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6 Overlooked Takeaways From a Reviewer of Controversial Texas Textbooks

…ness and accuracy. Purely in terms of securing SBOE approval, the path of least resistance would be for publishers to give the SBOE what it seems to want—that is, to sacrifice religious balance. The good news is that publishers generally didn’t take the path of least resistance. Indeed, the coverage of major world religions in the textbooks I reviewed was generally much more balanced and accurate than the Texas standards. (Readers interested in gr…

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The Jerusalem Tinderbox

…prime minister since the war of June 1967, when the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem began — including stalwarts Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon and current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — has supported changing Israeli law to allow Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount, based on security concerns. As right-wing fervor in Israel for Jewish prayer intensifies, Christian Zionist advocacy groups are making efforts to shape U.S. lawmakers’ understan…

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Jews and Muslims Join Forces for Academic Freedom

…or. He is the “campus fellow” for CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America). CAMERA fellows are paid to create pro-Israel activities on campuses, and to challenge “propagandistic assaults on Israel” from groups like Students for Justice in Palestine. Vessal was just doing his job. Organizations like CAMERA are part of a well-funded network that sees universities as battlegrounds to pursue the strategic initiative known in…

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You’re Worse When You’re Hiding The Cocaine: A Moral Psychologist on Character and Blame

…t others. People are very quick to blame Islam for terrorism in the Middle East, but they seem less eager to credit Islam for the advancements of math and science a thousand years ago. Do you think what’s going on there is that we’re literally anthropomorphizing Islam as if it were an agent? Or is something deeper happening? That’s a good question and a nice distinction that you’re making. I think part of the answer might be that people are just u…

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The Avengers, Rogue Roombas, and Robot Accountability

…s less on the intense, amazing, wowing technology, and explores what I at least think are much more important questions about the way technological evolution will shape human relationships—both to AI and to each other. MHS: But we keep getting Ultron. Or surreal-murder-mystery-show AI, as in Ex Machina. HL: I’ve heard Ex Machina is fantastic, as in fantastically entertaining, like Ultron. Hey, you can’t fault Hollywood. MHS: Oh, sure, creepy AI se…

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“What Kind of Islam Is That?”: Talking With Refugees From ISIS

…y had no option but to hope that they could return to their villages and towns. “All we have left is hope,” one of the men said. __________________ My thanks to those who helped with arrangements and translation while I was in Kurdistan, Iraq, and Southeast Turkey in July, 2015, including Ibrahim Barlas of the Pacifica Institute; Ibrahim Anli of the Journalists and Writers Foundation in Istanbul; Ardalan Jalal of Erbil’s Dialogue Middle East; and…

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What Really Was Wrong With the Ben Carson Interview on the End-Times

…uld allow their apocalyptic beliefs to dictate policy, particularly Middle East policy. (Think Sarah Palin, ca. 2008.) After Carson was asked about the end-times on Sharyl Atkisson’s new show Full Measure on Sunday, this typical reaction kicked in. In Salon, for example, the headline read: “Ben Carson’s apocalyptic fantasies: ‘We are getting closer to’ the End of Days.’” If you look a little closer at Carson’s answer, though, it’s not at all clear…

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4 (or 5) American Muslims For Ben Carson to Interrogate

…resume?) and Keith Ellison are America’s two Muslim Congressmen—or at the least the only ones we know of. On the plus side, since Congress doesn’t do anything, we can be relatively certain that even if they mean us harm they can’t actually inflict any.     No. 4 and 5: Ed and Paula Kassig I’m sending Carson to Peter Kassig’s parents, because he can’t ask Peter. And even if he could have, it would’ve been speculative. Peter was born in 1988, so of…

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“American Values” and “Standing With Israel”

…r, lambasting U.S. criticism of recently-announced Israeli construction in East Jerusalem as “against American values.” (At the Stand With Israel Rally, Mort Klein, president of the ZIonist Organization of America, claimed the administration “want[s] no more Jews to move to eastern Jerusalem,” adding that “it’s a propaganda myth, a lie” that Jerusalem is holy to Muslims.) As JTA’s Ron Kampeas has documented, the Obama administration is not the fir…

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“We’re Not Fighting About Politics, We’re Fighting About God”: Diana Butler Bass Wants a Revolution

…my life in anything, it’s been trying to point to that question and to at least open our minds to the possibility that we can have different kinds of structures and institutions than the kinds we’ve had in the past. The institutions that we build out of this moment might help to make the future more just, more beautiful and might, frankly, save the planet. I am so worried about planetary health, I stay awake at night. When you say planetary health…

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