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Joe Bageant, author of Deer Hunting with Jesus: 1946-2011

…that we were not allowed to do this. Me, timidly: ‘Why not?’ Mrs Roach: ‘Because only Catholics worship gaudy crosses.’ Bible School is sort of the gateway drug to getting saved, which ultimately everyone in my family did at some point. Getting saved was permanent in most people; temporary, in others. But getting saved was a rite of spiritual and moral passage for all. Inoculation with the goodness of Christ, however, didn’t have any effect with s…

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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t: The Problem of the Rape Exception

…aped. Ah, gotcha! But since this Lying Lady Sex-Haver is thus far hypothetical, surely we can overlay other variables onto her life, right? Flesh out her character a bit more? What I mean is: we could say, hypothetically, that she needs an abortion in order to preserve her life, her mental or physical health, or her access to safe housing, but some law requires her to claim rape in order to get one because the lawmakers valued other things more hi…

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ACLU and Thomas More Law Center Rush to Terry Jones Defense

…h says, “If the First Amendment has any meaning, it is that the government cannot suppress the free speech because it — or anyone else — disagrees with the speech.” The Thomas More Law Center has pledged to file a suit on Jones’ behalf. By the way, I’ve seen TMLC in action. Its lawyers defended the Dover school board in Kitzmiller v Dover. If Jones has any brains at all – and I’m not saying he does – he’ll get on the phone to the ACLU right now, b…

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Lessons Learned this Ramadan

…ends said hajj would be a challenge because of gender restrictions. Then a friend described people doing tawaf, or circumambulation around the kaaba, while sending text messages on a mobile phone. I just cannot see totally giving up my one-on-one moments with Allah just for a blog. That being said, let the preparations to meet the king begin….

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This Narrative of Death that is So Powerful Among Us

…hows that people who have cancer and get palliative care (rather than chemical care) live longer and are happier. Which is an astonishing outcome, given the commitments we’ve made in the other direction. Dan: How many patients who don’t receive that kind of care, but receive the aggressive interactions. Ellul is very much concerned with those kinds of technological questions—I don’t think he survived to see the online boom—but he might have some r…

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Abortion’s Not in Kansas Anymore?

…ical policy guidelines are evidence-based and set the standard for quality care in North America. These onerous and wide-reaching guidelines from Kansas, on the other hand, aren’t based on evidence and impose unnecessary and unreasonable rules—like dictating room temperature and the size of the janitorial closets—that are clearly just there to make it more difficult for abortion providers to remain open and for women to access the abortion care th…

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The Abandoned Orphanage: Hillary Clinton’s Mother Teresa Moment

…to the home’s former location, the adoption ministry failed to take off because the Roman Catholic nuns who ran it weren’t allowed to care for babies without medical personnel on site. “I’m not sure the legal thing that came down upon them, but they realized they needed to expend their energies in another way,” said Maureen Freshour, who along with her husband, David, pastors Chevy Chase Baptist Church and lives nearby. Freshour has stayed in tou…

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Meet the “New Age” Stephen Colbert

…hey are also limited. I’m working with some of my guides to develop what’s called a WisePhone, and it’s smarter than a smartphone. What are some of the features of the WisePhone? You won’t lose it anymore because it won’t be influenced by gravity, so it won’t fall down the cracks of your couch. It will also be able to tweet or send out pictures via Instagram of you doing yoga that you didn’t actually do. It can take a single frame of you doing a d…

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War on Christmas Affirmed by Southern Baptist Convention

…ts proper place in the culture.” Although I doubt that any of my Lutheran, Catholic, Muslim, or atheist friends will call me to complain about this resolution, I find it just as troubling as many of the previous more controversial resolutions. As a Baptist, I tend to use Scripture as a hermeneutical screen for understanding my world and the ethical issues I face. The first text that comes to mind is also known as The Golden Rule found in Matthew 7…

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A Religious History of American Neuroscience

…restless—all busy Marthas, no reflective Marys—James discerned a deep mystical cast to the American psyche and pursued that strain with uncommon intellectual devotion. Yet, when it came to what he labeled “methodical meditation,” James saw little of it left among American Christians and turned instead to homegrown practitioners of various mind-over-matter cures. He particularly accented those New Thought metaphysicians who were pushing forward a d…

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