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Texas Approves Anti-Muslim Resolution for Textbooks

…s several instances where textbooks included the Muslim attack on Delhi in India in the 14th century: “As many as 100,000 Hindu prisoners were massacred before the gates of the city.” TFN recorded Friday’s public debate. Here is a clip of a woman defending the resolution, in which she suggests that all textbooks should come with warning stickers so people know of a book’s “biases” before they ever open it.  Notice that she only says what she belie…

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You Asked For It

…es with women-only mosques, including mu’adhan and imamahs, like China and India. Some countries have fewer restrictions, like Indonesia. It is so good to be in places like this because when it is suppose to be for the worship of Allah then, how is that man can get in the way? But we know the drill. Thanks to all who commented on these and other entries, like Houda, and mairedubhtx. Perhaps when Ramadan is over I can start making my reply on the b…

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The Ground Zero-Sum Game

…e 1930s (Beau Hunks, among others) to Disney’s more recent Aladdin and the Indiana Jones franchise. It is so natural, so expected, that most of us have no idea how it affects us. I’ve asked my college students what they think of when they see a scene from a movie in which they hear the call to prayer and see a minaret or dome. The answer? “Something bad is about to happen.” Islamophobia can remain in latent form until it is triggered by economic,…

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Week in Religion, Sunday Edition

…held al-Hidayah 2010, a three-day anti-terrorism camp for young people. A New Jersey school district will observe Eid al-Fitr, the day marking the end of the month of fasting, along with Eid al-Adha, the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice and the Hindu new year holiday, Diwali. Some parents fear that kids are getting too many days off. More atheist billboards, this time in Florida. Denver Broncos rookie Tim Tebow has added a tonsure haircut to his mix of…

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The Week in Religion, Poetically

…ms have a deeper history in New York than most imagine. Muslims settled in New Amsterdam with the Dutch West India Company as early as the 17th century. Indeed, mosques are nothing new to Manhattan. Two guys walk into a bar… to go to church. The Internet is the next mission field for the LDS Church. “Our leaders were struggling for years to find a more effective, less annoying way to get our message across than knocking on doors,” said Scott Swoff…

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Religion in Real Time on CNN’s “Believer”: A Conversation with Reza Aslan

…e two significant ones here just in Los Angeles. There’s a very big one in New York, and there are lots of them throughout Arizona and Nevada and Texas. So for those people out there who want to write a PhD in religion, pick this one: you’re watching in real time the creation and spread of a new global religion primarily due to shifting migration patterns. That’s how Christianity became a global religion: people left the confines of the Roman Empi…

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Note to GOP Voters: “Political Freedom” Comes With Social Responsibility

…nism. Kasich supports balancing the budget and lowering corporate taxes to promote growth and to encourage companies to bring profits earned overseas back to the U.S. But he also supports training those at the bottom for meaningful work. He wants secure border controls but also a legal means for law-abiding undocumented immigrants to pay a penalty, stay here, and work. To back up this policy, he cites Ronald Reagan, the most popular Republican pre…

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CERN: Where Particle Physics Collides with Human Sacrifice (Apparently)

…g around a statue of Shiva (a gift from the Department of Atomic Energy of India). A woman in white is brought forward and stabbed, prompting the anonymous cameraman to flee in terror. The Telegraph noted the cameraman’s reflection in the office window suggests that he is also wearing a ritual cloak and likely a co-conspirator. CERN administrators have dismissed the footage as a hoax and opened an internal investigation. But many remain puzzled as…

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Two Women and a Mosque: A Convert Community Grows in Panama City

…s. Throughout the twentieth century, Panama received Muslims from Lebanon, India, Pakistan, and West Indian countries such as Jamaica. Each group worked to establish their own religious institutions and the support systems necessary to flourish as religious minorities in a Catholic country. In the 1960s and 70s, Lebanese immigrants collected money from their growing business enterprises to create their own mosque, cemetery and Arabic school in Col…

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Pope Decries ‘Ideological Colonization’ of Family; Islamic State Executes Gays and Others; Gay Couple Gets Long-Delayed Wedding in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…f report from Cairo that IbrahimMonsour, the editor-in-chief of the Tahrir News, a leading liberal newspaper, told them, “These are instructions from the state apparatus” to cover sex scandals and other “silly” issues. Monsour said he believed the government wanted coverage of arrests for homosexuality and other “morality” charges in order to distract from political stories that could expose how the government had betrayed the hopes of the revolut…

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