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Looking For Answers at the Oscars: A Guide to This Year’s Contenders

…protagonists in Nolan’s films over the past decade—are each haunted by a memory; in three of the four cases the memory is that of the death of a wife. The memory-deficient Leonard, in Nolan’s breakout hit Memento, doesn’t know who he is because he cannot remember, and takes to inscribing mementos on his body. In Inception, Cobb is obsessed by the memory of his wife and children, and he cannot move ahead until he re-members and embodies his past. F…

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Mitt, the Marriotts, and Porn

…hed in the nightstand drawer in Marriott hotel rooms, courtesy of the mega-Mormon Marriott family.)   The hotel chain says that the decision is economic: in-room porn profits have tanked because the porn industry has moved on-line.   But it’s being reported that the move is actually an effort to protect Romney against another round of flak from socially conservative and evangelical voters in Iowa, where the Marriott-porn issue flared up for a brie…

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Lila Rose Targets Planned Parenthood with Lies

…d down in technicalities, but imagine a latchkey kid saying “I’m sorry, my mom can’t come to the phone right now” instead of “Nope! I’m home alone and defenseless!” and you’ve got the basic idea. Not surprisingly, though, a lot of the people who are most particular about Catholic teaching—people otherwise likely to be sympathetic to Rose’s goals—aren’t convinced that’s what’s going on here. And these folks clash, from time to time, with Rose’s fan…

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“God Created You”: Bishop Supports Gay Ugandans, Defies Death Threats

…friend and mentor but they were also shaken by the interruption of the ceremony by a homophobic pastor, who told them that they were all destined for hell. The local pastor exhorted on homosexuals to repent or be punished by God before the microphone was snatched away one of Kato’s supporters. It might have seemed that the last person the activist’s friends would turn to for support at the moment would be another religious leader. Especially given…

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Pro-Gay Marriage Mormon Keeps Faith Despite Church Pressure

…oposition 8 campaign in California, Melanie did as so many other observant Mormons: she searched her heart and mind and prayed earnestly for guidance. Then, she received an answer that she should not support the proposed ban on same-sex marriage. On the internet, she found Mormons for Marriage, a website founded by Laura Compton, a California Mormon and mother of two, to offer community to LDS people who respectfully opposed their church’s stance…

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To: Discovery Institute;
Re: Creationist Tactics Pre-Dating the Exposure of ID as a Fraud

…had long been promoting critical analysis – when they weren’t busy also promoting intelligent design. As is their modus operandi, they switch between intelligent design and coded phrases like “teach the controversy” when it serves their purposes. For an example of their promotion of intelligent design in public school science class, see their 1999 booklet Intelligent Design in Public School Science Curricula: A Legal Guidebook. Also, in the case o…

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Joe Bageant, author of Deer Hunting with Jesus: 1946-2011

…I have spent much of my morning rereading Rainbow Pie. For me, some of the most powerful moments in his writing came from his descriptions of the inherent conflicts in his people’s faith and his unflinching look at the hard-edged doctrine of his evangelical upbringing. “In any case, Guilford County, North Carolina, didn’t hand out money to people, no matter how miserably poor, if it could be avoided. And it could indeed be avoided through court or…

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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t: The Problem of the Rape Exception

…e. Too, there was the desire to portray the nascent Christian community as more moral than its pagan and Jewish surroundings; and, perhaps, they wanted to lay to rest the whisperings that this sect of Jesus-followers sacrificed and ate babies at their gatherings.   But as Gordon D. Newby explained on RD, this is not the only established Christian position—and certainly not the only established religious position—on abortion. Judaism, Islam, and Ch…

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ACLU and Thomas More Law Center Rush to Terry Jones Defense

…me that we can’t deal with some ass-backward country preacher spouting off about his xenophobic fears of Arab-Americans and/or Islam? Indifference, ridicule, pity — any of these would’ve been an appropriate response to this fool. Arguing him down outside the center would’ve been fine, too, for the more passionate among us.  But throwing the man in jail truly risks turning a gasbag into a poster boy for the fight against governmental assaults on f…

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Lessons Learned this Ramadan

…ere, my friends said hajj would be a challenge because of gender restrictions. Then a friend described people doing tawaf, or circumambulation around the kaaba, while sending text messages on a mobile phone. I just cannot see totally giving up my one-on-one moments with Allah just for a blog. That being said, let the preparations to meet the king begin….

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