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Seguros de vehiculos en California llama ahora al 888-430-8975 Entidades aseguradoras Seguros contra todo riesgo para vehiculos Que cubre un seguro de auto Agencia de seguros para autos Agencia segura Comparador de seguros

‘Atheizing’ the Dead, Religious Doughnuts, & Tax-Free Witching

…City atheists, reminding Oklahomans that they live in town too, erected a “Don’t Believe in God? Join the club” billboard provoking the ire of local Christians. One local pastor referred to the billboard as poking “a finger in your eye.” Federal prosecutors are suing the city of Walnut, California for refusing a zoning permit to a group building a new Zen center. In Rockland County, New York, authorities are expecting sanitation violations by Ort…

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How Should Mormons Respond to Leader’s Anti-Gay Comments?

…quality organized during the Proposition 8 campaign. She lives in Northern California. How are Mormons who support marriage equality responding to Elder Boyd K. Packer’s recent General Conference talk on homosexuality? Many people responded with sadness, anger or resignation that it’s the same old leftovers, warmed over yet again, despite the hard work toward finding common ground and reconciliation. But now that some time has passed, I’ve seen a…

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French “Burqa Ban”: It’s Not About Religion

…my daughter encouraged me to go to one of the hot spring spas in Northern California. This was a nude spa. I have gone to nude beaches in my teens, but I no longer feel I demonstrate my liberation only by taking off all my clothes. So I wore a bathing suit. There were many years in my life when I would not wear that little in public; I would go even swimming in a short cap and tee shirt over a pair of leggings. So there’s progress. But honestly a…

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Beck & Palin Rake in the 9/11 Cash

…can Association of State Troopers, Association for Disabled Firefighters * California Organization of Police and Sheriffs * Cancer Fund of America Support Services & Children’s Cancer Fund of America * Foundation for American Veterans * Gateway to a Cure * Noah’s Wish * Ohio Troopers Coalition * Road to Responsibility Inc. * United States Public Policy Council Another option would be for the duo to to team up with fellow performance artists Joel a…

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Shariah-Approved Sex Aids, Abstinence-Only Goes to China, and Abercrombie Hijab…

…st mosques and Islamic centers continues: There’s the vandalism in Madera, California and Hudson Valley, New York. Meanwhile, federal investigators have ruled that a fire at a the construction site of an Islamic center in Murfreesborough, Tennessee was an arson. Elsewhere in the state, a Memphis pastor put a “Welcome to the Neighborhood” sign outside his church to welcome the new Islamic center being built nearby. And a new mosque has gone up in L…

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God is Love: A Desert Prophet’s Message

…ab City, which is a forsaken piece of land out in the Colorado Desert near California’s Mexican border. People here say it’s the “last free place in America.” The site of a former military base, Slab City takes its name from the concrete slabs on which campers park. The state owns the land, but does not maintain it and people live here for free. There is no water, electricity or septic. Most of the people only come in the cooler winter months. But…

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Iftar: Breaking Fast

…So last night, I had a perfect balance—at least for me, anyway. All of my California family was there (even if some of them didn’t partake of the chicken) along with the company of a friend whom I am so happy to know, who helps me keep sane in an insane world and I just want to give a shout out to my home boy! Thank you and your son for your company, and give my love to Katherine whom I missed, ’cause she chose to stay in Turkey this time around….

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I’tikaf: Sacred Solitude

…s worship. It was my last night because today is my last day of fasting in California. I leave for the East coast tomorrow morning for time with my other children who are fasting, and time with my shaykh. I am really excited! At my shaykh’s place I will also spend time in retreat (more like khalwa than i’tikaf, so I need to explain a bit about these two). The retreat into sacred solitude is a common spiritual practice across theist and non-theist…

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Beck Claims Obama is “Not Christian”

…re not a Christian.” Growing up in the 1980s as a young Mormon in Southern California, that’s what I (and my brother and sisters) heard time and time again from evangelical Christians drawn into an anti-cult movement that set its sights on Mormonism. It baffled us. Especially since we learned in church every Sunday that Jesus was the son of God, who suffered and died for our sins. “You don’t believe in the right Jesus,” they told us at Friday nigh…

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Talking Back to a Mormon Elder: Religion versus Reality

…Church is still struggling with the fallout from its support of Prop. 8 in California), headlines like these threaten to undermine the Church’s ability to achieve its organizational goals. I also worry about the members that accept Elder Packer’s logic and reach the same conclusion—that being gay is a choice. What happens when these same members discover otherwise? There is often a real sense of betrayal when the world is discovered to be somethin…

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