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High Holidays Watch: Seth Rogen’s Latest Highlights the ‘American Pickle’ of Living with Death

…ourning his parents, which he’s never done. On a deeper level, the typical American “happy ending” of the film belies a more profound lesson. Herschel recognizes that life is not only about mourning; and Ben recognizes that life is also about mourning. If all one does is mourn, there’s no relief from one’s anger against God. And if one cannot mourn, there’s no relief from one’s anger against God. The avoidance of death is as frightening as its ine…

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Mitt Romney and the Ghost of Anti-Mormonism

…d Smoot, Mormon Apostle by Kathleen Flake. Flake is associate professor of American Religious History at Vanderbilt University and may be the nation’s finest scholar of Mormons in American political life. Her book scrutinizes a multi-year Congressional hearing and national show trial occasioned by the 1903 election of an LDS Senator from Utah named Reed Smoot—a trial that interrogated whether observant Mormons could be fit for public office. I spo…

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Revisiting Philip Roth’s 2004 Novel that Predicted the Trump Election

…hat huge endowment of personal security that I had taken for granted as an American child of American parents in an American school in an American city in an America at peace with the world. Roth-the-author assumes that American fascism would only partly resemble its European sibling. Instead of demonizing its chosen Other, the Lindbergh government diagnoses Jews as imperfectly assimilated. Then it sets out to fix the problem. The program to help…

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Electionpocalypse, Part II: The Mythical Jewish Vote

…rly, all Israelis—view Obama as an almost villainous character. “No Jewish American,” the American-born writer Barry Rubin says in the video, “should vote for Obama on the belief that he’s a great friend of Israel.” You should think about, the narrator tells you, “whether Obama will really have Israel’s back when the chips are down.” Mark Zell, co-chair of Republicans Abroad-Israel, recently told reporter Roee Ruttenberg, “in the United States, th…

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Gun-Wielding White Couple Make Perfect Protagonists for Republican Convention’s ‘Great American Story’

…ome housing ruining neighborhoods. Taken together we can see that for many Americans, the “Great American Story” is necessarily bound up with whiteness, Christianity, state-sanctioned violence toward “unruly” minorities, and access to firearms to ensure self-protection. Americans who embrace Christian nationalism and want to see it privileged in the public sphere are much more fearful of the changing demographic and political landscape of the Unit…

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Kindred Hatemongers: Why American Islamophobes and Muslim Protesters Need Each Other

…to more firmly reject the protestors. In the meantime, while the Muslim world burned over a hateful video, its producer, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, was safely in hiding somewhere in Southern California. While many leaders on the political right were quick to blame Libya and Egypt for not protecting American interests, few bothered to criticize the hatemonger, Nakoula, who had created the mess in the first place. But without him the anti-American an…

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The Elite Movement Laying the Foundation for a MAGA That Will Outlast Trump and Remake America: Inside NatCon Part I

…cosystem. Intellectuals from right-wing journals like First Things and The American Conservative rub shoulders with journalists from outlets like American Greatness and The Epoch Times; policy analysts from think tanks like the Claremont Institute and the Heritage Foundation; and representatives from organizing outfits like American Moment and Young Republicans chapters. Conservative leaders of Protestant seminaries, Catholic theologians, and Orth…

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Gingrich’s Anti-Secularism Greatest Hits

…history.” Just today, Gingrich maintained that the Occupy movement is “un-American.” 4. Rediscovering “Americanism.” Obama, Gingrich insists, doesn’t understand the part of the Declaration of Independence, “endowed by our Creator.” What makes us “exceptionalist,” he claims, “is unlike any other country in the world, we say, you are personally sovereign, you loan power to the government, the government is never sovereign and the government doesn’t…

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Kentucky-Fried Christianity: Governor Matt Bevin Wants to Pray Away Violence in Louisville

…of free choice—a conception of the Christian soul that fits with the wider American notion of the citizen as consumer, as Sean McCloud has detailed in his fascinating American Possessions. Bevin’s views are shaped by and shape a particular social position—bluntly, he can believe what he believes more easily because he’s a wealthy white male. If the drama over the prayer proposal reveals major divides within American Christianity, calling attention…

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#TakeAKnee: Race and Religious Violence at the Heart of Trump Attacks on Kaepernick/NFL

…heologian Jon Pahl argued in Empire of Sacrifice: The Religious Origins of American Violence that American history and society is marked by especially high degrees of both religion and violence. He finds “identifiably religious” patterns in this violence, particularly “systematic exclusions, prejudices, or biases—that is, ritualized incantations or performances—that substitute violence against scapegoats or victims for actual solutions to social p…

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