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The American Media’s Longterm Ambivalence About the Papacy

…s cover. Taken together, the Time and Newsweek Catholic stories of the late 1960s and early 1970s suggest that, after nearly a half-century, the newsweeklies’ tendency to affirm the power of the Church had given way to boldface questioning of its unity, legitimacy, and relationship to civil authority. After the 1960s the newsweeklies cut back on coverage of all religion, and Catholic coverage was no exception. Treatment of the Church fell through…

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Grading Geltanthropy: The Case of Kellogg’s

…edding of a corporation’s pecuniary interest to the public’s philanthropic spirit. Hungry kids: we all know about them. We hate the idea of eight million American children living in extreme poverty. We shudder to think that as many as one in five American kids is not fed adequately and may go to bed hungry. We cringe at the idea that for so many of our youngest, getting a free or reduced-price breakfast or lunch at school is such a nutritional lif…

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A Dismayed Democrat Reads the Bible

…f Paul, like 1 Thessalonians and 1 Corinthians, and near the end of chapter 15 [in 1 Corinthians] he speaks as if this might happen while he is still alive. One big difference is he thought it was very, very soon from his point in time. Also, there is no reference to what Christians in our time refer to as ‘The Rapture,’ the notion that seven years before the second coming of Jesus, true-believing Christians will be taken up into heaven to be spar…

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Papal Retirement: A Matter of Conscience

…y rectified the situation. But it is fascinating to note that many of those 118 cardinals who will elect his successor are not competent enough in the ancient language to understand, “Quapropter bene conscius ponderis huius actus plena libertate declaro me ministerio Episcopi Romae, Successoris Sancti Petri, mihi per manus Cardinalium die 19 aprilis MMV commissum renuntiare ita ut a die 28 februarii MMXIII, hora 20, sedes Romae, sedes Sancti Petri…

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Ray Lewis Isn’t the Only One Bringing Religion to Super Bowl Sunday

…fers. He’ll be pulling for the 49ers, but really, he is one of the “nones.”  This Sunday, I vow I will not keep count of the number of times Ray Lewis preaches prosperity football gospel. (Cue the organ.) I will not cringe when he says, as he will, “no weapon formed shall prosper” (Isaiah 54: 17). Most importantly, and more seriously, I will not cast judgment on his conversion. I will keep the Diet Coke cold. I will keep the queso hot and bubbly….

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How Long Does It Take a Man of God to Admit Child Rape is Wrong?

…enforcement. The LA Times report was based on letters written by Mahony in 1986 and 1987 recently entered as evidence in a civil suit. More documents will be disclosed in the coming weeks. Here at RD, I have argued that it was the feminist movement’s emphasis on bearing witness to sexual abuse that raised consciousness and created critical mass among Catholic laity towards breaking the abuse scandal open.  And it sure doesn’t take a degree in gen…

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Leading UK Evangelical Comes Out for Gay Acceptance

…ce and forgiveness and Christ commits himself through the work of the Holy Spirit to bring transformation to our lives—a life-long process.” Clifford goes on to talk about how Chalke’s concession will harm the testimony of “ex-gays,” like one Baptist minister who rejected his homosexuality. “This pastor is just one of tens of thousands of Christians who have come to the conclusion that sex was designed by God to be expressed within a committed rel…

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Famous Mormon Fictionalizes Life Stories

…ul H. Dunn was a high-ranking leader in the LDS Church during the 1970s and 1980s. He gave public talks, as LDS Church leaders are expected to do, and wrote over fifty books. In a couple of those books, Dunn described how he had played baseball for the St. Louis Cardinals. That he’d pitched to Joe DiMaggio and Ted Williams and rubbed elbows with Stan Musial. He also told stories about his service in World War II. He said that he was one of six sol…

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“Mad to Be Saved”: On the Road as Cautionary Tale

…o yearns for a love that Dean can never fully give him.   With the sensual spirituality (or spiritual paganism, if you like) secularized into mere “kicks,” the moral balance of On the Road lurches to one side. In the book, there’s a productive tension between the evanescent, yet incandescent, mysticism of pure human experience on the one hand, and the deep ethical consequences of human relationship on the other. This is a crucial and recurring rel…

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Why 9/11 Changed Everything Nothing

…nprovoked attack which murdered civilians indiscriminately. As we enter the 150th anniversary of the Civil War’s beginning, Faust writes of the reenactors who obsess over every detail of their uniforms and bullets: They will in these myriad details get history just right. But what will they understand of war?? . . . Will the reenactors tell only an old “battle piece” of courage and glory and how sweet and proper it is to die? Will we in this histo…

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