported last week on the visit by Pope Francis to the Philippines. This week Ging Cristobal, IGLHRC’s project coordinator for Asi…

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Evangelicals and Immigration Reform, Again

…t Lively, who is known as one of the instigators of the anti-gay frenzy in Uganda that has led to the kill-the-gay bill there. This is not a new effort by evangelicals to press for immigration reform. Two years ago, a group calling itself Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, which included the NHCLC, the National Association of Evangelicals, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, pressed for immigration reform, but without the…

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Art for Peace: An Interview with Artist Mary Button

…log was a real priority and so the youth participants were not only from a number of different countries—Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kenya—they also came from a wide variety of faith backgrounds. One of the things that I became very quickly aware of was how unsure and self-conscious I was about talking about my own faith. I was totally blown away by the openness and ease with which so many of these young people…

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What Did Kyrie Say That Was So Wrong? When Black Antisemitism Meets White Jewish Privilege

…m, Black chosenness has been the vocabulary for African Americans and Anglophone African populations of the Caribbean to express being viewed as full humans. But Andre, you ask, what about the Jews are the seed of Satan and Jewish world domination rhetoric? Isn’t that evidence of Black antisemitism? Rabbi Tamar Manasseh argues that Kyrie Irving and Kanye West (yes, Kanye! His momma called him Kanye, I’m calling him Kanye) have tragically become th…

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Purpose Driven Politics: Rick Warren’s Civil Service

…d spiritual development of Africa … has been ‘beta-tested’ in Rwanda … and Uganda (where Warren recently expressed his strong support for laws against homosexuality). Now Warren has apparently brought much of the US evangelical mainstream on board at a ‘PEACE Coalition Summit.’ Various pastors spoke enthusiastically about their wish to ’take’ countries like Mozambique and Nigeria.” In August, Warren will lead the questioning of the two candidates….

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What in the Name of the Crusades are Tennessee Evangelicals Doing in Kurdish Iraq?

…can evangelicals into Northern Iraq. Shortly after the invasion of Iraq, a number of fundamentalist Christian organizations announced plans to participate in the future rebuilding effort. At the time, the Rev. Franklin Graham indicated that his organization, Samaritan’s Purse, would lead the way. Graham, the son of the Rev. Billy Graham, who shortly after September 11, got himself into a bit of a pickle by lashing out at all Muslims, famously call…

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