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Francis Now and Then: The Ecological Politics of Saints

…cular approach to human-animal relations one that we might seek to revisit today. But this doesn’t prevent us from reading Francis as a figure who challenged the shape of political life in his time—and might still, in our own. The world he cared about was bigger, broader, and more complex than that encompassed by human society.  It’s not that we don’t need wisdom or counsel of figures like Francis, but the terrors and trials we face today are unpr…

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The World is (Always) About to End, No Zombies Required

…ter taught an entire generation of kids (the ones who sit in my classrooms today) about the importance of loyalty, friendship, and studying for exams. The book of Revelation—or any other apocalyptic text—is not a handbook to how the end times will unfold, but that does not mean apocalyptic literature does not matter. The end of the world is simultaneously always and never here. Type “mark of the Beast” into Google: just recently a man in West Virg…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…d only truly became famous in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and is known today as one of the most influential Catholic theologians with regards to evolution in the second half of the 20thcentury. To chart this influence, one need only note Teilhard’s citations by the three most recent Popes. In 2003, Pope Saint John Paul II echoed Teilhard’s vision of a cosmic Eucharist in the encyclical Ecclesia Eucharista: Because even when it is celebrated on…

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What Do We Mean By ‘Judeo-Christian’?

…kely to appeal to many American Jews, whatever their political persuasion. Today, terms like “Judeo-Christian tradition” and the claim of American exceptionalism have become a staple of the rhetoric of presidential candidates. In the 2008 campaign, John McCain said, “The number one issue people should make selection of the president of the United Sates is ‘Will this person carry on the Judeo-Christian tradition that has made this nation the greate…

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Religious Freedom Not Harmed by Tenth Circuit Decision in Utah Marriage Case

…Marriage Act. Like many of the district court opinions, the Tenth Circuit today rejected arguments that marriage equality infringes on the religious freedom of its opponents. Because, the court noted, it ruled that same-sex marriage is a fundamental right protected by the Constitution, its opponents cannot argue against it based on claims that legalizing it would result in infringements of religious freedom or create religious strife. The opinion…

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4 Reasons Why Egypt’s Revolution Is Not Islamic

…hms of Egyptian life. We saw this in the protests after the Friday prayers today, in the spontaneous congregational prayers that took place in the heat of demonstrations—and we can see it in the number of Egyptian women who veil (though many don’t and still strongly identify with Islam, whether culturally or religiously, personally or publicly). Egypt’s society is a deeply Muslim one, and the very success of this non-political religious project ha…

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Rising Christian Right Movement, New Apostolic Reformation, Emerged as a Mid-20th Century Splinter of White Supremacy

…the Bible). This approach to race is known as two-seed theory, and it was promoted by none other than William Branham, the Latter Rain leader. In fact, Branham was ordained into ministry by Roy Davis, the National Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Today’s NAR leaders seem untroubled by Branham’s associations with White supremacism and laud him as an early prophet of their movement. One former elder at Bethel Church, a NAR powerhouse in Redding…

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Crucifying the Prairie: An Eco-Theology of Resistance for Good Friday

…nd possibilities. I thought about one of those histories and possibilities today. On October 11, 1973, then-Governor Art Link, a Democrat, gave one of the most important speeches in the state’s history. At the time, the state was undergoing a fossil fuel boom and inevitable energy development. Governor Link once stated that, “I have no intention of allowing North Dakota to become a sacrifice area in order to run television sets and air conditioner…

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Why We Stay: What the History of Mormonism Reveals About the Origins of “Race”

…r she described herself as “white.” Though it makes us squirm in our seats today, clearly whiteness meant something different to her than it does to most of us today. Grappling with that reality is one of the challenges of the book. Is there a book out there you wish you had written? Which one? Why? There are hundreds! Let me name two. First’s there’s Jill Lepore’s The Name of War. It’s the book that is the most direct (I hope not derivative) infl…

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Can White Jews Still Be White if They’re Reviled By White Supremacists?

…wish, support for immigrants as facilitating “white genocide.” In the U.S. today, the logics of settler-colonial white supremacy continue to have the most severe effects on those who are dominantly understood to be racially non-white. While white supremacists often do not consider white Jews to be white, their opinions are not dominant in the U.S. Likewise, historians such as Hasia Diner and David S. Koffman have documented the opportunities that…

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