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The Conflation of Antisemitism and Israel Criticism Isn’t Unique, But It Is a Problem

…representations, international advocacy, scholarly production, educational policy, and legal discourse. It has become more severe over the past few decades as religion has become increasingly judicialized and politicized. As one elderly ethnic Indian man explained to Moustafa, “Thirty-five years back, we didn’t have these issues. Everyone was happy. I went to school with the Chinese and Bumis [indigenous Southeast Asians]. We really mingled around…

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Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

…n their Online Academy featuring Alison Gill, vice president for legal and policy affairs at the American Atheists; Elizabeth Reiner Platt, director of the Public Rights/Private Conscience Project at Columbia Law School; and me. I provided an overview of Project Blitz; Gill outlined the Project Blitz program, including a preview of the prime focuses of the 2019 Project Blitz manual; and Platt explained how the Project Blitz agenda, which is framed…

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White Nationalist Mottos, the Fate of Jews in the New Christian State, and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Humor — Day 2 of NatCon 2024

…inistration, set out to overhaul decades of established Republican foreign policy, shifting America’s focus from Russia to China. As Politico reported in 2023, he was an influential voice among those reluctant to support Ukraine against Russia’s invasion. Colby and his Allies frame themselves as “conservative realists,” which he’s trying to sell as the “middle way” between isolationism and interventionism. Battle against the “totalitarian” “group…

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Bill to Stone Gays to Death Introduced in Kenya

…ned” Marxists and homosexual militants from the West to shape their public policy and uphold the rule of law. As Jim Burroway at Box Turtle Bulletin notes, Lively’s efforts to portray LGBT activists as paternalistic are undermined by his own record of portraying himself as the father of Uganda’s “pro-family” movement and celebrating his efforts there as a “nuclear bomb against the gay agenda” that would spread across the continent. Meanwhile, Jame…

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Communicators for Christ: How Homeschool Debate Leagues Shaped the Rising Stars of the Christian Right

…al argumentation—for example, introducing philosophical questions during a policy debate—consistently receive stern condemnations from league leadership and even risk losing rounds for such experimentation. This pressure, as well as the league’s emphasis on recruiting lay judges (people from the local community who aren’t familiar with debate) for tournaments, ensures that rhetorical delivery via demagoguery remains the most effective way to win i…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…Sun: It comes after years of internal turmoil and dispute over the kirk’s policy towards homosexuals. Rev Rennie, minister at Queen’s Cross Church, Aberdeen, praised the watershed move – the details of which are contained in a new report by the Theological Forum on the theology of same-sex marriage. He said: “It seems to me that the Forum is asking the church at large to recognise the faith of gay people in its midst, and to cherish their part in…

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Battling for the Soul of the Democratic Party

…d, the liberal Center for American Progress set up a Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative, which for a time housed what later became the nonprofit Faith in Public Life (FIPL). With former Democratic party staffer Katie Paris leading its media outreach, FIPL is in the forefront of those shaping the media narrative about the new religious landscape: religious voters are no longer shackled to a “narrow agenda” of abortion and gay marriage, and are…

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LDS Church Labels Same-Sex Spouses “Apostates,” Bars Children From Baptism

…cades, Mormons were taught that homosexuality is a condition that could be changed or subdued through prayer, heterosexual marriage, fasting, or even aversion or electroshock therapy. Practitioners of dangerous and abusive “conversion therapies” continue to operate, preying on desperate families and young LGBT people. Over the past two years, I have been working with a courageous young gay woman named Alex, who was held for eight months in an unli…

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Does Mormonism Encourage LDS People to Lie?

…I’ve discussed this topic at length here.) The fact is that current Church policy does allow for a living man to be “sealed” (married for eternity) to more than one woman at a time. For example, a widower or divorced man who has elected to terminate his civil marriage but not his LDS temple marriage is permitted to marry another woman in an LDS temple with the assurance that both first and second marriages would be eternal. The same is not possibl…

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White House Antisemitism Report Includes Encouraging Diagnoses — But Leans on Destructive Strategies

…f oppression. We were discouraged, however, that some of the White House’s policy proposals cut against the intersectional approach we need, leaving the door open to flawed strategies—such as suppressing Israel-critical speech and expanding the police and security state—that harm Muslim and other communities, and ultimately do little to keep Jews safe. In the lead-up to the release of the report, public controversy hinged on whether the White Hous…

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