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God is My Co-Belligerent: Avatar Priests, Hijacked Theologians, and Other Figures of Right-Wing Revolt

…te House in Washington DC.  Probably few who gathered to hear Bonhoeffer’s latest biographer expected to be asked to imagine themselves called by God to rise up against a regime that might be as heinous as the Third Reich—but as it turns out Metaxas is not unique among religious-right intellectuals in his use of the language of armed revolt.  “I Am Offended”  Metaxas is not yet a household name, but this has certainly been his year. He was not onl…

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Will Voters Approve Marriage Equality?

…On the latest bloggingheads, The American Prospect’s E.J. Graff and I discuss whether polling showing 52% support for Maryland’s marriage equality ballot question will hold on election day: We also discussed the marriage referenda in Maine and Washington, and why Graff thinks the three-year campaign by marriage equality advocates in Maine will pay off. You can watch the whole thing here….

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Jesus Comes Out for Christmas

…es lampooned or questioned in any way. This year, Cardy is defending their latest ad depicting the baby Jesus in a manger, sporting a rainbow halo. “It’s Christmas,” the billboard reads. “It’s time for Jesus to come out.” Cardy said he’s simply trying to highlight the humanity of Jesus. “The fact is we don’t know what his sexual orientation was.” Cardy is also trying to make the point that perhaps some modern-day Christians might not follow Jesus…

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Monster God

On the latest installment of my Bloggingheads program, I spoke with RD contributor Sarah Sentilles about her piece on Richard Mourdock’s comments on rape and abortion. We discussed what would happen if politicians were compelled to offer non-religious justifications for their policy positions; how prevalent the view that God controls everything is; and why invoking religion lets politicians off the hook. We also talked about how God’s will is inv…

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Sin is Not a Crime: A Conversation with Patrick Cheng 

…on, within the bounds of marriage. But, as Patrick Cheng reminds us in his latest book, From Sin to Amazing Grace, there are Christian traditions that pre-date Augustine’s prudish views.  Cheng, who grew up Roman Catholic and left a successful career as a lawyer to become a professor and theologian, wrote this book in the hope that it would help not only LGBT people, but anyone searching for a better way to think about these doctrines. He does tha…

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The Case Against Despair Over the Two-State Solution

In my latest bloggingheads program, I speak with Israeli journalist Gershom Gorenberg about coalition talks following last month’s election in Israel. Although many post-election reports lauded the last-minute surge of the centrist party Yesh Atid, Gorenberg argues that there isn’t a viable center in Israel, and that the left is more robust than many believe. You can watch the whole thing here; in the clip below, Gorenberg argues against despair…

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A Faith-Based Opportunity for Obama

…d have been alleviated. But as yesterday’s statement from the USCCB on the latest proposed rule from the Department of Health and Human Services on religious exemptions and accommodations made clear, there appears to be little the administration can do to satisfy the bishops. Could that situation have been improved with greater involvement by someone who has dismissed church-state separation concerns? Something DiIulio observed underscores fundame…

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A Journalist in Church, Hiding in Plain Sight

…that when I recently grasped hands with a modern-day Apostle (as Valdemiro Santiago, miracle curer and head of Brazil’s World Church of God’s Power, proclaims himself), I momentarily implored God for a miracle for my mother, who six months ago survived the latest in a harrowing series of medical ordeals. With that little bit of prayerful business out of the way, I turned from the ecstatic mob of Santiago-rushing crentes and walked down the darken…

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‘New Evangelical’-Progressive Alliance? Not So Fast

…ect, both of which appeared during the 2012 presidential campaign. In this latest essay she takes stock of evangelical voting trends in the election—79% of white evangelicals voted for Mitt Romney—and seeks to persuade us, in spite of this rather homogeneous voting pattern, that they are not as monolithic as we might think.  It’s true, of course, that the measure of a person’s religious and political beliefs is more complex than how she pulled the…

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Is “Pro-Choice” Passé?

On the latest episode of my program, I spoke with Nation columnist Katha Pollitt about her recent piece on Planned Parenthood’s new “Not In Her Shoes” campaign. A recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that 70% of respondents favor upholding Roe v. Wade. Given the state of public opinion, Pollitt and I discussed whether Planned Parenthood’s decision to move away from the term “pro-choice” is a good idea, and what it means to f…

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