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America, the Mythical: “Mother of Exiles” or Denier of Safe Haven?

…sly prefigured as a New Israel and a New Babylon, as Eden and Golgotha, as site of Genesis and Revelation. Formulated honestly, our myths can remind us of these contradictions. Just as the first Thanksgiving celebrated a moment of peace between the Wampanoag and their chief Massasoit, we also remember that 45 years later his son Metacomot had his head erected on a pike at Plymouth following the conclusion of King Phillip’s War. The settlers subseq…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…and Bannon, the self-avowed white nationalist who formerly ran right-wing site Breitbart News, are greatly exaggerated, both men said. Asked to address the biggest misconceptions about the tenor inside Trump’s White House, Priebus wasted no time in declaring “everything that you’re reading” is untrue. But, he said, “The truth of the matter is, Donald Trump showed, President Trump, brought together the party and the conservative movement. And I’ve…

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The Religious Origins of Fake News and ‘Alternative Facts’

…n of other sources of information, like Fox News at first, but also now websites like Breitbart, 4chan, Infowars, and others. The goal of “fake news” and “alternative facts” goes beyond providing different data. Their purpose is actually to destroy the notion that there could be impartial news and objective facts. Maria Bustillos calls this endgame “dismediation,” “a form of propaganda that seeks to undermine the medium by which it travels.” It wi…

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To Pray or to Prey: Racism, Religion and Violence in Charleston

…a recent college graduate, grandparents, mothers, friends and clergy. The site of this white terrorist attack intimates a broader attack on the idea of black freedom. Emanuel Church embodies a storied and triumphant history in the American south. Historically, this place of transformative faith invested capital and bodies in the work of black emancipation. We must remember that Denmark Vesey was a founder of Emanuel: there is a legacy of unfounde…

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Does Violence Always Win?: Learning From René Girard (1923-2015)

…im as the passive instrument of its own transformation. Law also marks the site of sacrifice. Other markers typically are suppressed; thus, the only remaining testimony to culture-creating violence is contamination and pollution that seep out of the Law. For over three decades, scholars of religion have drawn on Girard to inform their work. Christian theologians and New Testament scholars have found Girard’s insights on the scapegoat mechanism of…

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God, Guns, and the Confederate Flag

…George Wallace, following his pledge to defy a federal court ruling invalidating Alabama’s ban on same-sex marriage earlier this year. Moore ordered probate court clerks, who issue marriage licenses in Alabama, not to issue them to same-sex couples. The BuzzFeed report includes copies of the Council newsletter, which included a letter from Wallace’s son, George C. Wallace, who had a scheduling conflict but wanted the conference to know he recogni…

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Blame Series Bonus: How Federal Policy Created America’s Fergusons

…symbol of the gateway to the west; that and the surrounding park is on the site of a former large African American community. The slum clearance not only built the Gateway Arch, it built university extensions, highway interchanges to bring the new suburbanites to their jobs in the downtown area, and the clearance programs forced African Americans out of their previous neighborhoods in the central city. In some cases they were given federal voucher…

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Fake Gay Panic News Fools Christians

…jailed for refusing to marry a gay couple. The story came from a fake news site. Not like Jon Stewart fake news. Or even Onion fake news. Actual fake news. “By the way,” Stetzer added, “if you are a pastor you should already know that no one can make you officiate anything. In fact, you can refuse to officiate an interracial marriage. You’d be an idiot and a racist, but you wouldn’t be arrested.” The other “story” Stetzer highlighted claimed “a so…

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Greece Must Suffer for Redemption: A Nietzschean Reading

…another, which motivates us to avoid similar pain in the future. The basic site for the inflicting of pain is what Nietzsche considers the foundational human relationship: that between creditor and debtor. In Nietzsche’s (speculative) history, if a debtor is unable to discharge his debt, his creditor is entitled to extract payment “in the form of a kind of pleasure—the pleasure of being allowed to vent his power freely upon one who is powerless, t…

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How AIDS Changed the Way American Christians Talk About Sex

…ing how theatre in particular has served as a political and even religious site for so many gay men affected by the AIDS crisis. I left this discussion out because, again, it took away from the cohesion of the book as a whole. And with all the recent debates about PrEP (a pill that can be used to prevent HIV transmission) and gay marriage, I felt there were more pressing issues to engage—okay, and I figured maybe the plays were best left to theatr…

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