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Why is Liberty Institute Still Defending Phillip Monk?

…never denied, which makes the claim that this evidence is “totally at odds with the Air Force’s new official explanation” willfully misleading. From the beginning, the Air Force claimed they moved up Monk’s redeployment when his replacement arrived early, making Monk’s continued presence in his old unit unnecessary and redundant, whereas he was needed in his new unit. Monk has, to the best of my knowledge, not responded to this charge. It’s appare…

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Giving Up God—Not Just a Spiritual Stunt

…n Bell found himself an unexpected media darling. Becky Garrison caught up with Bell via phone to talk about his motivations, the reactions of his friends and family, and what he hopes to discover. BG: What’s your reaction to this surge of media coverage? RB: When I started this, I thought my blog would only be read by a few people. It’s been surreal. I have no clue how to make anything go viral, so this is totally unexpected. But eventually, I th…

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Missouri Pastor Goes Viral on Gawker: ‘Separation of Church and Hate’

…has been the most surprising thing about the reaction? I was having dinner with my family and my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing. To be honest—as lame as this might sound—the most surprising part of all this craziness was how quickly it all took off. Even though I thought the speech would only be heard by those at the City Council meeting, I owe a lot to Gawker, George Takei, and many others for sharing it, because it helps show that people of faith a…

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Global LGBT Recap: Culture War Claims More Victims

…goats don’t do this, what more with human beings like us who were blessed with wisdom by the Almighty God? The offenders need to be handed death penalty as a way of making sure that the issue is curbed.” Pink News reminds us that President Joyce Banda had pledged to repeal laws criminalizing homosexuality in 2012 but later said the country was “not ready” to do so. Russia: Adoption ban implemented, arrests continue, Putin honors anti-gay ally Wit…

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Confessions of a Hater

…world with Phelps’ or my student’s. The LGBT equal rights agenda does not wish to wipe anyone from the face of the earth. We do seek, as Martin Luther King Jr. did, to “win the double victory” and make our enemies into our allies one day. So as I hear about Phelps (via this page, among others) I find that I wish to renounce my hater status. Instead, if I had the chance to be in the presence of Fred Phelps, I would treat him just as I did this stu…

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Bad News for LGBT Anglicans, Mormons, Adventists, Norwegians, Russians, Georgians, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, Saudis…

…ghts in Saudi Arabia are non-existent. Homosexuality is taboo and punished with jail, flogging, chemical castration or even death. Trans men and women are considered gay and suffer the same fate. Entrapment by the religious police does not necessarily lead to prosecution, but often results in life-long financial and/or sexual blackmail. Ali, a 31 year-old gay law student in Jeddah told Gay Star News: ‘Once the Hay’ah [religious police] have your i…

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The Real Mormon Moment

…ormon woman and one of the founders of the web-based Ordain Women campaign—will end without Sister Kelly having her baptism and marriage nullified, her membership in a Church she served as a full-time missionary expunged. [Editor’s note: Laurie Goodstein reports that Kate Kelly was in fact excommunicated yesterday.] Mormon progressives have found reason for hope in the fact that after a wave of excommunications directed at high profile feminists i…

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Black Masses Continue to Titillate Conservative Catholics

…finally provoking Church officials. This newfound energy has nothing to do with Daniels and everything to do with the events of last May. An online petition features footage of the Harvard protest and calls on Catholics to continue the fight against Satanism in Oklahoma City. An anonymous “exorcist” interviewed by explained: The answer is to do what folks did in Boston. Catholics must organize Eucharistic processions and holy hours, th…

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James Foley Prayed, But He Was Not a Martyr

…ood. In the absence of any evidence, we cannot know whether James Foley maintained his religious faith throughout the nightmarish ordeal. But one can hope that whatever sense he had that he was prayed for, that he was loved from afar, and that his spirit was present with them in absentia did stay with him—and that it remains with his loved ones today. In describing how he and a colleague prayed together, he writes “It felt energizing to speak our…

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Satanic FOIA Reveals Deep Confusion About 1st Amendment

…The only data concerning what the monument committee thought about the Satanic monument are hinted at in e-mails to and from an executive assistant. In fact, reading through the files, I felt sympathy for this assistant, who dutifully relayed all phone messages from constituents to the legislature. This resulted in e-mails like: [John Doe] at [555-555-5555] from Durant, OK. is opposed to the statue being erected. He will personally come up, rope…

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