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Exodus Declares Opposition to Criminalization of Homosexuality

…ality worldwide. The statement on the organization’s website reads: Exodus International believes that every human life, regardless of sexual orientation, is of inestimable and equal worth to God and that defending this principle is foundational in offering a Christian response to any issue. As such, Exodus International has not supported and will not support any legislation that deprives others of life and dignity based on their sexual orientatio…

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Status of Uganda Anti-Gay Bill Unclear; U.S. Religious Right Support Isn’t

…essings forever. Museveni and his wife, who have long ties to the NAR, the International Transformation Network, and evangelist Ed Silvoso, have in fact been using similar language since at least the turn of the millennium when they and religious leaders covenanted the nation to God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ for 1,000 years.  A recent article from the far right WND on Museveni’s prayer began circulating among ecstatic conservative evangelic…

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Because God Tells Me So; Do Jews Have a “Historic Right” to Israel?

…poused; the normalization of the Jewish people by becoming a member of the international community of nation states. Zionism can use a theological reading of Hebrew Scripture to deepen the commitment of its constituency but it cannot make that the basis of its “historic right” to the land on the international stage, especially when that right is countered by another community with an equally legitimate, non-theological historic right (i.e., histor…

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Inventing “Jihad”

…ar and making peace. Classical Muslim juridical literature on the topic of international relations and statecraft taken by itself can and has obfuscated these parallels to a considerable extent, since political realism more than ethics and moral reasoning frequently informed such a genre. Consultation of a broader repertoire of sources allows one to retrieve multiple perspectives on the permissibility of military activity and allows one to better…

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UK Atheist Church Invasion

…wn community, and grow their community virally.  Evans: This has become an international organization so quickly. We were sort of OK running Sunday Assembly from our bedrooms but international movements can’t be done by emails at three am in the morning anymore.   Jones: We’re also working on our branding. Humanism is such a wonderful idea but it’s got some of the worst marketing that I’ve ever seen around it.  How does Sunday Assembly address the…

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Want To Know How 84% of the World Sees Itself: Study Theology

…gned to increase economic and political engagement is that overreliance on international charity has quashed the work ethic and entrepreneurial spirits of citizens of the global South. But if we take Burton’s theological investigation of history and apply it to our faithful neighbors, we arrive at a much less paternalistic conclusion. “God will provide,” may seem like an empty, refrigerator-magnet platitude to the non-devout but it is a theologica…

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Did Uganda’s President Really Veto the Anti-Gay Bill?

…he promotion of homosexuality.” These transnational linkages exist—and the international community must wake up and recognize the influence of Putin and Russia on efforts to criminalize advocacy in African nations. Putin’s recent anti-LGBT actions have provided African nations with momentum and increased credibility as anti-gay laws move from the margins of global politics into the mainstream. As Jeff Sharlet rightly noted, “Russian anti-gay laws…

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Global LGBT Recap: Ugandan Law Unleashes Vigilantes, Anti-Gay Americans Want to Boost Homophobia Exports

…Uganda and Nigeria. Zambia: Amnesty International Raises Concerns Amnesty International reports that attacks on individuals by both vigilantes and police “have been instigated by a series of inflammatory statements made by senior government officials instructing the public to report anyone they suspect of being a homosexual or “promoting homosexuality.” As in Uganda, reports AI, Zambian publications have been “outing” individuals.  Zimbabwe: Muga…

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Global LGBT Recap: World Vision Caves, World Congress of Families Vamps, God Weeps

…warning of violence if LGBT rights activists try to publicly recognize an international anti-homophobia day on May 17; last year a small silent demonstration by LGBT rights supporters was attacked by a crowd of thousands, which included Orthodox priests, according to Democracy & Freedom Watch. Georgia’s treaty with the EU, the Association Agreement, has become entangled in this debate, as Orthodox activists see it as promoting gay rights. The tre…

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From Fox News to the Far(ther) Right — Calls for Violence and Retribution Follow Trump Verdict

…in their rage over the verdict rendered by a jury of Donald Trump’s peers. International allies have been quick to condemn the verdict, proclaim Trump’s innocence, and cast the trial as a political hit job. Among those professing their support for Donald Trump were Austrian and leader of the far-right “Identitarian” movement Martin Sellner (who’s called for mass deportations in Germany), right-wing UK politician Nigel Farage, former Brazilian Prim…

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