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Don’t Blame Religion for Boston Bombings

…y School; the July 2012 movie theater shootings by James Holmes in Aurora, Colorado; the August 2012 attack on the Milwaukee Sikh Gurdwara by Wade Michael Page; the 2010 Times Square bombing attempt by Faisal Shahzad; and the 1996 Atlanta Olympic park bombing by Eric Robert Rudolph, to name a few. Some of these were committed by Christians, some by Muslims, and some by those with no particular religious affiliation at all. In almost all cases, tho…

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Seven Years After Hurricane Katrina, Reflecting on the Fallacy of Divine Retribution

…nsing process allowing for the renewal of natural lands. And fires such as Colorado Springs just experienced, while certainly natural disasters to a degree, are also man-made disasters, like the destruction leveled in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. It’s just that our religious platitudes of God’s wrath, and God’s reassurance, make it difficult to understand the indispensable human contribution to these catastrophes. Tornado Hits the Heartland: Is…

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Harry Jackson Fundraises for Anti-Obama Campaign

…fe, Lt. Governor John Sanchez, and others. Upcoming events will be held in Colorado, Ohio, Nevada, Maine, Maryland, and Washington, with a wind-up event in Virginia.  Manaigo says the campaign’s goal is “to pull together multi-ethnic, multi-denominational groups to swing the difference in some of these elections, be they local, statewide, and certainly we have our eyes fixed in due purpose on the national campaign.” (Friendly suggestion for Manaig…

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Corporations, Religious Conscience, Citizens United, and Contraception

…den on OIH’s owner and manager, Frank O’Brien. In July, a federal court in Colorado reached a different result, holding that the coverage requirement did substantially burden a private company’s religious exercise and rejected the government’s argument that a private company cannot make a religious freedom claim. But Judge Jackson, because she already had held that coverage requirement did not substantially burden O’Brien’s religious exercise, did…

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Let My Preachers Endorse: A Modest Church-State Proposal

…E MUSLIM! THE CAPITALIST, NOT THE COMMUNIST!”; Ridgway Christian Center in Colorado instructed its to “Honor God! Love Your Country! VOTE REPUBLICAN!”; while church bulletins of St. Catherine of Siena in New York included a pro-Romney message from former U.S. ambassadors to the Vatican. The 1500 congregations supporting Pulpit Freedom Sunday, which included Black churches, endorsed an array of local, state, and federal candidates. And they’ll cont…

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Senate Candidate Todd Akin’s Anti-Abortion Acquaintances from the Late ’80s

…hymn, approaches the small podium to teach a lesson about the shootings in Colorado. While the congregation listens attentively, there are no amens, hallelujahs or praise-the-Lords; all eyes, at one point of the sermon or another, sneak a look at the back pew, where I’m seated. Afterward, several people ask politely, “So, how do you know Tim?” He later confesses that the church is trying to get him married. Most of the family and friends who’ve kn…

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The Great Religious Realignment

…t given what we’ve learned recently about religious realignments—declining numbers of Catholics, declining numbers of mainline Protestants, declining numbers of evangelicals in the 18- to 29-year-old age group, and increasing numbers of unaffiliated voters, and in particular, atheists and agnostics in the 18- to 29-year-old age group—it seems like a significant shift is underway. A recent Pew survey found that there are now equal numbers of white…

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Are Colored Eggs More
Easter-y than Cesar Chavez?

… titled “Ponder Christian Soldiers Google’s Smirking War On You,” Colorado State Senator Shawn Mitchell decries the choice of a Chávez “doodle”: “Sure, no Christian was mocked, defamed, arrested, or persecuted. And heaven forbid any believer needs internet graphics to help bolster their faith. But hundreds of millions of Christians received the clearly intended message that Google doesn’t deign to wish them well on their sacred day. It wo…

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Hide the Religion, Feature the Science: 60 Minutes Drops the Ball on Mindfulness

…be commodified for the marketplace. Mindfulness comes to us packaged with Colorado retreats for high-powered professionals, training sessions at Google (which gets lots of free good press), and all sorts of paraphernalia. We’re told about the various books that interviewees have written (ten, in Kabat-Zinn’s case), how Chade-Meng literally makes his living promoting mindfulness in Silicon Valley, and you can learn more about Cooper’s experiences…

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Euthanasia Billboards, Post-Rapture Pet Care, Can You Tell a Burqa from a Hijab?

…panish Parliament has rejected a ban on burqas in public. Some in Boulder, Colorado argue that new city council rules accidentally ban burqas and hijabs at meetings. And in case you’re unsure of the difference between a burqa and a hijab, take a look at this explanation. A piece of artwork in the Sacramento County Public Law Library has caused a kerfuffle. The piece features a Bible with a label across the front reading “Warning! May Impair Judgem…

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