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Gay Suicide and the Ethic of Love: A Progressive Christian Response

…s as sell-outs to secular culture. They thump the Bible and quote Leviticus 18:22 or Romans 1:24-27 as if that settled the matter. Of course, that would settle the matter if one blindly accepted the idea that every passage in the Bible, in its most straightforward reading, represents the inerrant word of a perfectly loving God. But if we accept this idea, either we’ll need to ignore the lessons drawn from sensitive and empathetic attention to our…

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Is Herman Cain’s Long-Running Minstrel Show Finally at an End?

…The GOP has set morality as one of the rules for engagement since the late 1970’s. From the Republican perspective, there are some things, like divorce, that the party can stomach. Look at Newt Gingrich. He has managed to have three wives, a big Tiffany account, and has finally made it to the top of the polls, topping squeaky-clean Mormon Mitt Romney. But not without bumps in the road: prominent Southern Baptist Richard Land has cautioned Newt to…

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Cross-Burning Hearing Ends, Trial Set to Begin

…racy, and one of Freshwater’s most active supporters, told me in a January phone interview, “That is not the arm of Zachary Dennis, or if it is, it was not a mark left by John Freshwater.” When asked to clarify, Daubenmire at first denied he was accusing the Dennis family of lying. Then he accused them of being in it for money. Then he wanted to know if I was a Christian. In short, Freshwater and his supporters have done everything but accept pers…

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UNESCO on Religion, Culture and SOGI in Asia; Orthodox Family Sues to Stop Cremation of Israeli Trans Woman; Struggles of Iraqi Queer Activists; Global LGBT Recap

…000 Mormons and their supports rallied in a Salt Lake City park on November 14 as part of a campaign of mass resignations following the release of new anti-gay policies that prohibit the baptism of children of gay couples. Organizers told Reuters last Sunday that about 1,500 people had resigned. Church officials urged people to think twice. A Church spokesman said: “We don’t want to see anyone leave the Church, especially people who have been stru…

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War on Christmas Affirmed by Southern Baptist Convention

…offensive resolutions. I’ve done this since 1997 when I was awakened by a phone call from a Lutheran friend that began, “What’s with you Southern Baptists and Mickey Mouse?” I was unaware that the messengers voted on a resolution to boycott Disney because of its policies toward homosexuals. One resolution approved by the messengers this year that may not be so widely publicized is a resolution “On Affirming the Use of the Term ‘Christmas’ in Publ…

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The Religious Right’s Apocalyptic Visions of an Obama Presidency  

…s “now include compulsory training in varieties of gender identity in Grade 1, including the goodness of homosexuality as one possible personal choice”; Roman Catholic and evangelical Protestant adoption agencies in the United States close down rather than adhere to a Court ruling forcing “these agencies … to place children with homosexual couples or lose their licenses.” Companies doing business on the local, state or national level “now have to…

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A Color-Blind America? Don’t Fall For The Okey-Doke

…gushing waterfall, some of which seemed to be making its way through to my phone. I received a swarm of text messages and emails from different people I know across the country, arriving almost simultaneously: This is the best moment in my lifetime, politically. Shout out to the ancestors who r rejoicing with us 2night! Oh yeah. President Obama! A new day is on the way! Yes GOD can! Yes we can! They didn’t want to give us 40 acres and a mule so da…

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Battling for the Soul of the Democratic Party

…uality: his facility for framing morally complex issues in an ecumenically spiritual way. Who’s to say that the frequent churchgoers responded to “God-talk” or religious outreach, as opposed to the candidate’s way of speaking which so clearly distinguished him from the hairsplitting, technocratic Kerry, whose defeat was frequently blamed on a reluctance to talk about his Catholicism? Regardless of the unproven electoral benefits of Democrats flaun…

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An Immigrant’s Tale: The Pull of the Homeland

…not-religion so very clearly and abruptly. We didn’t have to change in the phone booth, as it were, into the non-religious as we transitioned abruptly from ritual to rat race. It was not so very problematic for one to bleed over into the other. And during Ramadan, we grew up to expect lighter workloads. Migrant workers in certain Gulf countries learned to expect total lack of productivity and sometimes a complete absence of office workers during R…

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Ten Commandments of the Antichrist: The Georgia Guidestones

…is that Joe Fendley Sr., president of the Elberton Finishing Company, was contacted in 1979 by one “Robert C. Christian” to commission a monument. Christian was a pseudonym used by someone representing “a small group of loyal Americans who believe in God.” Fendley has since died, but Randall Sullivan of Wired interviewed Wyatt Martin, the president of Granite City Bank and the only living man who allegedly met Christian. As the project’s banker,…

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