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The Surprising Catholic Roots of the War on Xmas

…n the incident to charge that Wal-Mart had purged “Christmas” from its web site, which he called “discrimination” practiced by “cultural fascists.” He called for a boycott of Wal-Mart in mid-November of 2005, just as the holiday season was starting. Wal-Mart quickly apologized and fired the offending employee, but with charges that major corporations were plotting to eradicate the holiday the “War on Christmas” went mainstream. That same year, Fox…

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To Fight White Supremacy We Must Resist Essentialism: The Author Responds

…y I cannot do that until the public and intellectuals alike stop offering up essentialist visions of cultural products like yoga. Resisting the siren call of orthodoxy to claim a site of origin or authenticity is dangerous—it destabilizes our own sense of authority—yet it holds the possibility of empowerment….

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To Fight White Supremacy We Must Resist Essentialism: The Author Responds

…y I cannot do that until the public and intellectuals alike stop offering up essentialist visions of cultural products like yoga. Resisting the siren call of orthodoxy to claim a site of origin or authenticity is dangerous—it destabilizes our own sense of authority—yet it holds the possibility of empowerment….

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Is Cardinal Dolan’s Pro-Life Piece More Evidence of Pro-Catholic Bias from RNS Publisher?

…s part of a pattern, with Gallagher repeatedly attempting to influence the site’s coverage of Catholicism,” wrote Sarah Jones, in her April 27 report in the New Republic on the “Implosion of Religion News Service.” According to the reporting of both Jones and the Columbia Journalism Review’s Stephanie Russell-Kraft, some of the more egregious instances of Gallagher’s editorial meddling, which played a significant role in the firing of respected ed…

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Exclusive: Columnist Jonathan Merritt on his Sudden Departure From Religion News Service

…ded and popular religion writer Jonathan Merritt posted a letter to his website informing readers that he would no longer be writing for Religion News Service. As Sarah Jones recently reported in the New Republic, the 84-year-old wire service has been undergoing what many insiders see as a “spectacular implosion,” with editor Jerome Socolosky being fired in an email by publisher Tom Gallagher, and veteran reporters Kimberly Winston and Lauren Mark…

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The Dark Side of Our Obsession With Trapped Thai Children

…e can substitute our feelings of abhorrence and, dare we say, guilt at the site of caged children here in the United States, for an obsession with the trapped Thai children. They threaten no one. They are victims of nature. Their entrapment is not our fault. Our feelings are safe with them. We have room in our hearts for all of these children. But the question facing us as an American community is whether we will make room in our country for the k…

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Satanist Religious Freedom Rally Successful Despite Neo-Nazis and Christian Heckler

…citing the backlash against governor Frank White when he signed a bill mandating creation science in public schools. A pastor who did not wish to be named had a similar view. “This is a religiously plural city,” he told me. “If you name the faith, I can direct you to the house of worship.” When asked about Pastor Robb he answered, “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian anymore than going to a parking garage makes you a car.” When I asked w…

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The Religious Origins of Fake News and ‘Alternative Facts’

…n of other sources of information, like Fox News at first, but also now websites like Breitbart, 4chan, Infowars, and others. The goal of “fake news” and “alternative facts” goes beyond providing different data. Their purpose is actually to destroy the notion that there could be impartial news and objective facts. Maria Bustillos calls this endgame “dismediation,” “a form of propaganda that seeks to undermine the medium by which it travels.” It wi…

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Betrayed at the Polls, Evangelicals of Color at a Crossroads

…n and heard.” Hong is the creative director of Willow Chicago, a satellite site for the megachurch Willow Creek, and has spent the bulk of her life in evangelical communities in the South. At the retreat, Hong remembers “this weight coming off.” When the emcee invited the women to “take off our sharp edges…the tears just started flowing,” she says. “We didn’t realize how burdened we were. It was an amazing day.” This sentiment has been echoed repe…

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Jonestown at 40: The Real Conspiracy Is More Disturbing Than the Theories

…at the end by ingesting poison. The presence of hypodermic needles at the site also argues against suicide. At the same time, how do we account for those residents who silenced the lone voice protesting the mass deaths? Christine Miller argued with Jim Jones during the last moments, but her objections were shouted down by others. One woman told her “You must prepare to die.” And one man tearfully announced, “We’re all ready to go. If you tell us…

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