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Allegiant Airlines Reservations 1800-299-7264 and its Policies

Mao, Meet Confucius: China’s Religious Revolution

…lems and spiritual dis-ease. He urges the government to adopt more liberal policies toward religion.   State and religion in China are not always on a collision course, as often reported by Western media. The government recognized the contribution of relief work done by the Taiwanese Buddhist Compassion Relief Ciji Foundation and allowed it to establish a branch in China in 2008. Established by the nun Zhengyan, Ciji Foundation has worked in China…

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What Can We Expect Following Tucson?

…ght, and politicians too scared to take up the cause of sane gun ownership policies. Fourth, the political rhetoric between left and right is only going to get worse. As much as many of us are astonished by this fact, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, and Sarah Palin have the ear of millions. They proclaim that America is threatened to its core by liberals, by big government, by socialists, and by homosexuals. This event will not slow them…

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Ultra Orthodox Murder-Suicide Makes Headlines

…to one type of violence: that of violent demonstrations against government policies. These may be against autopsies, cremations, Sabbath desecration, etc.—and against the “provocations of women dressed immodestly” walking through their neighborhoods. This summer there were violent demonstrations against the removal of bones from a construction site for a New Emergency room at Ashkelon’s Barzilay Hospital. Speaking of this type of Haredi violence,…

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The Fear is Real: A New View of Halloween “Hell Houses”

…onscripted to fight in Iraq; economic violence inflicted by regressive tax policies; or psychological violence inflicted by a culture that tends to belittle poor whites—is it any wonder that Tribulation Trail enacts violent scenarios without directly deeming them “scary”? Is it any wonder that its vision of hope is located in something beyond immediate material realities? “Did your God find me a job today?” And this brings us to a second theme at…

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The Right Attacks Obama’s Religious Advisors

and Neighborhood Partnerships (and rankled them for perpetuating Bush-era policies in that office). None of that, of course, is satisfactory to the “Christian nation” demagogues. No doubt they’d demonize any church he chose to attend, but seeing as he hasn’t picked one at all, they claim offense at his apparent lack of piety, and even assert the inadequacy of his baptism. (Devotionals on his Blackberry must fall short for worshipping, even though…

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Presbyterian Panel Convicts Rev. Spahr

…ies of the married couples who shared with us their great hurt through the policies of our church. We also thank them for the joy in marriage they shared with us that that has brought healing in their lives and in their families through the ministry of Dr. Spahr. On behalf of the church, we ask for their forgiveness for the harm that has been, and continues to be, done to them in the name of Jesus Christ.” And, perhaps in the strongest rebuke to t…

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No Henpecked Men Here:
The Black-Robed Regiment Before Beck

…ttee-controlled man.” Each had to publicly repudiate “the unconstitutional policies of President Bush in his promotion of the USA Patriot Act, warrantless wiretaps and eavesdropping, and the deceptive manner in which he led America into an undeclared, unprovoked, and preemptive war against Iraq;” have protested against abortion, and have publicly resisted “‘Seeker-Friendly,’ and ‘Purpose-Driven,’ and ‘Emerging Church’ church growth movements.” He…

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This Narrative of Death that is So Powerful Among Us

…d equity. Walter: Yup. Which I suspect is one of the problems with Obama’s policies; that all of his advisers are the Wall Street titans who think in that cocoon. Dan: Yes, I have a friend who’s a television journalist, and he did some taping with some of those tycoons of Wall Street. He says it’s unreal; they have no idea that they destroyed the economy. They think they should be rewarded with millions of dollars for taking risks, and the party s…

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Palin Goes ‘Hopey-Changey,’ But Don’t Call it Political

…ued to be explicitly political; clearly advocating for some candidates and policies while unequivocally opposing others. But why so emphatic about not being “political” in the first place? Palin’s event, combined with Glenn Beck’s non-political political rally, raise flags with respect to faith-based groups’ exemption from non-discrimination regulations. The insistent rhetoric suggests that some high-profile conservatives may be positioning themse…

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Republicans Lead the Way
on Repeal of “Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell”

…cans … those two words don’t seem to rest well together given the anti-gay policies of the party and how vigorously it has worked in the past to defend DADT, derail the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and – as we saw in the 2004 and 2006 elections – use the lives of gays and lesbians as a wedge issue to gin up Republican voters. Republicans have helped to win this round … who would have thunk it? Alex Nicholson, Executive Director of Servicemem…

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